darlin' H, you are too kind. your check is thus in the mail........
& i will send you some photos over the next few days if its ok.
& yes you still look like kim basinger with dark hair. i shit you not.

oops i should clarify that i'm chatting to stirly here sorry for any confusion.
come to think of it, that's a normal part of my mind currently, so what the heck?
& as i am so currently in the sharing mood, i am of the resolve to stop swearing. as an example. as a gentle reminder to the mind to simply quiet down. to calm my farm.
love to all. more love is yet to come forth, like the carotid artery when accidentally sliced. ah, gotta love medical analogies. we often compare pus to molten cheese.
enough blathering. pork with crackle + roasted baby carrots + mashed spuds with evoo + broccolini + gravy coming right up.
i'll be baaaaack.