- i refuse to go on facebook or email or call or talk to anyone on the phone in the evenings.. for fear i will do or say something stupid
-waking up at 330 every night in a panic wondering what i did and if there is any wine left from the night before.. only to discover there is none, i drank it all..
-wondering when the liquor store opens so i can refresh my daily supply
-being constantly broke... I spend the kids money, I even emptied my little guys piggy bank so i could buy booze. how nice is that... and i have stolen money out of their wallet and hid it so they think the wallet is "lost"
- i am an insensitive bitch when i'm drunk or hungover (which is always)
- i fall down allot now. never used to .. had a bump on my head that lasted 2 weeks...
- the house is a mess because when i drink i dont' care..
- kids go for days without a bath
- waking up and cannot rememeber how or when I got to bed
- looking in the mirror at some fat washed out, ugly woman that i don't recognize and i hate her
- thinking of booze constantly.. when where how much.. trying to buy a little but only to end up back at the store a few hours later for more...
- i stopped drinking hard liquor (vodka) but only doubled the amount of beer and wine i drink..
- i drink from the moment i wake up till i pass out at night.. there is not time off.. 5am 330am doesn't seem to matter.
-i constantly worry about my health but then i drink and i dont' care
-i drink and drive.. have a coffee cup in the cup holder that I pour wine or cider into while driving. i am sure its only a matter of time till i get caught or kill someone
-and the diareah .. so sick of having diareah, sick of not caring if i have showered, sick of not caring what i look like, sick of not looking in mirrors. i am only 45 and i feel and look like i'm 80
-i am middle class in a nice suburban neighborhood.. great hsuband 2 perfect kids nice big house.. 2 cars, 2 motorcycles.. how did i get to this dark awful place in my life... i have everything but none of that matters only booze...
it is a curse.. and I need it broken
i am babbling but i needed to get it all out there ... no lies or pretending its not as bad as it is..
