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Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Rags;1173762 wrote: Aaaagghh I hate it when that happens. You're not alone Sapphy. I think we've all done that.
What happened at work?I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
myhappyplace;1173755 wrote:
Yes, nice work with the kitty Missy. What will you do when you go on leave, does someone come in to look after all three?
Thanks for the advice on the bulbs - I'll do that this weekend! Oh not, that's right .... I'm on holiday this weekend!!!!
TF - you would love it here, but come when it is Food week!!! We've just had it so you have a year to plan for it!!
Sapphy - that sounds like a tough weekend :lNever give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
tawnyfrog;1173745 wrote: And I just throb stirring up old debates so ... who invented the lamington? .......
Lamington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pavlova (food) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNever give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
sapphire1;1173770 wrote: Arrrggghhh Raggsy girl, I had to play BAD COP for most of Sat/Sun this weekend. I mean real mean horrible tough bastard. Had to kick out two residents. Couldnt be helped, broke too many rules and each others faces!!!!! But geez it doesnt feel good. You just go into autobot mode, dissociative state and do what you have to do. Hopefully it will be a catalyst for positive change with these two. No more enabling anti-social behaviour blah blah blah............hearts of gold and lots of substance, but poor upbringing (More like up-kicking)...but we all have choices. I came from a fusked up violent upbringing and I decided not to keep the cycle going on for generations, so did all 5 siblings. Maybe there is something innate in us that gives us the insight into choice and accountability in spite of our nurture? Who knows, I do know that as a society the abbregation of personal responsibility is almost our norm and it just bodes very badly for our future.
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Miss Behaving;1173720 wrote: Do you have berries already?? I thought you just got your first iris??!! (How are they going?? I had another lot in bloom, but put them into nice paper for mum for her birthday today. Dont think there are any more bulbs to flower. Bridge - what should I do with them now?? There is sill lots of greenery, but should I strip that back??)
If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Thanks to Rags and Bridge for bulb advice. I'll stick on some bulb food in the morning, then leave them while I'm away on holiday and lift them when I get back (they are in pots, so I need the space for something else over the next couple of months!)
Next job after the holiday is to clear away the weeds on the path to the compost that has got away on me over the last sic months!! Blackberry coming back too :upset:Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Hello Lovely Undies
Hi Tawny - chocky pav looked fabulous!! So did the lemon curd - love lemon curd. Hi Happy, JC, Ms B, BBBJ, Reggie, Ronnie, Sunny, Mr G, Techie, Raggsie, Tips, RC, Lilly, KTAB and all others to come. I hope everyone had a truly fabulous Monday (I know people don't generally like Mondays, but I luv em, start of a new week and all that follows on - fantastic)! Had a fabulous afternoon at the BUZZ Cafe at Cullen Bay yesterday, Mr K really enjoyed his special Father's Day lunch. It sounds like everyone is comfy in our drawer - as it should be. The best place to be I think. Well don't have much to report really just thought I would pop in and say Hi to you all, and wish you all a fantastic Tuesday. I love the music everyone has been posting! Take Care, Be Kind to Yourselves and of course Love and Sunshine Always. Kaza xxToday, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Oh Kaza ... what a beautiful joy germ you are! Thank you.
Got talked at by the Energy Watch folk and they found me a better deal for my power costs. AND they offered me a free football. How fusking good is that??????????
Just watch me execute this speccie .....
Horizontalis beckonsius
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
myhappyplace;1173757 wrote: SAPHSTER!!! Doncha hate it when that happens??? Who's home?? Just bought mountainous quantities of LYNX if you want a spray??? Either that or do what I do and tell them not to lift their arms...If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
sapphire1;1173754 wrote: Am piiiiisssseeeedddd offffff!!!! Just composed a lengthy gday to you lovliest of lovlies, and poof.....touched the wrong fusking button and its gone. Buggerit. Anyway home from a rather fraught weekend at work. Head first on the couch with very spoiled dog and revelling in the scent of boy germs in the house again
Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
NO news here. I had a chillaxed day.
Hubs is having a rough go of it with work and surgery talks. We all have our ups and downs.
Glad you all had a good day!
Keep your heads up!
Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Evening all,
Well I have had a really good day today, it went soooo fast it was great AND I have finally joined a gym (much to hubbies amusement) but I will show him especially when I get my sexy figure back again :H I am going to my first body pump class tomorrow night...that should be fun!!!!!
I must admit the photo's have been lovely to look at the birds are lovely
How is everyone doing? have you had a bite of your pavo yet Tawny? You can have my piece (thats if you was offering it around, as I dont like pavo) but I love lemon curd yum yum,
I hope everyone has had a great day today
starting over
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Ready to kill locusts...
You know when you send THAT sparking email to a teacher to discover after that your kid is a bloody little shit....
Not in this instance more a forgetful walking dead only interested in game talk....but...i am now IN MY PLACE....fusk fusk fuskity fusk