So, got two legal battles that are totally going to hell-in-a-handbasket.
The first revolves around my ex-employer who fired me (and broke a written contract). Unemployment says not only did they "win", but I have to thousands of dollars back to unemployment/them (not sure which entity, exactly). But that is old news; I've posted something about that here before.
The second is regarding an employer who 'hired' me, told me to get software in order to work for them, and then blew me off.
I know, I know, don't air your dirty laundry on the internet. A wise adage, one that I wish I would have heeded. I posted on a forum of writers and publishers, if anyone knew of this employer (good or bad), because I was having problems with them (having purchased the software and a new computer to boot, then they *blinked* out of existence, meaning that they never contacted me again after I purchased what they asked me to).
Well, someone on that forum 'narc-ed' to the employer. He e-mailed me saying that if I took him to court, he would take me to court back for "libel". He accused me of "whining" on this forum about his business, and basically told me to back down or else.
Geez, what the 'f' did I do, to try to do the right thing between my ex-employer and (promised) new employer? I don't lie, cheat or steal. I love critters. My Karma should be pretty good right now, but everything I try to do to stick up for myself, my rights, my ethics, just seems to come back tenfold with really bad stuff.
I don't expect anyone to offer answers here...I'm just really in shock on how my past 6 months have turned out. All the things I try to do to help myself seems for naught, and I'm a person who seldom does things to help myself because a) I have a self-defeating thing going on mentally (always have, and trying to work on it by being ASSERTIVE) and b) every time I TRY to stand up for myself, I get kicked in the teeth.
Sorry for ranting guys, but it's getting pretty close financially for my husband and I to be out on the street (we have about 60 days until it's official) and I'm getting so close to putting a gun in my mouth.
How the hell did it come to this? Sorry again?just feeling bewildered and sorry for myself. I don't know the answers. I wish I did.