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Wonderful book

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    Wonderful book

    Hi All,

    I will post this under What We're Reading as well, but I just read an amazing new memoir called "Unwasted: My Lush Sobriety" by Sacha Scolbic. I just happened to see it in my local Barnes & Noble. Couldn't put it down-it chronicles the author's journey to a happy, sober life but describes so well the difficulties most of us face along the way. she describes going out for "one drink" one evening, and how she ends of returning home at 7:30 the next's very funny but also wrenching. It is so beautifully written, very much in the style of "Drinking: A Love Story."

    As I read it, I thought a lot about Doggy Girl and Lav, and others of you who have made sobriety your long term lifestyle of choice. I would recommend this highly and plan to reread it myself.


    Wonderful book

    Thanks—that sounds awesome...I'll check it out! (Wondering if they have it on an MP3 audio book? Will check that out, too.)
    "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

    —William A. Ward


      Wonderful book

      I loved Caroline Knapp's "Drinking: A Love Story." I'll look for this at the library. Thanks for the tip.


        Wonderful book

        I downloaded it on my kindle this afternoon-- so far an excellent read. Thanks for the rec!


          Wonderful book

          Glad you found it! It's brand new this year so I'm glad you could get it on your Kindle.


