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My Christmas Gift...

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    My Christmas Gift...

    I'm a teacher, and as part of our school's Christmas celebrations, the administrative staff had hung up a number of Christmas stockings in a student area, each them with a teachers name on it.

    The idea was that students could show their respect by putting small gifts into their teachers stocking over the Christmas period..a cute idea, but...

    As of today, one teacher had received a note saying 'I hate you', another had received a note saying 'will you marry me?', another had received some essays for marking, and as for me....

    MY STUDENTS GAVE ME A CAN OF BEER! That's right, my Christmas stocking contained a single can of beer.

    If I had been hung over I think it would have hit me like a bullet (All those times coming into classes hung-over!!!) But as it was, we all had a good laugh and the other teachers joked that my students knew me well and that it was an appropriate gift. I don't think my students meant anything by it, as the particular students who gave me the gift are a group of amiable 14 year old boys who don't take their studies very seriously. It was certainly a funny experience though, especially at a time when I'm really trying to make a change! :H


    My Christmas Gift...

    Andrew -

    LOL! I'm glad you have aa sense of humor about it! I used to always put a can of beer in my Dad's Easter basket.....


      My Christmas Gift...

      That made me laugh..........
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        My Christmas Gift...

        Better than 'I hate you'!........!!! They always say it's the thought that counts...and that gift sure came from the right place......Your post made me laugh, ....
        good to hear that you're keeping going with the AF...did you get the online ordering sorted out????
        Happy hols (do many people celebrate in Indonesia? I believe a majority of the population is Hindu...)


          My Christmas Gift...

          Kids are great...But i couldnt eat a full one!

          Glad you took it in the right spirit Andrew...They must think a lot of you to take the time to get a grown up to buy the beer..

          (I hate you)...poor teacher ....He must have upset someone:H
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


            My Christmas Gift...

            Majority of the population here in Indo is Muslim (90%) so in theory they aren't allowed to theory..but the weird thing is beer and cheap local wine is available EVERYWHERE, in every little corner store and on the streets. Being a 3rd world country, there is no restriction on anything, I'm sure a 5 year old could walk into the store and grab a 6 pack and some smokes (heck, I walked into the chemist and bought Topamax over the counter) Bali, which is the most famous tourist destination here, is majority Hindu though. Got the online ordering sorted, thx Melon!


              My Christmas Gift...

              Kids - bless them

              A friend of mine is a teacher who invited a police man to come and talk to a class of 5/6 year olds about safety/ strangers etc etc .
              When the Policeman entered the classroom he waved a set of handcuffs at the class and asked if anyone wanted to put them on.
              A little boy put his hand up and said "my mums got some of those fixed to her bed" ........
              gold bless him...


                My Christmas Gift...

                That's a great story. My son teaches English in Japan, and he's trying to get topamax. He's going to HOng Kong, and is going to see a dr. there, but I guess all he needs to do is go to Jakarta, and he can get all he wants. Cool!


                  My Christmas Gift...

                  Glad you got the meds sorted, Nice to know it's all on tap!!!!...Yeah, I went to bali last year with the family that I work with (they have a son with C.P) and I had great probs wheeling him around without running over an offering to Rama.....Not the sort of thing that Vishnu and the gang take kindly to I imagine..Keep going Mister!!!!! xoxo


                    My Christmas Gift...

                    just a thot
                    make sure he can clear customs with it on his return to Japan

