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The Canucks Co

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    The Canucks Co


    Helllooooo! Helllooooo! (Echo)
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      The Canucks Co

      Haarooooo o o o.....

      Hope you're feeling better today GG.

      Stirly this little town (and most small towns according to delivery guys) have slowed considerably. I see them driving vans to deliver now instead of the 5 tons. Personally I can't see how it can get better. Sorry, but that's how I see it. Most of us have just become slaves to the system. As for's scary, is all I will say. I've always lived fairly simply and I just don't know how much simpler I can get.
      Psalms 119:45

      ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

      St. Francis of Assisi

      I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



        The Canucks Co

        Hey-ho Canucks & Co.

        RC.. slaves to the system is right. A system that is based on debt, no less.

        Well, I had a so-so day but it ain't over yet. Still working away here. Did have me torture master in this afternoon - that boy nearly killed me today uch: Kinda funny though, he challenged Mr. Wonderful to play along and see if he could keep up with me. Mr. W. didn't take the bait, though. Bawk.

        Funny, I'm just about at 30 days and had serious thoughts today. Not 'for' today, but rather for Thursday night. Mr. W. is taking me out to dinner after the Canuck ceremony. So, I should definitely 'remember' my Antabuse tomorrow, eh!? Really doesn't help either that it would have been 'that' time of the month. Never fails.. always gets me.

        Anywho.. I better return to money making activities here... be well, be safe, and good night!

        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          The Canucks Co

          Good morning Caducks!

          It's not a typo... I'm growing webbed feets here.
          Really not liking this dark and dreary weather. Does nothing for my mood at all.

          That is all.
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            The Canucks Co

            Hi again Sunny-bean and RC!

            Looks like the three of us are the only ones keeping this thread alive.

            Sunny - hope you're perkier today than yesterday.
            RingingCedars;1205339 wrote: Haarooooo o o o.....

            Hope you're feeling better today GG.

            Stirly this little town (and most small towns according to delivery guys) have slowed considerably. I see them driving vans to deliver now instead of the 5 tons. Personally I can't see how it can get better. Sorry, but that's how I see it. Most of us have just become slaves to the system. As for's scary, is all I will say. I've always lived fairly simply and I just don't know how much simpler I can get.Says she who drives that big, gorgeous convertible. Just kidding you RC. When we work so hard and we want to treat ourselves to something special, then we should. I've no doubt that you've lived simply and I bet frugally at times. And really, how much more can we tighten our belts? I just don't know what's going to happen and where all of this will lead to. I'm not going to go on and on about this as I did on the Army thread because I know it can be tiring to others. Sunny-bean, you asked about Papandreou resigning. He will as soon as the stupid opposition party leader accepts who will be the new Prime Minister. So far any suggestions that Papandreou has made, have been rejected. In order to get this bailout money, five people have to sign the agreement for the new PM. And the other fecker won't agree. Which means that if they keep stalling and don't get a new government soon, who will agree to the terms of the loan, the money could go elsewhere. Say to Italy who is bad shape right now as well. Anyway, there are financial problems all over the world. Hope that Canada manages to keep it's head above water and that you guys don't feel the crunch too much.
            sunshine_gg;1205522 wrote: Hey-ho Canucks & Co.

            RC.. slaves to the system is right. A system that is based on debt, no less.

            Well, I had a so-so day but it ain't over yet. Still working away here. Did have me torture master in this afternoon - that boy nearly killed me today uch: Kinda funny though, he challenged Mr. Wonderful to play along and see if he could keep up with me. Mr. W. didn't take the bait, though. Bawk.

            Funny, I'm just about at 30 days and had serious thoughts today. Not 'for' today, but rather for Thursday night. Mr. W. is taking me out to dinner after the Canuck ceremony. So, I should definitely 'remember' my Antabuse tomorrow, eh!? Really doesn't help either that it would have been 'that' time of the month. Never fails.. always gets me.
            Sorry to hear you've got "stinkin' drinkin'" thoughts Sunny. You've got almost 30 days racked up. You don't want to start all over again just for one night out. Do take the Antabuse if that's what you need to do. And really, not having 'that' time of the month can be such a positive thing. :l
            sunshine_gg;1205885 wrote:
            Good morning Caducks!

            It's not a typo... I'm growing webbed feets here.
            Really not liking this dark and dreary weather. Does nothing for my mood at all.

            That is all.
            Oh dear, I wouldn't like to have dark and dreary weather for more than a couple of days, even tho' we need rain badly. We're so used to :sun: here almost every day that it really dampens our mood if it's more than a day or two. Mind you there was a time a couple of years ago where we didn't see the sun for about a month. It only rained a few times but the sky was clouded over every day. Not the best weather IMHO. :no:

            Off to walk my dogger and then to bed but just wanted to say hi! to you girlies.

            See youz again soon....
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              The Canucks Co

              Hello sparkly stirly one!!!

              Looks like the troops (aka RC) have deserted us!? I showered.. honest!

              Stirls, I hope they'll get their shit together pronto over there. And, you're right about Italy... apparently, Brussels has sent their boys to look over Italy's new budget proposals and whatnot.

              I'm still 'meh'.. both weather and PMS doing their thing. BUT I'm back to work full steam ahead and cussing like a sailor and completely wrapped up in code.. Yay! :H No, seriously, it's a good thing. I really love what I do. Although, it may not seem like it to an innocent bystander. I have rather strong words for my computer, a client, or a particular program at times

              Anywhoo.. I should probably call it a day here pretty soon and turn in.

              Night night to anyone still poking in here!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                The Canucks Co

                Morning desertion, just trying to not cheat my "employer" by spending too much time here. Something Techie said to Sapphy, really struck a chord with me. Then I forgot my turbo thingy for internet last night.

                All the best today GG and welcome to Canada!

                Stirly that big(not so big), beautiful(keyed) convertible(slashed roof) car is very economical on gas. Believe me if there was any equity and it was in proper shape, I would be trading in for lesser payments. I do still love driving it though.

                GG hope that cussing doesn't apply to me. I haven't felt my ears burning.:H

                Be good and be well friends.
                Psalms 119:45

                ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                St. Francis of Assisi

                I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                  The Canucks Co

                  Ah, there you are

                  Who the hell is messin with yer ride!!?? :bat: Want me to come over there and put the hurt on someone!?

                  Thank you for the 'Welcome to Canada' - made me giggle. Uhhhmmm... I've spent more time here now than in da old country We're going out for dinner after and my daughter requested a drive-by to hand over cookies she baked yesterday but does not want to eat. The funny thing is, I had contemplated baking as well and giving it to HER... I still might, too Tit for tat.

                  And, no, I haven't cussed at you (yet) :H It's mostly just one client I get worked up about. He's been with me for eons and at times has fed the family almost singlehandedly but MAN, is he a pain in the butt.

                  Alrighty, I should set my rear in motion. Horses to feed, quick trip into town, put another coat of finish on a door, work, and make myself look presentable for tonight. That itself could be a 3 day affair :H

                  Have a great day, yaw'll!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    The Canucks Co

                    sunshine_gg;1206094 wrote: Hello sparkly stirly one!!!

                    Looks like the troops (aka RC) have deserted us!? I showered.. honest!

                    Stirls, I hope they'll get their shit together pronto over there. And, you're right about Italy... apparently, Brussels has sent their boys to look over Italy's new budget proposals and whatnot.

                    I'm still 'meh'.. both weather and PMS doing their thing. BUT I'm back to work full steam ahead and cussing like a sailor and completely wrapped up in code.. Yay! No, seriously, it's a good thing. I really love what I do. Although, it may not seem like it to an innocent bystander. I have rather strong words for my computer, a client, or a particular program at times

                    Anywhoo.. I should probably call it a day here pretty soon and turn in.

                    Night night to anyone still poking in here!Sunny-bean, older son is self-employed - designs websites - and I'm sure that he has very strong words for his computer, a client or two, and a programme that isn't doing what it's supposed to. I, on the other hand, am perfectly calm and collected, and simply take my flat screen and smash it on the floor.
                    RingingCedars;1206372 wrote: Morning desertion, just trying to not cheat my "employer" by spending too much time here. Something Techie said to Sapphy, really struck a chord with me. Then I forgot my turbo thingy for internet last night.

                    All the best today GG and welcome to Canada!

                    Stirly that big(not so big), beautiful(keyed) convertible(slashed roof) car is very economical on gas. Believe me if there was any equity and it was in proper shape, I would be trading in for lesser payments. I do still love driving it though.

                    GG hope that cussing doesn't apply to me. I haven't felt my ears burning.

                    Be good and be well friends.
                    Well, it's a fair bit bigger than my little Beba so it looks big to me. Good that it's easy on gas, tho'. Beba ain't.:upset: And what's this about a slashed roof? :bat
                    sunshine_gg;1206379 wrote:
                    Ah, there you are

                    Who the hell is messin with yer ride!!?? :bat: Want me to come over there and put the hurt on someone!?

                    Thank you for the 'Welcome to Canada' - made me giggle. Uhhhmmm... I've spent more time here now than in da old country We're going out for dinner after and my daughter requested a drive-by to hand over cookies she baked yesterday but does not want to eat. The funny thing is, I had contemplated baking as well and giving it to HER... I still might, too Tit for tat.

                    And, no, I haven't cussed at you (yet) It's mostly just one client I get worked up about. He's been with me for eons and at times has fed the family almost singlehandedly but MAN, is he a pain in the butt.

                    Alrighty, I should set my rear in motion. Horses to feed, quick trip into town, put another coat of finish on a door, work, and make myself look presentable for tonight. That itself could be a 3 day affair

                    Have a great day, yaw'll!
                    Teehee, Sunny-bean and I posted the same thing about the slashed roof. This... :bat

                    Sunny, congratulations on becoming a Canadian citizen. Seriously, if all of the people who were accepted as "new" Canadians were as hard-working and as upstanding as you, then they would all be an asset to out country. Congrats, new Canuck. :h
                    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                      The Canucks Co

                      Yes! I'm a real Canuck now! :H

                      It was a hoot, but it's 1:15am now - so I'll tell you tomorrow! Night night!!!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        The Canucks Co

                        sunshine_gg;1206745 wrote: Yes! I'm a real Canuck now! :H

                        It was a hoot, but it's 1:15am now - so I'll tell you tomorrow! Night night!!!
                        Huge congrats, Sunny-bean. You are now entitled to paint yer mug like this whenever you feel the need!!!

                        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                          The Canucks Co

                          Oh thank you Stirls... yeah, I'll run right out and do that! Geeeez :H

                          Ok, I was going to report: I really was quite dreading this whole affair... thinking it must be awfully boring and dry and well, whatever. I'm just not a very 'ceremonial' person. The whole thing started 45 minutes late and I saw our dinner reservations slowly go out the window. So when the judge finally shuffled in, somewhat hunched over I thought 'Oh great, here we go'.

                          Well, I couldn't have been more wrong! He was hilarious! He cracked jokes, he was enthusiastic, and he seemed to genuinely be proud and happy to be there. It turned into a really fun and enjoyable event

                          A little funny thing, too... on my right sat a british bloke and next to him a gal from Kenya. After the shaking hands and handing out documents was done and we went back to our seats, her hubby handed her a 4 week old baby boy. So, in true grandmotherly fashion I went...'Ohhhhh... gimme that!' :H And she did. Mr. Wonderful, at that point had made his way to the front and tried to get my attention to tell me he was going to get the car. He glared at me and the baby. Said 'Dear.... a kitten, yeah... a puppy, maybe... but you're not bringing THAT home! :H And, it turned out, the mum lives on the island as well, in fact, she works as a emerg nurse at the hospital here and THAT'S why she looked so familiar. The british bloke shook his head and mumbled... 'my wife is never gonna believe that I sat in between 2 gals from Mindemoya.'

                          After that, we had a lovely Italian dinner, I enjoyed my meal and iced tea, then stopped by little Missy and picked up some baked goods, kissed a sleeping peanut, and made it home by 12:30 or so. Phew.

                          Have a fabulous Friday, Canuckleheads!!!!!
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            The Canucks Co


                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              The Canucks Co

                              Great story GG and you look fabulous (as already stated). Once again welcome Canuck.

                              And why don'tcha post a pic of that handsome Mountie with ya???

                              Hiya Stirly, Techie and anyone else who may drop in.
                              Psalms 119:45

                              ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                              St. Francis of Assisi

                              I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                                The Canucks Co

                                CONGRATULATIONS ON 30 DAYS TOO GG!!

                                Psalms 119:45

                                ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                                St. Francis of Assisi

                                I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.


