Fen, I've TOLD you, if you persist in sunbatheing nude on my handrail, all bets are OFF! ROTFLMBO!! That darned squirrel does that regularly, despite being about 6 feet from a Rottie. Now, it TINK catches sight of him, she's out on the screened porch like a flash, and it becomes demolition derby out there, just blurs of fur going round and round. And I'll guarantee the squirrel weighs more than Tink. I completely agree Ninny needs a playmate, but my animal quotient, paired with my available time, is full. I only caught the tail end of that encounter, but GAWD I like to find things that torment Sadie like she has me. She is the dog that actually pulled the new wallpaper off the walls in my bedroom because Hubs left her at home one day. Don't worry, no goats or JRT's were harmed in the making of the video.
T, this is the weekend (actually the sales started today) I told you and Sue about. Coming home today I passed (on the 8 mile stretch from the by-pass to my house) everything from boats and mopeds to chickens and fresh eggs advertised for sale. Tents, trailers, you name it, are up and ready for the next 4 days. Also just heard we may get the first rain in months THIS weekend. Mother Nature has a strange sense of humor.
ATL, I spend a lot of time ignoring my medical needs, trying to avoid having to go in an see a doc. Unfortunately, there are some things that just WON'T be denied. :H You can't imagine how inventive I can be staying away from them! On the up side, I've managed to winnow out the ones I'll never go to again, (loved you sending a bill!) and the ones who've become good friends over the years. If there's not a mutual respect, I'm not paying to be ignored or to be herded along like cattle. As for what's for sale over this weekend, I've seen everything from juried fine art to kettle corn to used brassieres offered for sale during this event. I bought a fabulous solid oak, turn-of-the-century kitchen cabinet one year; a console and coffee table made entirely of twigs another one; antique earrings, neck cooler, a maple sugar mold, scuppernongs, hammock, toys, paintings - you name it. On a good holiday we've had 100,000 people on this normally deserted stretch of road. I've had yard sales, volunteered, spent money for every one of the 35+ years it's been going on. It's epic for the wild turkey and deer in the area. People were out today buying, tomorrow will be worse, and it doesn't officially start till Saturday. Alan Jackson and Doug Stone have performed; I met Jimmy Carter, Dan Quayle, Newt Gingrich and more there. The best is all the food from the country churches and BBQ/smoker connoiseurs. May even find a friend for Ninny, Fen.
Sunny, there's a difference between maintaining perfection and being petrified past damage from anything but a lighted match.

Have been in contact with Greatful, and she's managing in a bad situation, but I know she appreciates all the concern for her. Let's just give her some time to handle it her way. Good communicating with you, Biz. As I said, ya'll have shown remarkable strength, for a long time. MB, glad you're home. Travel is fun, but home's supposed to be our comfort zone, right?
Has anyone talked to RC? Not like her to be quiet so long.
Sorry if I missed you in this. It's 2:30 in the morning, and my mouth is mad at me, so having trouble sleeping. But have no appointments involving national security or my health tomorrow, so I can set my schedule. It's a new day, who knows what wonderful adventures I may have! Hey, Sunny, I got in the first post of the new month (it's an inside joke only I understand). :H ROTFLMBOCICGU (rolling on the floor laughing my butt off cause I can't get up)