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Happy Holidays!

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    Happy Holidays!

    Happy Holidays and a sincere wish for a fabulous New Year!

    I?ll be leaving in a few days to spend a couple of sunny weeks with my wonderful family.

    This past year seems to have blasted by at breakneck speed and I can hardly believe it?s almost over. I?m also astonished by how quickly our community continues to grow. Some days I read the web stats and am simply amazed at the number of new and returning visitors to this site.

    But it shouldn?t come as any surprise, I suppose, given the incredible level of support offered so loyally to brave souls first posting and others in need of a friend. I?ve laughed and cried with all of you--it?s really become the most remarkable place, this ?board? of ours.

    Thank you all for believing in MWO. For believing in yourselves. And for believing it?s okay to allow each other to find your own path as you get yourself healthy.

    Me?I?m just hoping I was good enough that Santa will put an avatar in my stocking this year. :-)


    p.s.: PLEASE NOTE that as of 12/25, any PMs to me will be temporarily forwarded to my technical support staff. Feel free to email immediately regarding *any* issue related to spam, improper member activity, technical problems, etc.
    Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!

    Happy Holidays!

    RJ, Thank you for creating this wonderful place that has been such a source of laughter and inspiration and strength for me these last few months. You have the most wonderful of holidays!!

    And I believe after the New Year we should hold an avatar contest for RJ. I can only imagine what some of these creative folks would come up with.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Happy Holidays!

      Thanks RJ....And ditto Fan...more thanks for this WONDERFUL site....thank you from the bottom of my heart, or the heart of my a bit of a whirl at the moment!!!!
      Have a great holiday!!!! The Melon xoxo


        Happy Holidays!

        Happy Holidays to you RJ and thank you for your work, research, and this sight. This program and these boards have been a God send for me and the support has made me a stronger person.
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Happy Holidays!

          RJ...I dont know where to start...

          First off....THANKYOU....

          You must have an idea, but i dont know if you understand what you have done for us...At the very least you have given us hope...And at the top end of the scale, you have saved lives..

          God you must sleep well at night

          Anyway....I hope you have a great break...It is well deserved..

          Happy Chrismas

          Your friend....Macks:l
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


            Happy Holidays!


            All the best to you too, i hope you have a wonderful christmas and new year,,,you certainly deserve it and thank you once again for taking the time out to mail me when i went i said, its nice to know that you care

            all my love

            Lou Lou x x x x
            "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


              Happy Holidays!


              Merry Christmas and best wishes for a great 2007! As all the others have expressed, "Thank you". What we have here is special and we appreciate it.

              Enjoy your well deserved R&R

              Hugs :l

              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                Happy Holidays!

                Have a Very Merry, RJ!

                Hey RJ!

                Of course, I echo everyone in their heartfelt sentiments, and I wanted to add, oh, I don't know what...that you are just the best??? Words can sometimes escape me at verbal public displays of affection and affirmation, but I think you know how I feel. You have worn so many hats here, from mother, to troop leader, cheerleader, encyclopedia, mediator, role model, hostess with the mostest--I think the only thing you haven't done is chauffeur, and I know you do that in your private life!

                Enjoy your days in the sun, love. I hope you get all the family time (hopefully without teen conflict!:wow: ) that you need, and some much needed rest and relaxation!

                Much love, RJ!!


                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Happy Holidays!

                  Hi RJ

                  As the others said, can't thank you enough for starting this, since finding this place my life has improved so much, and i've found some fabulous new friends who actually understand what i'm going through and never ever lecture me.

                  Have a lovely christmas, you deserve it.

                  Love & Hugs, Paula :l :h :l


                    Happy Holidays!

                    Thank you, RJ. Have a wonderful break.

                    You have given me clarity and moments of complete tranquility. Ultimate peace and happiness will follow because I am embraced by friends who make my heart sing.

                    May 2007 be OUR year.


                      Happy Holidays!

                      R J, I wholeheartedly agree with all that has been said, and would like to add my thanks for this magical place which allows me to express myself and be myself without censure....Have a great Christmas....Hurry back.

                      Love Louise xxxx

                      P S...If you want an avator, well, after Christmas, I could rent out my Bad Ass Cat ...HELP....MEOW.."^%&*%$((__&^%%$$%$^% MEOW. OK cat, for Gods sake, it was only a joke.
                      A F F L..
                      Alcohol Free For Life


                        Happy Holidays!

                        Dear Roberta,
                        And a very happy, relaxing and peaceful Christmas to you and your family.
                        I think Mackeral has expressed even better what I wan to say, so I'll let his words speak for me.
                        I thank you so much for starting this site. This site is going to help save me.
                        Thank you once again for all you have done to help so many people.


                          Happy Holidays!

                          Very Merry Christmas RJ!!:heart: :wd:

                          Enjoy all you encounter & many a happy trail...Are ya sure you don't need a tour guide?:H

                          Looking forward to another wonderful year ahead, many thanks to YOU!
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Happy Holidays!

                            Thank you RJ for coming up with this idea and for making it happen. You are having such a powerful impact on so many lives.
                            Happy Holiday to you!
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              Happy Holidays!

                              Merry Christmas RJ and thank you so much for everything. May God bless you.

