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I wanna be addicted!

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    I wanna be addicted! EXERCISE!

    (HA! THAT got you to click on this post, didn't it?)

    So for those of you who have been AF -and- have found exercise to be part of the life-changing experience, how did you start? How did you continue this new, positive addiction?

    As for me, I am not a "gym" kinda gal. Walking might be my first goal. I have a bike (haven't used it this year), and being from the north, I do have X/C skis. I don't like team sports (too much competition) and swimming is always cool, but in order to join the "Y" up here is WAY too expen$ive for this unemployed girl. (We're going backwards by about 1K each month...AAARGH!)

    I know, logically, all about the positives of exercise and what it can do for one's biochemistry, mind-set, etc. I'm still stuck in the 'slug' stage, though...feeling so bad about what I look like, not wanting sex (like who would want to have sex with ME?) ((even if my husband does, and I give in, but still think the whole way through that I'm undesirable))

    Anyway, just throwing the question out there.

    What say you?
    "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

    —William A. Ward

    I wanna be addicted!

    About 10 years ago, I got involved with Billy Blanks and "Team Tae Bo". I spent a couple of weeks in Burbank, CA at NBC Studios filming workout videos with Billy, and I was in fantastic shape.

    Fast forward to 2008... when my life fell apart and pretty much turned to crap. Anyway, I kinda gave up on life for a while - I'm talkin' 3 years or so - where I drank a 12 pack of beer everyday and put on 60 pounds.

    Finally, this August, I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself, and I just stopped. Everything.
    No more alcohol, no more lousy fast food, and no more sitting on my ass doing nothing. I have been working out every day since August 15th ( so just one month now), and YES, it has become my new addiction and obsession! I already feel 10,000% better, I sleep at night, I act responsibly, and I have lost 8 pounds so far. I am so determined to get back in the shape I was in 10 years ago, and back to that weight also, there is no way I will let alcohol interfere with me. (I am doing Billy's PT 24/7 workouts, 6 days a week.)

    Being an addictive personality, I might as well be addicted to something healthy instead of something deadly, huh? I am now 40 days AF, by the way.
    When push comes to shove, you taste what you're made of.
    You might bend till you break, 'cuz it's all you can take.
    On your knees, you look up, decide you've had enough.

    You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off...

    Then You Stand.


      I wanna be addicted!

      Whoo hoo! Thanks for the inspiration, BeanoC!!!! :thanks:
      "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

      —William A. Ward


        I wanna be addicted!

        Nichau, just do it!! It only takes an hour out of your day. Everyone can afford that. The more you exercise and the better you feel, you'll get to the stage where you don't feel right if you don't fit it in. I promise you.
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          I wanna be addicted!

          Nichau--The thing you said about being a slug and the sex-- that has been a huge deal for me with my husband. When he wants to I am suspicious like-- you must like ANYTHING-- I look gross. More exercise woudl help with that I am sure-- let's commit to a good walk for an hour as many days as you can at first and then see where we go-- I would love to do that Tae Bo-- but I would likely die within the first 5 minutes!


            I wanna be addicted!

            Exercise and Antabuse have saved me. I began working out in April, steadily increasing what I can do. I have been going to the gym at 4:45am (amazing what you can do without a hangover) for the last 3 months: cardio, strength training and swimming. I recently started doing the 30 Day Shred, by Jillian Michaels (the trainer from The Biggest Loser). At the beginning of my exercising, I swore I was gonna die!! But low and behold, here I am, 6 months later....and I'm training for a Triathlon next year!! You can do anything you set your mind to...whether it's giving up alcohol or getting in shape. No, it's not easy, but nothing good ever get going!! You'll be glad you did!!! :h
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              I wanna be addicted!

              Just lace up the shoes and open the door. Put one foot in front of the other. Start with a walk every day, even if it is only for 10 or 15 minutes to start. You will love the fresh air and it is great when you start walking a bit faster and the endorphins kick in. Even better, walk with a friend.
              I started with walking about 10 years ago and now I run half marathons and climb mountains. It keeps me sane. Still fighting the AL demon but I know I would be much much worse without the exercise. Good luck!!!!
              Don't worry, be happy!


                I wanna be addicted!

                Hi Nichau,

                Walking is a great start. I used to give myself a goal to walk to (like walking to a supermarket two miles away, walking to work, walking to the gym etc). Walking is also very good at helping depression. I posted a thread on it a while ago:
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  I wanna be addicted!

                  Thanks, all. Very good advice that I will take to heart. One foot in front of the other...I'll let you know if/how I did tomorrow morning, yet another Day One for me. You guys are the best!!!


                  "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

                  —William A. Ward

