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The Canucks Co

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    The Canucks Co

    quick check in from moi--AGONY about half describes it GG. Broke down and called my MOm at 7am to come care for me. She begrudgingly agreed. Yeah not the most compassionate when it comes to me. Anyways I'll have to listen to lectures and complaints about the state of my affairs and house in exchange for a nurse. She'll pick up some otc muscle relaxants on her way. Last time this happened she ended up staying with me for 10 days. God have mercy!

    Hope you're all having a better day! Hiya Peace! Hope to hear more from you!
    Psalms 119:45

    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

    St. Francis of Assisi

    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



      The Canucks Co

      Zenstyle;1193585 wrote: Oh darn... that does not sound good RC. (

      What's wrong with your back? Do you have a heat pad?

      Give me a call if you're bored. I'm back home and just kicking around the place. May even fire Netflix up myself...

      I hope your back's better... xxx
      Thanks Zen--hope you're on well on track again. xo
      Psalms 119:45

      ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

      St. Francis of Assisi

      I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



        The Canucks Co

        Yes, Zen, I am thankful for my Mom. A bit crotchety but that ain't going to change now. She's already complained about the way I filled my hot water bottle! She's got me rigged up better in bed now and off to town for more supplies. God Bless her. How are you today Zen?

        The weather was wicked all night here too GG. Lost power at some point but back on around 7am. No rain or wind today but I don't think we'll be seeing those blue skies. Feels like you'll need long johns outside!
        Psalms 119:45

        ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

        St. Francis of Assisi

        I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



          The Canucks Co

          Heat works best for me Zen but I gave up the EM emitter years ago. I use a hot water bottle and magic bag. I just have one of those unpredictable sacral joints. Apparently my lower spinal discs are disproportionately smaller than they should be. That paired with a little upper scoliosis and one never knows when it will just shift out and go into horrendous muscle spasms. Some in the touchy/feely natural healing modalities say that back problems indicate feeling unsupported. Sometimes, I wonder....

          Hope you have a lovely break away with your friend. BJ's a big boy and you not his Mommy. Tell him RC said so and if he disagrees we can trade places and he'll see what it's like to need his Mommy!
          Psalms 119:45

          ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

          St. Francis of Assisi

          I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



            The Canucks Co

            Well he'd be up and dancing if he had to trade places with me right now. Being a dab hand at selective hearing looks to be the ticket. Do explain dab hand plez?

            Magic bag is a denim/fleece bag full'o beans, peas, rice, lentils, barley, flax and lavender is my choice.

            I should exercise but even when I was exercising my back would go out about every 2 years anyways.

            Ok the matron is back--must pay attention! Maybe need a military neck here! lol
            Psalms 119:45

            ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

            St. Francis of Assisi

            I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



              The Canucks Co

              Zenstyle;1194070 wrote: LOL!

              p.s. Beware the Matron! Don't turn your back on her! Especially when she has that thermometer in her hand!!! "Hello Mum!!!"
              :H:H Zennie

              Gosh, RC.... glad your mum is there but do feel for ya! Mine would have drove me to drink... so to speak. Really hope you'll feel better tomorow!!! :l Chiro, exercise and anti-inflammatory meds finally got me on me feet again. Scoliosis and 2 protruding disks here, too. I was told I needed surgery at 38. Said f*ck that.

              Hey-ho, Peace! I had a cherry pie, tea, and netflix afternoon as well yesterday. Kinda nice now and then, ain't it?!

              Well, it did end up a decent day although Shelby-dog and I were running like mad to get out of the thunder storm, wind, and rain a couple of hours ago. BUT... I got 5 sections of the round pen done, that's 7 out of 17! Quite pleased, I am. Also got a shit load of boards for the stall walls finished - well, first coat of finish. It'll take at least two, and possibly three. Uggh.

              And now I'm pooped, and rightfully so, if I may so myself. Off to beds and watch Heartland

              Night night!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                The Canucks Co

                Hi again, Ca-knuckles!!
                Peacefull;1193953 wrote: Fellow Canuck here

                Weather is still windy in my area, was a nice day to curl up on the couch yesterday and TBH I am thankful for crappy weather the first weekend AF. The sunshine is a trigger for me, I really need to work on that. This is why I chose the Fall to start so by the time Spring comes I will be through the rough spots.

                Just wanted to pop in and say Hi

                PeaceWelcome Peace. Good to see another Canadian member. There are quite a few of us here, but only a few who post regularly on this thread. What part of Canada are you from, if you want to share? Sunny, RC and I are all Ontario girlies but there are members from almost all the provinces. In fact I saw someone earlier who is a new member and is from the NWT.
                RingingCedars;1194042 wrote:
                Heat works best for me Zen but I gave up the EM emitter years ago. I use a hot water bottle and magic bag. I just have one of those unpredictable sacral joints. Apparently my lower spinal discs are disproportionately smaller than they should be. That paired with a little upper scoliosis and one never knows when it will just shift out and go into horrendous muscle spasms. Some in the touchy/feely natural healing modalities say that back problems indicate feeling unsupported. Sometimes, I wonder....
                RC - hope your back is better. I have two herniated discs in my lower back and have to be careful. Like Sunny, I found that anti-inflammatory meds help. You aren't going to take those, I know, but can you suggest something natural that would help? I'm on low dosage A-I's at the moment and really don't want to take them.

                Sunny-bean, that's a lot of work you got done, especially in bad weather. Good for you. I've had a bit of a lazy day, TBH, as far as work around the house goes. I did a few errands this a.m. and answered a few e-mails from potential customers but not much other than that. My hat goes off to you!!

                Here's a wee pic for youz. A Mountie Moose!!
                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                  The Canucks Co

                  Hello Canuckers! Another quick check in. Mom still here and back is much better thank God. Just had the wing nut customer return and had to call the police. Very thankful my Mom was here. Long story but police very supportive.

                  Weather still rainy but a bit milder here. Sunny you will have the taj mahal of equestrian facilities when you are all done--if you are ever done that is--theses things do snowball. Are you going to board? train?

                  Stirly I just stay on a natural joint formula and try to maintain a proper pH balance and that is usually enough. I did break down and got some over the counter muscle relaxers(robaxacet). I hate taking them but that and lying in a chair position in bed really takes the pressure off the spine when it gets like this. Funny, I was marveling at how well my back was doing recently!

                  Oh oh, JC is not here but I got my parcel today!!! Will post a pic when she returns! Just the uplift I needed!!

                  Ok dokey--Zenners hope you're doing ok too!

                  Be well. xo
                  Psalms 119:45

                  ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                  St. Francis of Assisi

                  I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                    The Canucks Co

                    Ohhh good news, RC! So glad you're feeling better!

                    Heavens what kind of customers do you get?? Yikes.

                    Funny you should say Taj Mahal... Graham (Mr. Wonderful's youngest) and I have long dubbed it the 'Taj Mahorse' :H And yeah, I likely will be boarding a friend's gelding next summer (she comes up for a couple of months from Windsor, horse 'n all) but no training.. except for my own, of course.

                    And my round pen is indeed coming along... Five more sections to go and hang the gate and bring in sand.. and Voila!

                    Stirls, I had a lazy afternoon on Saturday - not much else I could have done with the weather being what it was. Well, except laundry 'n stuff.. but who wants to do THAT on the weekend!? Love the moose, btw - thank you!

                    Zenners, my yard looks horrendous as well. Every day I walk past all of my planters thinking, I must take the perennials outta there and park them in the ground.. and well... the thought is as far as I get. One of these days, though... really...

                    I just had my workout (personal trainer coming to my house... it's a barter deal) so I should probably hop into the shower. Or take a nap.. hmm.. decisions, decisions...

                    :H Laterz!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      The Canucks Co

                      CALLING ALL CANUCKS!

                      Geeez. I'm usually all for a great monologue.. but really... :H

                      Bizzy day here in barn land, finished all round pen sections this morning, still need to hang gate and put finish on the sucker. Hoping to actually USE it tomorrow... screw waiting for the sand. Have a little more work to do on the barn right now and then load up for riding lessons at 3pm. Managed to fit a 'little' work in as well... it's about time this barn project gets put to bed so I can concentrate on my business again. Uggh. I'm really feeling guilty about this and it's starting to weigh on me. On the other hand... once the sn** starts flying, all outside work on the barn HAS to be finished.

                      Anywhoo... no drinking thinking, thank God and the sun is peeking out now. Yay!

                      Have a great day, y'all! (Is y'all allowed on a Canuck thread?)
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        The Canucks Co

                        sunshine_gg;1194935 wrote: CALLING ALL CANUCKS!

                        Geeez. I'm usually all for a great monologue.. but really... :H

                        Bizzy day here in barn land, finished all round pen sections this morning, still need to hang gate and put finish on the sucker. Hoping to actually USE it tomorrow... screw waiting for the sand. Have a little more work to do on the barn right now and then load up for riding lessons at 3pm. Managed to fit a 'little' work in as well... it's about time this barn project gets put to bed so I can concentrate on my business again. Uggh. I'm really feeling guilty about this and it's starting to weigh on me. On the other hand... once the sn** starts flying, all outside work on the barn HAS to be finished.

                        Anywhoo... no drinking thinking, thank God and the sun is peeking out now. Yay!

                        Have a great day, y'all! (Is y'all allowed on a Canuck thread?)
                        :H You can definitely say "y'all" but being Canucks, and a country unto ourselves, we gotta spell it differnetly.(spelled like that on purr-pus) So "yaw'll" will be the acceptable spelling from here on in.

                        Where's my manners - greetings Ca-knuckles!!

                        Geez, Sunny-bean, you got a lot of work done there. No wonder you don't have time for your business or the planters. I get tired just reading your daily activities.

                        RC - glad you're feeling better. What's that natural joint formula? My doctor prescribed Glucosamine sulfate (a derivative of Glucosamine) which is supposedly the natural ingredient that cartilage is made of. At least that's what he told me. Wiki says this...Glucosamine is naturally present in the shells of shellfish, animal bones and bone marrow. Anyway, I took it for quite a few months but didn't really see any difference. Of course, I'd already taken a partial dose of an anti-inflammatory drug and that helped right away. I always sleep on my side with my knees drawn up, but I've heard that the chair position, as you mentioned, is really good. They recommend a pillow under the knees to keep them elevated but I hate sleeping on my back so have never tried it. Hope your back improves greatly ASAP. Somehow I can't imagine you being house-bound for more than a couple of days without going :nutso:.

                        Hope that you're all having the best day possible in spite of whatever may be trying to pull you down. Positive thoughts and Canadian smiles...
                        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                          The Canucks Co

                          Hellooooo again, yaw'll!

                          Hehe.. thank you Stirls for clearing up the spelling issue! :H

                          So, we're all damaged goods, then? (I mean back issues!)
                          Re sleeping positions... when I was at my worst, I slept on my love seat (prolly for close to a year). I guess you'd call that the chair position. Thankfully, now I can sleep in bed on either side and with pillow between my knees.

                          I used to give Sophie (very old arthritic horse) Glucosamine.. but I honestly didn't think it did much for her. What did work for her was hyaluronic acid.. is that something humans can take? RC? You've probably heard of it?

                          Anywhoo.. gotta run.. dog's yelling at me to get in and Mr. Wonderful needs me at the barn (which means the dog is gonna want out and go with me again!) *sigh* :H

                          See you tomorrow!!!! Night night!
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            The Canucks Co

                            I'm baaaaack....with back in tact. Brain is fried, between fielding criticisms and muscle relaxants, but this too shall pass. Right?? Please say right.

                            Anyhooo, will read back and post some replies.
                            Psalms 119:45

                            ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                            St. Francis of Assisi

                            I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                              The Canucks Co

                              Yaw'll think we should be called Canuckbacks???

                              GG-So glad your barn and pen is nearing completion. I know you've wanted this for a long time and I"m glad for you! Funny you should mention hyaluronic acid. I was actually using it on and off for the last 5 years and had stopped the last 6 months due to availability. (ie no long ordering from that company) My daughter gives glucosamine and msm to her horses for normal maintenance but reserves the HA for more troublesome situations. It is expensive, especially in horsey doses!

                              As for what kind of customers to I have---not that kind! He was new and recently booked a serious of sauna sessions. See, the problem is that these people initially "appear" normal. Well I new after the first session, he was going to be trouble and even timed a g/f to show up at the end of his second session. I was in a bit of a quandry as to how to discourage him from booking any more but he took care of it himself with his wig out. The police were well aware of him when I called. A tip that the police gave me when trying to reach them while still "engaged" in a situation is to simply dial 911 and set the phone down. They will come. Because this person was ranting crazy talk, I kept missing the prompts to get the local detachment.

                              Zen I take my greens powder as well as keep acid forming foods to a minimum to maintain my pH. It's usually in the right range but funny enough(again) I started monitoring it recently and I've been having a bit of trouble keeping it in the proper range. Coincidence, eh? As one of my own customers said a couple of years ago, "the first thing a doc should ask you is what is your pH level?". Maintaining proper pH is really so foundational to health.

                              Stirly, the last time I took muscle relaxants was 5 years ago. I'm actually quite amazed at how quickly I recovered this time. The trick for me this time was the three things right off the bat: muscle relaxant; heat and chair position(geriatric terlet booster was a bonus). If I were you, I would find a combination glucosamine hydrochloride(better absorption than sulfate), chondroitin sulfate and MSM and take it regularly. You can take a loading dose initially then taper down as you feel better. Of course, trust the source and high enough dosage of each ingredient. The aforementioned HA would be very helpful too.

                              Hope yaw'll are havin' a splendid day!
                              Psalms 119:45

                              ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                              St. Francis of Assisi

                              I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                                The Canucks Co

                                GREAT news, RC!

                                See? I knew you heard of HA :H
                                I actually had Sophie on a low maintenance dose (Recovery EQ/HA) for about a year and yes, the initial dosing up and back down was rather costly, but it made a BIG difference. No vet bills for nasty flare ups at all last winter!

                                Pardon my ignorance.. but how does one check for PH level? I do know the lil sticks for the pool.... :H

                                Glad you got rid of that nutso. Wow.

                                K.. I'm in foul mood and REALLY want a nap. Weather is disgusting, my server is down and I'm just down right cranky now. Hrmpfh.

                                I shall return in better spirits! IN.. not with! :H
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

