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    Hi friends. I have had what i thought was a special friend on this site, threaten to kill themselves. WHY? What a hugely selfish act. What an awful thing to put me and others through. My day has been hell. I have neglected my crying baby while i desperately looked on the internet to find a contact number to see if he was still alive.
    Then he decides to chat! My god this is peoples hearts you are playing with!
    Is it a cry for help? OR a cry for attention?
    Either way, if you were going to do it wouldnt you just do it without broadcasting it on a website such as this?
    Well im in tatters, i tried so hard to talk him round, i tried everything i had in me. Now I am empty and have nothing left to give and i still dont know if he is alive or dead.
    Not a great day for someone on the verge of postnatal depression!
    You know what? Im f.cking angry! How dare he do that! Selfish is the only word for it.
    Sorry friends but this I truely had to vent. Alot of you may not agree with what i have said but all i know is i never want to go through that again.
    If you are still alive (you know who you are) THEN GET SOME HELP! PROFESSIONAL HELP!
    And think of others too!
    Well im spent. Sorry to have rambled.


    Pink Angel;1168606 wrote: Well im in tatters, i tried so hard to talk him round, i tried everything i had in me.
    Hiya Pink Angel,

    It's a hard one that's for sure. Just remember and know, that you have done your best, and have stated your views and pleads to this person. Whatever they decide to do from now on is up to them. It is their decision. As long as we have tried, that's really all we can do. If someone has made up their mind to take their life, then that is out of our hands unfortunately, as much as we'd like to change that.

    Take care of yourself.

    G-bloke. x

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



      Pink Angel,, sorry you had to go through this, not knowning if someone is alive or dead!

      Not sure what to say because many times i felt like this (when drinking) and kept it inside me.....I really hope your special friend gets the right help he really needs, i hope he is still alive. Please let us know if he is.
      I think we all have to remember some are more ill then others on this site.. We can not see the person behind the p.c.

      I hope the rest of your day gets better and take good care.x

      Formerly known as Teardrop:l
      sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
      my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !



        catch22;1168694 wrote:

        I think we all have to remember some are more ill then others on this site.. We can not see the person behind the p.c.
        Yep, true.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



          Pinky xxx
          I know who you are talking about. I have sent messages to some of his family members on FB, and to him, to contact me ASAP. Because of the time difference, I am SURE he is asleep now, and will contact me later. I keep you posted? We can just love and care, honey! I also went beserk when I heard about it, but our hands are tied. Like you, I am here if he reaches out! Btw, missing our chats in my morning! Love always, Sol xxx



            I hope your friend does get the help he needs!

            I cannot express how many times I have felt 'suicidal' during my dark drinking days. I think many of us have.

            I don't think he was crying wolf. I honestly think he felt that way in the course of the night of his drinking and probably snapped out of it and went into chat? That is my assumption anyway.

            Alcohol is such an evil thing. Especially when one is being gagged and bound by it. It really messes with the mind and the person affected by it feels completely trapped and sees no way out from time to time.

            I would just forgive the cries and take it for what they are. He probably felt 'suicidal'. Just pray that he gets help and finds his way out of this H#ll.




              So many wild mood swings too with AL-- I know one day I feel strong and great and the next day the sky is falling and I think I am an abject failure. The truth is usually somewhere in between. That does not make it any easier for you though, Pink. I have not threatened to kill myself but there have been times when I have gone into hysterics at my poor husband after waking up so depressed from drinking and I have been so embarassed I have tried to avoid him and the subject the rest of the day. Maybe there is some of that here? Anyway, you were and are a good friend to him and that is all you can be.



                Not to mention. We can feel like taking our lives even without alcohol or other drugs in the equation.

                I hope our friend checks in and is okay.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



                  Guitarista;1168722 wrote: Not to mention. We can feel like taking our lives even without alcohol or other drugs in the equation.

                  I hope our friend checks in and is okay.
                  True dat Mr. G. I am also aware of who this person is and since I live quite close to him, I wonder if I could help from this strategic distance?

                  Sol, pm me some #'s if you think I can help.

                  Pink, look after yourself and your baby.
                  Psalms 119:45

                  ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                  St. Francis of Assisi

                  I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.




                    Pinky, Ed contacted me and he is having a rough time! I hope to get him on Skype soon. Ed, if you read this, know that you are not alone!! xxx



                      Are you going to pm me Sol?
                      Psalms 119:45

                      ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                      St. Francis of Assisi

                      I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.




                        Hunni, first *HUGE HUGS*
                        I know how you are feeling. I had a special friend, well i thought who did this to me ALL the time. When i fell pregnant with my first baby he used to call me up and tell me he was going to kill himself, slit his wrists in the shower, had a knife to his stomach, god, it was awful. he continued this for YEARS. i neglected my kids, my hubby everything. It started me drinking heavily. He's threaten this and like yours, ask for a chat afterwards. he also self harmed his self and said and i quote ' another scar to remember you by'. Well after 3 years of this, he threatened again and i couldn't continue putting up with it. It was draining, i cried all day, i tried to find out whether he'd done it or not.. urggg SO i said fine, i'm calling the police. WELL funny how he was like don't be stupid, ill not do it ect ect. WHAT A SICK PERSON. He has no idea how it plays with peoples minds, how it feels.
                        You need to get out of this friendship before you go through what i went through.
                        I hope your friend gets the help he needs but he can't do this to you.



                          Thanks michelle thats great advice. It is truely draining. Thank you for your kind words xxoo
                          HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY



                            :l sorry Pink Angel that you had to deal with such a disturbing situation. I've unfortunately had horrible thoughts like your friend and it has been really hard on people who love me. They are also the reason I stick around though when I'm so depressed that I can't remember all the wonderful things life has to offer. When someone is hurting in that way I think it is best they talk with a professional who is qualified to handle the situation. It is SO tricky talking someone "off a ledge". You put your heart out there and did your best. That took a lot of courage. I know the saying is trite but it's out of your hands now. I think your feelings of anger are natural. I have two friends who have killed themselves and I was very angry but I wouldn't admit it... so I drank and just felt guilty. I hope your feeling peaceful soon. You deserve it. :l

