Still - I'd like a few moments alone with a shovel and the company CEO's who run the research facility...
No announcement yet.
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Morning Undies!!
Mr B and I counted our blessings this morning! [list type=decimal][*]It is a beautiful day[*]We dont have to spend half the weekend in the car travelling from one place to another and can travel at a more relaxed speed stopping for lots of coffees along the wayThe SPCA cat gets another day here .... she has settled in beautifully and even Betty doesn't seem to mind herI'll probably manage to finish the bit of work that I thought I might have to take away on holiday with me.[/list type=decimal]I think Mr B is close to walking away as well. He has taken it this far because his son has maintained that he wants to live with us through his secondary school years. But this whole situation is not doing him any good at all.
Anyway, enough about me!!
ronnie;1174521 wrote:
Right.......both my legs are killing the day has gone on I am finding it harder to walk......I thought exercise was meant to be good for you!!!!!!
Was hoping to do Zumba tomorrow night but I think I might give that one a miss until next week :H
shit, look at the time!! Must head off!!!
big hugs to all ...... it means a lot to be able to vent here!!!Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Oh dear Missy.........families, who'd have em ?
Two tonne of soil to move today, so I'd best crack on....
Going really well Ronnie....getting so much done, and now that the man flu is almost completely gone, firing on all four. How are you going filling in the evenings? (after gym that is)If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Morning all,
I will check back in tonight as I am running out of time this morning......cant move as fast as I use too due to very sore but I will try very hard to keep them moving I just wish I could wear roller skates so that I dont have to lift my legs so much when I Bridget by the time I get home and have my dinner it is usually around 7pm ish then I have to sort the tribe out and by then I am to knackard so I just calaspe on the
Will catch up with you all tonight as my body needs to recover a bit more before I tackle the gym again hopefully I will get there tommorrow...
Hope you all have a lovely day
starting over
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Morning lovely busy Undies! B & I myself and like Lilly said lovely sunny day in Brisbane. Just going out to get my oompa loompa on and have maintenance on hair....jeez...the things ya gotta do...
have a feeling work situation will not be so relaxed in coming weeks - might have to actually, you know - do something...
Missy - you are just so lovely - thinks will work out, just enjoy that silver lining today...
Saph I am a new woman - thanks for the info - but once I finish these fish oil tablets I am getting the burpless ones...
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
It'd be nice if you'd drop in Mr G.
I'm also wondering about a few other folk....Sheepy was back for a bit to know what's going on.....There's loads actually.....
Come on ....Name and Shame Undies :H
Off to shovel more shit now.If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Hi Undies,
Again catching up.
Beetroot. Made this on Monday. Thought I had rampaging colon cancer the next day! Here’s the recipe. Can’t get ready made Kashmiri curry in the Illawarra. Just so you know.
Lurve beetroot on my hamburger. And runny egg. But not when I spill one or both down my front.
Gotta be Edgell tinned beetroot.
KAZA. Did your mum ever do things like bung a bit of vinegar or sugar in the sauceoan while the beetroot was cooking?
And not the best piccy, but beautiful spider, beautiful web.
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Sapphy darling, are you OK?
Mr Rags broke 2 ribs when he fell off his bike a while ago.
I have my motor cycle up for sale as I am hearing more and more often traffic alerts about ?an accident between a motor cycle and a vehicle on the intersection of??
Stirly my love, how?s tricks?
(Oops should I be saying that? It?s not in Tawns lexicographical interpretations list.)
Have you really, truly rooly never had a hamburger with egg (slightly runny yolk)?
And Wow, you can do multiple post reply thingies!
Happy! I do the aspa grass and cheese thing too!
Tawny's stuff:
? You wear ugh boots outside the house. Guilty
You know that there is a universal place called "woop woop" located in
the middle of matter where you actually are.
Look at my avatar location!!
You know that the barbeque is a political arena; the person holding
the tongs is always the boss and usually a man. And the women make the
salad. I am the BBQ Queen at the Rags house. Mr Rags is the salad man.
You've drank your tea/coffee/milo through a Tim Tam.
Nup. One of the 1,000 things I have to do before I die.
But ,I did invent milo-ised coffee when I worked for Jackson Wain Advertising a zillion years ago.
This great and trusted newspaper hadn?t anything much to say about Rick.
Didn?t know about the daughter, I thought I read they had a baby boy called Pally.
Sarah Burns | Explore | Mail Online
Ruby, Ruby< please make the picky of the lovely yellow flowers bigger.
Missy, don?t you just hate manipulative ex ?s.
Juice diets. Never quite seen their point for me as you extract all the fibre, and then have an equivalent of 10 apples (or whatever) of calories in the juice And you?d never eat 10 apples or oranges in a sitting. Cabbage juice. I remember doing that about 30 years ago. Should?ve eaten the whole cabbage instead. But I suppose you?re getting a big vitamin hit in one go.
And did all you patriotic Undies watch At Home With Julia last night??