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Back to life...

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    Back to life...

    Back to reality.

    I can't remember when I first joined MWO. My battle with alcohol has been a long and hard one. Sober, drunk, sober, drunker, sober, drunkest! I have been out of rehab (again) for a month. Things are going well, they always do in the beginning-what I call the pink cloud/honeymoon period. When you are so sure that you won't go back and then, whoosh!!! Time goes by and before you know it you're back down that road. Well, that was the last time.

    Now, I have been AF for almost a month. This time, my partner joined the ranks of the sober and went to rehab too (for the first time). I came out and the next week she went in. she drank a lot the night before (which is what we do) and I drank too but had decided to do so, didn't enjoy it much though. On the 11th it'll be a month for both of us.

    It's been tough, it never gets easier. I am happy with my decision but still struggle with some of the emotions that go with losing your best/worst friend.

    So, anyone who remembers me, would be great to chat.

    Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
    Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-

    Back to life...

    Hi Deilight,
    I don't know you, but I'd like to!
    I can totally relate to the feelings of losing your "friend", it suddenly leaves a huge gaping hole in your life. The trick is to fill in that hole...what do you like to do? You are fortunate in the fact that you have a partner who is along for the ride. I am doing this journey alone, which sometimes gets lonely. Never quit quitting though. Take each minute, second, as it comes. And it DOES get easier, please believe that.
    Stick around...this is a great place with wonderful people.
    I look forward to getting to know you better!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

