Thanks G and Bridge,
I'll do my best

speaking of poetry
I first met this lady when she was in her nineties and that was approximately ten years ago. I have a little book of her poetry and this seemed just right.
Living One Day at a Time
By Anina Brice
When I was a youngster, i knew I?d die young
No, my fortune had never been told
But I could imagine I?d live very long
I could never see me growing old
When anyone asked what I wanted to be
I?d just stand there shaking my head
I?d hunch up my shoulders and mutter ?Search me!?
But I?d think, ?pretty soon, I?ll be dead?
In spite of myself, I continued to thrive
I was healthy and grew very fast
I thought ?I?ll enjoy myself while I?m alive
Cause I?m certain its not gonna last?
The future crept up on me, year after year
My life had no reason or rhyme
Sometimes I?d think in surprise ?I?m still here!?
And I lived on one day at a time
A gentle man courted and made me his wife
We soon had two beautiful kids
I?d never made plans for all this in my life
But I wouldn?t have missed it for quids
I?m still not sure what I?m going to be
I?m not even sure what I am
And I guess there are much bigger fish in the sea
Or much longer eels in the dam
But I?m doing alright in my own little pond
And you?ll probably think this is strange
But if somebody gave me a magic wand
There isn?t a lot I would change
My childhood predictions turned out to be wrong
Like the plans of both mice and men
I still can?t believe that I?ve lived this long
Heck I?ll never see sixty again!!