When I did my first post here at MOW (6-5-09)I realized that I had a problem (although not as big as some of you here) and I have tried to quit by myself before and failed. I was told of this site from Quitnet and figured that I would give it a try. I knew I was becoming an alcoholic and wanted to quit. I quit and relapsed over and over and you all have stuck by me and encouraged me to keep trying. When I was tired of failing, I decided to mod for awhile then try again and you all helped me there to. When I saw myself slowly failing in my modding, I decided to quit for good. With the new stuff that I have learned over the years and I was finally able to achieve the quit that I have always wanted (with help from both God and you all).
Now I am 16 weeks sober. I look back 16 weeks ago, and I had a hangover and a cold. I was so sick, but this would be my final hangover, and I would and will fight to make sure that I never ever get a hangover again. I was out celebrating my soon to be 16 weeks with some sober time karaoke and I saw people drunk and really drunk and I kept telling myself "I sure don't miss getting or being drunk" I knew they are having a hangover as I type this, but thanks to me being sober, I am hangover free. I am never going to be drunk again (especially really drunk but by being sober I avoid both types of drunk). Now to go to lunch with a friend and do it with a clear hangover free head, and no worry of puking up my lunch.