Love your post's too Sunny. Don't encourage me! It's such a pleasure to have you around, along with everyone on this thread of course. Happy anniversary for the other day too! How's work?
No announcement yet.
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Love your post's too Sunny. Don't encourage me! It's such a pleasure to have you around, along with everyone on this thread of course. Happy anniversary for the other day too! How's work?
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Work is keeping me busy. I work with a lot of lovely people so it makes the day go better. Plus Christmas is coming so the retail centres will be BUSY as EVA!
Sorry, got busy playing words with friends.
Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Hi folks. I'm in New York heading for airport. I was at the memorial this morning (aka ground Zero) and it was just beautiful. I did go with a fair amount of ambivalence as the drinking urge was overwhelming. Overwhelming. Somehow I drew the courage to meet ALL this pent up emotion head on and am leaving NY a better, and much stronger person for it.
There is a bar in lower Manhattan that I use to frequent. I did walk in. I felt very frightened. Had an almost out-of-body experience...VERY SCARY...and walked out with an unbelievable wave of nausea. I owe this strength to you folks and this site that helped me re-shape my life.
I want to let you know that I left a print out of your avatars at the base of tower two.
Techie xxxOutside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
techie;1176730 wrote: Hi folks. I'm in New York heading for airport. I was at the memorial this morning (aka ground Zero) and it was just beautiful. I did go with a fair amount of ambivalence as the drinking urge was overwhelming. Overwhelming. Somehow I drew the courage to meet ALL this pent up emotion head on and am leaving NY a better, and much stronger person for it.
There is a bar in lower Manhattan that I use to frequent. I did walk in. I felt very frightened. Had an almost out-of-body experience...VERY SCARY...and walked out with an unbelievable wave of nausea. I owe this strength to you folks and this site that helped me re-shape my life.
I want to let you know that I left a print out of your avatars at the base of tower two.
Techie xxx
Wow, that's powerful stuff mate. What an amazing day for you in all sorts of way's. I for one am very touched and humbled that you would consider, let alone actually print out and leave, a momento of us here at the base of tower two. This has given me an even stronger sense of connectedness to humanity all over the world today. Well done on staying on track on the day. As you say, you are stronger and likely wiser for it of course, and life will throw all sorts of emotional and other challenges our way, and it alway's will, but, we have the power to choose and decide how to deal with them. Great stuff Techie. You're a bloody star!
It's just bloody absolutely maaaaagnificent to be sober, and orf that silly merry go round.
Get out there and follow your bliss everyone. Yep, that means you too over there in the cheap seat's ya doodyhead! And stop looking at me.........
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Tech, you've been in my thoughts this week. Good on you, buddy. We all have issues, but yours are trmendous right now. And I'm so proud od you for keeping your focus.
It's been a beautomus fall day here. In my country home, wood smoke is in the air, and though I know winter is coming, it's never that bad here, even though the saying is Southerners can't drive on a wet leaf. I always have a 4x4, and I don't tempt fate. Have spent a week or more with no power, TV, (other than our generator!), and my kids were young. Roads were impassible, and when our lights came on in our house up on the hill, all the neighbors flocked here. So, in front of our wood stove, I fed them vegetable soup, and put down quilts for the night. (and locked my bedroom doors!) Hope they're better prepared for the next biggie.
G, didn't hear back on how to get a CD of your album. Hmmmm????sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Hiya Rubes!
The last one is out of print as they say, though a few songs are up on youtube, but the new CD should be ready by end of year, so i'll let you know, and get one to you. Thanks for asking.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Hiya Rubes!
The last one is out of print, as they say, though a few older songs are up on youtube, but the new CD should be ready by end of year, so i'll let you know and get one to you. Thanks for asking.Hope all's well there my friend.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
techie;1176730 wrote: Hi folks. I'm in New York heading for airport. I was at the memorial this morning (aka ground Zero) and it was just beautiful. I did go with a fair amount of ambivalence as the drinking urge was overwhelming. Overwhelming. Somehow I drew the courage to meet ALL this pent up emotion head on and am leaving NY a better, and much stronger person for it.
There is a bar in lower Manhattan that I use to frequent. I did walk in. I felt very frightened. Had an almost out-of-body experience...VERY SCARY...and walked out with an unbelievable wave of nausea. I owe this strength to you folks and this site that helped me re-shape my life.
I want to let you know that I left a print out of your avatars at the base of tower two.
Techie xxxPsalms 119:45
?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?
St. Francis of Assisi
I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Guitarista;1176804 wrote: Hiya Rubes!
The last one is out of print, as they say, though a few older songs are up on youtube, but the new CD should be ready by end of year, so i'll let you know and get one to you. Thanks for asking.Hope all's well there my friend.
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Morning undies!
Techie I have been thinking about you a lot over the last couple of days, and wondering whether you would go up to NY. It must have been hugely emotional for you and I'm so glad you managed to get through it AF. You are an amazing person, and like G, I'm very humbled at your leaving MWO avatars at the Tower.
The US Rugby team played a game here on the 11th. There was 2 minutes silence before the game started in honor of all those that died that day.
I've been thinking a lot about my reaction to this World Cup. I grew up in a family that was completely obsessed with rugby, and consequently I grew up hating it!! I was very involved in the anti-Springbok tour demonstrations in 1981, and this RWC is being held exactly 20 years afterwards. In amongst all the international stuff that is happening, there is a lot of domestic debate about what happened 20 years ago, with people from both sides coming out and talking about what it was like at the time, and how their views have changed or not changed in the intervening period. It is a debate that is long overdue and I am very happy that it is happening at last!!
There are a few people that can't wait for it all to be over!! But for me (and I don't think I'm the only one) rugby is part of what our country is, for good or ill. I don't go out of my way to watch it, but every now and then, I'll go to a game in Welington because I like the feeling of being there with a few thousand other people. The cup game that we are going to tomorrow I only got tickets for because we arer staying close to the provincial centre where it is being held, and it's tonga, and the tickets were only $30!!
And I love the way that kiwis are responding. In Whangarei, close to where we are staying, they are hosting the Canadian and Japanese teams. (and the Japanese teams is called the Cherry Blossoms - don't you just love it as the name for a rugby team. :H ). All over town there are signs welcoming the canadians and the Japanese. We had a coffee yesterday at a place where all the staff had learned basic greetings and farewells in japanese. There is a word in Maori - Maanakitanga - which means offering hospitality and making people feel at home, and I hope that is what our international guests (the real ones!!) are experiencing.
Anyway, enough unbridled patriotism!
I'm very glad we have got to our destination at last and we are staying here for 6 nights. Both Mr B an I had "business" to take care of on the way up - not work but catching up with a few family members and friends. But now we are here we will just completely chill. The place we stay here was his dad's house for the last 20 years of his life. It is an incredibly beautiful spot - completely untouched by development. It is on an estuary, and the most exciting thing that happens every day is tht the tide comes in and then it goes out again!! Mr B and his siblings kept it on after their dad died as all their kids loved coming here for Summer holidays. But now most of the kids ar all grown up, and they rent it out over summer to meet costs. We come up every year at this time of year to get the place cleaned up for summer and make sure everything is in working order. I always totally relax here - when I wake up in the morning I reach one arm out of bed to pull the curtains and look out onto the estuary. Sometimes the tide is in and I see water. Sometimes the tide is out and I see shore birds scavenging for shell fish. Either way, it is fabulous to wake up to!
I apologize for my missive and for any spelling mistakes - I'm on the I-pad, and the are still a f design faults!! (not least of which that it does not interface well with photo bucket, so I can't post photos from here!)Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Morning all,
Techie - like Mr G I'm also overwhelmed by your very generous gesture. You crossed my mind a lot over this past weekend as you are the only one I "personally know" who was there at that horrendous time. I just cannot imagine.
The anniversary also made me reflect on so many other things. We all know where we were and what we were doing when 9/11 occurred and I can't quite believe how quickly those years have gone by. And how many of them I wasted.
And in no particular order - Raggsy - sorry to hear the black dog is still at your heels. I don't think(?) I suffer from depression per se but I seem to have a dose of the shits at the mo which I'm putting down to weather. It didn't get past 7C yesterday and I've had enough - I need some rays on the old clavicles. The wood fire smoke has lost it's romance.
Sunny - will forward the book once I've finished with it.
Missy - really looking forward to more Piglet stuff and hope you're having a most restorative break.
Kaza - I spent a few very pleasant hours talking to Mrs. Google, trying to find a menu for the restaurant you ate at and got side-tracked and meandered all around Darwin, a city I've not yet visited. For dog's sake - it's only a four hour flight!
Sapphy - hope you're managing to decompress by putting some unsuspecting client in need of serious training through their paces. I don't know how you and Mr.G can do the jobs you do but hell - I'm glad there's people like you out there.
Lilly - how's the recovering going?
Jones - plantage update please.
Waving to our lovely International Guests - it's always nice to see you pop into the drawer.
Everybody - and I'm sorry to those I've missed - have a great day. I will recite Mr. G's mantra "above the grey skies ....."
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Miss Behaving;1176832 wrote: I would say the same.
Let's form a mutual admiration society!
Let's just shake hands and maybe a slight nod of the head.Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos and guests - September and it is spring!
Morning all,
Techie, well done with staying A/F, the day must of been very hard for you.
Well I get my pay review today so fingers crossed mind you I am not that bothered cause if I dont get what I am hoping for then hubbie said to go part time (he can be nice and tonight yet another adventure down the gym but this time I am going to take it a bit easier, I am actually getting my health check with a personal trainer so that will be interesting.
Well back to the morning rush
Hope you all have a lovely day
starting over