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strange septembers?

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    strange septembers?

    Hi Guys, I haven't been here for a long time, but need to seriously get myself sorted, I haven't been doing good. Back up to 2-3 bottles of wine a night, think my body is saying enough. strangely, the last time I was here was September 8th 2010, I bought the hypno cds, downloaded the book and stocked up on all sorts of vits, managed to moderate for a month or so, but then gradually slipped back in to bad habits. I wonder why its around September time I look for help? Coincidence maybe? Anyway, I had NO wine last night, just a double vodka cranberry, still feel like crap this morning, but I am positive. Have a good day all x

    strange septembers?

    Hello Dorsetdude; I'm with you on the September thing. I think the Summer is especially full of temptations and overindulging - for me anyway. I also done pretty good last year; clocked up almost 3 months, but gradually, especially the last 3 months, slipped back 2 the 2 bottles of wine a night. I am on Day 5 now and really want it so hopefully THIS TIME I'm going to get it right. Hope you do too.
    September is a fresh-start month. Good luck!
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      strange septembers?

      Hi Daisy, congrats on your 5 days AF, keep going, you can do it. I have just ordered a new load of supplements, not sure if they worked last time or if they will work this time, but I am determined to give it my best.


        strange septembers?

        Ah, September.
        This time last year I was just getting started on baclofen, and experiencing something I'd not seen for twenty years - entire weeks drifting past without a single hangover or yearning for booze. A fantastic feeling. The last beer in the fridge couldn't believe his luck; he had a life expectancy of 45 minutes but I think he's still there behind some dodgy yoghurt.

        Anyway, I hardly ever say anything on this forum cos all I ever do is repeat myself: if you're getting slaughtered in this so called fight with alcoholism, bring in the big guns. Baclofen seems to be the biggest of them all. I can't recommend it enough. Even if the cure rate is 50% or 25 % or even 10% it's still a lot more effective than will-power and hoping things will somehow get better. (If one had willpower, one wouldn't become an alcoholic in the first place! And, as we all know, nothing gets better from drinking, nothing.)

        So, if the CDs didn't help (for fuck's sake, CDs?! Seriously?) get over to the meds section of this forum and check out baclofen.


          strange septembers?

          Dorsetdude, I have exactly the same plan of action as you, CDs, vitamins etc. Exercise is a major part of my plan also.
          Seethepony, what works for one person may not be the same for another; I believe everything is worth a try. Baclofen does sound like the miracle cure though. I have read a lot of success stories; when I researched ways of getting it, there seems to be a problem with getting it into Ireland and the UK. I dont know if you know anything about this but this is why I have to try my best with what I've got. I have a funny feeling it is the same for Dorsetdude.
          Any information regarding this would be appreciated. I know some people go to their GPs but that something I would rather not do.
          Seethepony, how are things with you now? Are you AF or moderating?
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            strange septembers?

            Hi Daisy,

            I'm actually off the baclofen - I kind of forgot to take it in June and didn't get a sudden urge to drink myself senseless. I took it from August 2010-June 2011, mostly AF that time (drunk pretty much every night before then, ever since the mid 1990s...).

            There was one night in June when I had a paltry 5 beers (and a disproportionately grim hangover)... other than that I have been completely AF since Easter.

            Baclofen hangovers are so devastating - like a normal nasty hangover multiplied by 10 - that, like Pavlov's dog, one quickly learns not to even try mixing booze and baclofen. But more than fear, baclofen instills indifference, which is what makes it so miraculous and effective.

            Of course, baclofen shouldn't be taken light heartedly. Doctors are very weird about it and won't prescribe it. It's all an experiment and people can have horrible experiences with it. But I had the feeling I was knockin' on heaven's door. I was just killing myself with booze. Do I want to die in the next few years, leaving my baby daughter without a daddy? God no! So how to stop this nonsense? How do I stop this idiotic cycle...?
            So I was truly desperate when I started taking baclofen and when it started working for me I saw that as an incredible gift, not to be squandered.

            I was exceptionally fortunate to react so well to relatively small doses of baclofen. Just because I had a "miracle cure" doesn't mean everyone will. But if you are an alcoholic and serious about stopping, you should give it a go. Don't bother trying to find a doctor to prescribe it - you're more likely to find a hamster than talks Swahili. Just order it online. I am aware of several Englanders ordering baclofen online - MurphyX springs to mind - so I don't think location is ever much of a problem (Canada is tough, though, for some reason.)

            Good luck everyone!


              strange septembers?

              Thanks Seethepony; glad to hear you are doing so well. Will look into it again........
              Wish you all the best!!!!!:l
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                strange septembers?

                Hi Seethepony, i got to do what i feel will work for me, and if that means cd's then so be it ( they were bought through this site, so i thought why not). Sometimes us Alcoholics will reach out to alot of things if we think it might help, even if it seems the most silly of things.

                Daisy, yes you are right, I have the same plan as you. I have tried to quit many times before and have failed miserably, the reason being, I was NOT ready to quit, so who was i fooling? I'm not even 100% sure that this is going to be the time I quit, but i got to try and give it my best, and every day i drink less, then that is a step in the right direction to sobriety. stay in contact guys x


                  strange septembers?

                  Hi dorse, just wanted to say hi and give you some encouragement. I quit drinking on March 17th after 10 years of daily drinking ( at least a pint of 100 proof AL everynight and more on the weekends). I thought I would never be able to finally quit. For the past 4 years I tried AA, counseling, books, Naltrexone and pleading with God to let me find a way. Something finally clicked in March and I was mentally ready to be done for good. The biggest challenge once you quit will be to fight the urges to just have "one" - for me I knew I could never just have one and I told myself " drinking was not an option" and stuck with-it. Yes my inner child had hissy- fits sometimes, but it got easier and easier.

                  I am now almost 6 months sober and life is great. The urges still come but I have learned to let them go, and they get less and less everytime I get them.

                  Honestly, you can do this by any means you choose to. The hardest part is the mental work. I think the CD's will be a huge success in helping with the mental retraining. And of course stick around and read and post lots!

                  Good luck..I know you can do this!
                  AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                  Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                    strange septembers?

                    Personally, when I found the CD's from here and elsewhere, I was amazed at the change in myself. If it works, it works. I couldn't take Bac, but Topomax was a miracle for me.
                    As far as September, it's a transitional month, everywhere. Where I live, in the South USA, the cool weather, changing light, so many things, make me very thoughtful, pensive. Maybe it makes me look at my life's path. Wishing you the best however you find help.
                    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                      strange septembers?

                      Thanks Red and Ruby, you feedback is encouraging and helpful to me, have a great day!


                        strange septembers?

                        dorset dude hi and welcome to mwo,There are a few ways out of this mess with no single one better than any other,There are many people here who have used the cds and the mwo way and succeeded and there are many others like me who hit rock bottom and stopped and having will power certainly helped, What is your goal absence or moderating or controlled drinking ? in any case a 30 days dry spell should clear your mind and body and then maybe you can decide,There is a tool box thread here which is a must read,hope you keep posting good luck.

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          strange septembers?

                          Congrats on your decision to come back and give it another go! Good question about September as that is when I would give it a go too. I did finally make it stick last go round and have been AF for a year now. I couldn't mod and when I finally accepted that I was able to quit for good. I only went to a few AA meetings but heard one of their sayings "one is too many and one hundred isn't enough" and that really resonated with me. I just knew I could never safely drink again and made my peace with it. I talked with my doctor who precribed a low dose of topamax and that seemed to help. I didn't try to fix any other issues in my life (diet etc) I just didn't drink.
                          Hang in there DD! You're already listening to your body. For me that was the first step.
                          Pond. AF 9/3/10

                          ~Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you~


                            strange septembers?

                            Hi dorsetdude!

                            Just want to jump in & say the MWO Hypno CDs worked miracles for me & I hope they do for you as well
                            Changing your thinking about AL & learning to relax without it by using the CDs as recommended is effective & safe. Using Rx drugs may or may not be effective & dealing with side effects can be nasty.
                            Work up a strong commitment, use the Tool Box ideas to make yourself a good plan & you are on your way

                            Wishing you the best!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              strange septembers?

                              Hi Mario, I would love to quit but something deep inside still says NO. I have drastically reduced my intake this week from 2-3 bottles of wine a night to a couple of vodka/cranberry's. I feel that is a step forward and am working to reduce further and aim to have a dry spell.

                              I like the quote Ponderosa, it definitively sums it up, I just don't know when to stop, until I pass out asleep! Congrats on your year AF.

                              Hi Lav, thanks for your encouragement, I feel positive today, better than yesterday, I will have a look at the tool box and get a definite plan.

                              Thanks everyone, have a good day x

