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Food for thought

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    Food for thought

    I had no idea staying sober could be so expensive.
    Went out to dinner last night with 3 friends
    Offered to drive to ensure I would not be tempted.
    They drank 3 bottles of Red wine between them & a good few beers.
    I had 2 bottles of water.
    When the billl came the booze alone had cost more than 55 euros.
    3.00 Euros for the water.
    YET - we split the bill 4 ways.
    Not one of them suggested I should pay less.

    Even more interesting - the discussion at dinner was a lot about how awful it must be for me to have "my little problem" whilst they were all drinking themselves to oblivion.

    Day 3 for me today - feeling so good and inspired by everyone here.
    Hope you all make it through the holidays happy and sober.
    Best wishes

    Food for thought

    You hate to sound cheap, but one of the fringe benefits of not drinking is the money you save on not buying the booze. Changeling, are you a male or female? Women are usually a little more outspoken about that stuff, but I usually keep my mouth shut and fume about it later.

    Good thing your friends are so worried about "your little problem" and not their own. Be proud of yourself - we are:thumbs:


      Food for thought

      Hate to sound cheap

      Thanks Barb
      I'm female and would usually have spoken out.

      However, what happened was ....
      every time they ordered another bottle I was getting so wound up about the billl that I completely stopped thinking about my NOT DRINKING.

      It was worth it - next time i'll kick ass.


        Food for thought

        Nice 'supportive' line...your little problem?????
        I agree with Barb....often people are only too happy to pick out other supposed faults to draw attention away from their own (Ishould know that, I've done it often enough)....You are now Saint Changeling in my book...Mother Theresa would have been proud of you and your positive attitude that night....

        Way to go C.........xoxo


          Food for thought

          I think you should have let them catch a cab! See how well they figured out their little problem"... how to get their ignoramous b*tts home!:H

          You're much more patient & kind than I...
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Food for thought


            Are you sure these people are your FRIENDS!!! All of my friends take my problem very seriosley and are great support to me, look out for me, well done for driving

            Keep Kicking Whitestar


              Food for thought

              i have been in your situation more than once changeling and it is aggrevating.

              You kept your cool so much better than i would have. I probably would have asked for separate checks..that is how cheap i am.

              I agree with melon...St.Changeling.
              A job well done


                Food for thought

                I can't believe that - making you pay for the wine and metioning your "little problem" - with friends like those....

                Well, I think you are too sainted

                I think I would have done something wicked like pretending i'd left my money at home!

                Your patience astounds me - and wayto go for not getting upset and going home to get plastered - you are a champion for that alone.

                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                  Food for thought

                  Good on you, Changeling! I agree with the others, maybe your friends should have put on a cab. Anyway, it drives the point home on how selective one has to be in adminitting drinking to anyone. For me, only my parents (who are part of the problem due to genes) and my two best friends know about my struggle.

                  It's unfortunate that alcoholism has this stigma tied to it and is not treated as what it really is ... a sickness.
                  Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                    Food for thought

                    Good work, Changeling; I, too, think sainthood is in order. IF there is a next time, I would suggest separate checks right up front....IF you want to subject yourself to that again! You behaved beautifully, and I hope that you are proud of yourself. I sure am proud of you!!



                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      Food for thought

                      Thanks for feedback

                      Wow - thanks everyone for your comments.
                      I really am not the push over (or saint) I might appear from this thread.
                      These ladies were not "good" friends -more contacts through a sport I enjoy.
                      Furthermore, I don't have any intention of repeating this dinner engagement again.

                      Spent hours reading the threads today - more 'real' people here than in my 'real' life
                      keep it up everyone.
                      lots of love

