Awesome Mama Bear! I am over 2 weeks AF! So glad. My mom and dad are on one of those senior citizen trips now and I have not heard a peep from my mom-- I am still on the s--t list with her and doubt I will hear a word. I may have to suck it up and call her as I cannot be as big ajerk as she can-- at lest she can't then add that I never call to the litany of my wrongs! I am awaiting that Dance of Anger book mish suggested-- I hope it helps me. Off to carpool then karate!
No announcement yet.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for september
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for september
Awesome Mama Bear! I am over 2 weeks AF! So glad. My mom and dad are on one of those senior citizen trips now and I have not heard a peep from my mom-- I am still on the s--t list with her and doubt I will hear a word. I may have to suck it up and call her as I cannot be as big ajerk as she can-- at lest she can't then add that I never call to the litany of my wrongs! I am awaiting that Dance of Anger book mish suggested-- I hope it helps me. Off to carpool then karate!
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for september
ATL....I can never do anything right in her eyes....just about the time I think I am used to it...she flings another zinger my way and I am 7 years old again.....but my brother and sister see it too, so I know it's not just me!!
Fennel ...I just a bell shaped suet thingy outside my office window, so come hange here at work with me and about 100,000 other skwerls!I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for september
Huff! Just got home after a long, exhausting day, and Hubs says 'I saw you were on YOUR site when you were supposed to be bringing me lunch'. How much is bail? ATL, will you represent me? This is SURELY grounds for justifiable homicide!
Won't go through my litany of the what I've done, deals I've made, situations I've resolved, dogs I've tended, just know it's been busy.
Fen, Ninny doesn't go on the menu till EVERY one of your relatives are beyond the 410's and my reach. Maybe you should be a turtle in your next life? OH, wait! I've eaten turtle, (and rattlesnake!!)) :eeew:
Glad we just have a few snakes in our stream.........
Crikey! Huge crocodile captured in Philippines - Welcome to Charter.netsigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for september
For Georgie.......
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for september
mama bear;1174315 wrote: NO BOOZE FOR THIS GIRL FOR 7 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM GONNA MAKE IT THIS TIME!!!!
Oh...and I just got national recognition for providing excellent customer on-line survey was done to all my residents and my team got great feedback....I cannot belive it.....I started was awesome!!!Psalms 119:45
?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?
St. Francis of Assisi
I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for september
fennel;1174320 wrote:
R.C., Sun has tons of squirrel feeders in her back yard...and you wouldn't believe how many feathered free-loaders are raiding those things all day long. I'm not stealing food...I really have to work for it. First, I have to chase those winged seed-grubbers out of there...then I actually have to LEAP up or climb up to one of those's a lot of work! A little bit of suet would really help keep my energy up.Psalms 119:45
?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?
St. Francis of Assisi
I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for september
I will represent you Ruby-- no jury could convict! Working on one of my volunteer projects now and about to go bathe sonny boy. Mama-- my sister sees what my mom does but she wants to be the "fave" so much that she takes my moms side-- that never used to happen so it is a new thing. My hubs does not let me get too hysterical and even he thinks she has been out of bounds . I just cannot act that cold and crappy for so long-- even if my conversations are superficial at times I am endeavoring to let her know what is happening with my son (and us in a cursory way). At times she has asked about my medicines, drinking patterns (everyone is an alky acc to my mom) and even my sex life thinking that is okay. It is not okay and that is what lead me to curtail contact. My sister says I will be sorry when she dies-- which to me is just another heaping dose of guilt so it is not going over well!
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for september
hey there one and all .. looks like everyone is doing good ... just a long and busy day here and time to now just kick back .. love and big hugs everyone:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for september
I'm back
Hey guys,
Just checking in. Ruby I love your work! Your hubby probably just loves your great cooking. But you should tell him that you get more flies with honey or in this case more food with sweet talk. ATL- I feel you on the mother topic. I no longer speak to my parents, but in my case it is for the best, they were toxic to me. As far as them dying and feeling guilty I can't miss what I never had as far as I am concerned. I refuse to feel bad about their behavior any more, it is their loss. I just love them from a distance. Made a nice light dinner, ( want to lose weight) hubby wanted ice cream after, so he can't blame me for my big, fat arse, if he keeps wanting me to go to the parlor with him. Feeling a bit better, someone on here ( forgive me for not remembering who) mentioned a book "The Dance of Anger", I just downloaded it on my iPad, so thanks for sharing that. Well I guess I will go read a bit. Goodnight if I don't come back tonight. G
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for september
ATL, both my parents passed away in 2000 and 2001. During the time between Daddy and Momma was my worst drinking period. I DO regret not being there more for them, but I've made peace with myself over it. Unfortunately, my brother used the time to 'weasel' (and that's an insult to weasels!) his way into their estate. What I had done for him, my sister, and parents in the decades before was forgotten, and only what happened in that 5 months seemed to be important, when Momma was sick. And that I was the protector, the interventionist, the one who took the brunt of anyone's anger, forgotten.
Daddy told me in confidence, shortly before he died, what he believed would happen. I assured him it wouldn't. It did. The worst was bringing in a lawyer and changing Momma's will while she was in excruciating pain, in ICU, and on a morphine drip. Changed everything Daddy and she had agreed on. Their estate was so small, but there were so many things with intrinsic value to me. Brother ended up with the bulk of anything with monetary value. When we started going through small things, choosing one after the other from things, I chose the cedar chest (Momma's first real purchase, peice of furniture). He chose her new couch. I was told the diamond ring I'D bought when Daddy gave me money to get her something for Christmas was promised to HIS daughter. On and on and on.........I could fill a page with things, but my point is this - What's important is that you KNOW who you are, and like yourself. You owe your parents respect and care when it comes to their aging. But they owe it to you too, unless they're mentally ill. Beyond that, you do NOT have to explain yourself to them or anyone unless you're hurting yourself or others. Be your BEST self. If that's not good enough for them, it hurts, but you've done only what you learned from them. My children drive me NUTSZ sometimes, but their life is theirs, not mine anymore. Neither is how they raise their children, so all I can do is love them all, give advice if they ask, and protect the children.
Hubs has always said he wouldn't fight with anyone over 'estate' money. For years, I went through all this virtually alone, because my brother seemed to be watching for something I did wrong. He gossips, and accused me of talking about his entire family. Didn't speak to me for almost 2 years. I grieved over it, seemingly alone. But finally I realized what I hadn't; EVERYONE knew about him. No one wanted to cause a problem, but the knowledge was there. He cheated my sister out of a large part of her inheritance, and now she's dependant on him. They exclude me from everything they do.
FINALLY, Hubs and my children, who I had begged to stay out of all this nastiness, decided it was enough. They haven't done anything overt, but he and they know what he is, and has done. I believe it is his guilt that drives him to do these things, not mine. Hubs is my biggest supporter, and he is SO respected by all of them that his words seem to carry so much more importance than mine when there is a complaint. Fair, right?
I'm so sorry to hijack your post, problems. I guess it's just when I started to post it all came out, and it happens over and over, unfortunately, with so many people. I've heard much worse stories than mine, it's just I wanted you all to understand you are not alone, and as Daddy told me decades ago, no one told you life is fair. Be yourself, at your best, and remember someone else's judgement of you is not important. We are our hardest critic, always. That's the main reason my paintings usually end up as gifts, because I just can't believe they're good enough to charge money for. I know, from your posts, you are beautiful, caring, and compassionate. Weight changes. Who we are in our hearts doesn't, and you are good people. Again, sorry for talking about me. Like I said, I could write a book about the insane things that have happened (and continue, as of today!). I just know I have to sleep with what I'VE done today, and what others think,say, is something they have to search their own hearts about.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for september
tlrgs;1174420 wrote: hey there one and all .. looks like everyone is doing good ... just a long and busy day here and time to now just kick back .. love and big hugs everyone
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for september
fennel;1174437 wrote: Hope you're doing well, Rog! Busy is good, right? :l:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for september
well GOOD MORNING ONE AND ALL AND A HAPPY HUMP DAY ... got another busy day out a wearhouse and loading tranmissions part in the trailor and then start cleaning out the tranmission shop and making room for more junk .. fun fun ... well love and big hugs everyone keep hanging in:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..