Good evening peeps.
Panno - again best wishes for your birthday. Hope your girls help make it a very special one. inkele:
JC - I didn't realize you weren't feeling so well this a.m. Glad to hear you're better and baking. You'll be a big hit at work. Well you would be anyway even if you didn't bring fresh baked goodies.
Hope Tipster is feeling better.
Starty, best of luck with this job. Someone said earlier that if you didn't get one of those two other jobs, then neither of them were meant to be. I agree 100%. I see examples around me all the time of people thinking that a good opportunity was missed and in the end something better comes along.
Hiya to Inchy and Reccie.
This for the Panda....[/video]]Free Man In Paris - Joni Mitchell - YouTube
Unfortunately, it's not live. I loved the one of her yesterday playing that odd instrument and wearing that pink dress. Seeing that video I realized that my one niece has very similar bone structure to Joni Mitchell's.
Don't have much time to post - I'll be in and out a bit and want to try to get to bed a bit earlier tonight.