Balls in me, um, nm.
No announcement yet.
The Canucks Co
The Canucks Co
Well ga'morning Canucks.
Santy Clause parade today will be proceeding right on my doorstep. I will try to get some fun pictures.
Oil radiator broked last night and NEED to find another after work. *sigh*
Darn nippy at 15 below last night. Hope they're right about the warmer temps for the next few days.
Have a good one folks!Psalms 119:45
?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?
St. Francis of Assisi
I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.
The Canucks Co
Hello your Herbal Majesty!
Ick on the subzero temps and even bigger ick on the oil thingie. It's been mild but p*ssing rain all day here; I sure hope you had better weather for your Santi parade! Oh.. and pics?
Didn't do anything too exciting today... a bit of work and a bit of laundry and a large bit of de-hairing dog and a bit of cleaning, etc. Tomorrow I'm heading off to see the kids' new place and stop in to visit #2 grand peanut as he's sorta on the way.
And that's it that's all. Back to youOkay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?
Winning since October 24th, 2013
The Canucks Co
Fine then, I'll get back to rambling - that'll learn ya.
Ok, yesterday's visit to kids: Their apartment is HUGE! I mean freaking HUMONGOUS! I got lost several times trying to find the kitchen :H For $500 plus hydro? They did good. The paint is ugwy but they can fix that in time and it's got like indoor/outdoor carpet tile thingies but at least that's in pretty good shape. So they've decided that son and g/f will pay the rent and their roomie will pay hydro. That's probably smart, seeing as they do not know how to turn off lights, TVs, etc. Anywhoo, there was still lots of unpacking and organizing going on and I ended up cleaning the kitchen.
All in all a nice visit although I had a real quick panic moment when g/f was about to pour me a glass of wine :eeks: But I ended up thankfully declining and that was that.
After, I went and stopped to see #2 grand peanut. Wow, what a butterball :H I lifted him up over my head about 10x and DAMN! That's a workout! Also a nice visit... really, really like his parents.
And THEN... I was awake until after 4:30am :upset: No idea why the sleep fairy had forsaken me... but there ya go. So, I'm dragging my tired behind around today. Well, that's not true, actually. My tired behind is firmly planted on my chair. And I don't see that changing very soon
Ok... I better get back to work. Yaw'll be good now, ya hear?Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?
Winning since October 24th, 2013
The Canucks Co
RingingCedars;1219785 wrote: Well ga'morning Canucks.
Santy Clause parade today will be proceeding right on my doorstep. I will try to get some fun pictures.
Oil radiator broked last night and NEED to find another after work. *sigh*
Darn nippy at 15 below last night. Hope they're right about the warmer temps for the next few days.
Have a good one folks!Hello again Ca-knuckles!!
Geez RC - I hope that's -15C and not -15F. :no: Brrrr either way. I've forgotten how cold it can get. Seriously, I couldn't live for months in that kind of cold. Not after all these years of winter temps that have never gotten below -3C. At night. With around zero during the day. Mind you I love it when it snows and even more when it stays for a couple of days. Here's a picture of the road where my dogger and I go for a walk every morning - taken a few years ago.
sunshine_gg;1220975 wrote: Nobody?
Fine then, I'll get back to rambling - that'll learn ya.
Ok, yesterday's visit to kids: Their apartment is HUGE! I mean freaking HUMONGOUS! I got lost several times trying to find the kitchen :H For $500 plus hydro? They did good. The paint is ugwy but they can fix that in time and it's got like indoor/outdoor carpet tile thingies but at least that's in pretty good shape. So they've decided that son and g/f will pay the rent and their roomie will pay hydro. That's probably smart, seeing as they do not know how to turn off lights, TVs, etc. Anywhoo, there was still lots of unpacking and organizing going on and I ended up cleaning the kitchen.
All in all a nice visit although I had a real quick panic moment when g/f was about to pour me a glass of wine :eeks: But I ended up thankfully declining and that was that.
After, I went and stopped to see #2 grand peanut. Wow, what a butterball :H I lifted him up over my head about 10x and DAMN! That's a workout! Also a nice visit... really, really like his parents.
And THEN... I was awake until after 4:30am :upset: No idea why the sleep fairy had forsaken me... but there ya go. So, I'm dragging my tired behind around today. Well, that's not true, actually. My tired behind is firmly planted on my chair. And I don't see that changing very soon
Ok... I better get back to work. Yaw'll be good now, ya hear?
Okay, off to walk the dogger. Hope both you and RC are having profitable days....For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
The Canucks Co
Well, you guys suck! :H
Stirls, I'll answer your question from over at the army here: How does a horse disable the electric fence? Easy. He pulls off the connector to the little transformer thingie. Exactly how he does THAT I'm not sure... most likely teeth, but I haven't caught him in the act yet. Anywho, this isn't the first time so I know with certainty that it's Atlas doing it. Trouble, on the other hand won't even step over a rail so at least he stayed put
Whew, it took me forever to bring the feed box inside, clean everything out again, etc... but it's done now. At least now their meds 'n whatnot aren't going to freeze.
And that's it, that's all... need to get busy getting stuff together to take to my daughter tomorrow. That'll be a looooooong day. Christmas shopping 'n all :upset: Ah well, but then it'll be done and over with
Have a fabby day tomorrow!Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?
Winning since October 24th, 2013
The Canucks Co
Hey Ho... I made it home. Friggin 13 hour day. Snow on the way home. One windshield wiper busted. AND I HAD TO GO TO WALMART :upset:
However, Christmas shopping is DUNNNN! Hallelujah.
I'm pooped and crabby and need to wrap Mr. Wonderful's pressies before he comes inZennie.. no way barn all done. Haven't even started on the actual horse stalls yet. Soon, though.
That is it for me... wrap 2 things and I may disappear into the tub after that. I'm so done with this day :HOkay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?
Winning since October 24th, 2013
The Canucks Co
Hey, GG & Sid, I was in the big smoke on the weekend. Uncle flew in from AB to visit Aunt having major surgery on her tongue to remove cancer. 10 hour op. Hadn't seen him since my daughter was about 6 years old. He's a big ole gruff exterior, teddy bear heart kind of man. Was great to see him.
Anyhoo--fly by and hello to Zen and Stirly.Psalms 119:45
?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?
St. Francis of Assisi
I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.
The Canucks Co
:hallo: Canuckleheads!
RC - hope your aunt will recover!? Cancer on the tongue must be a horrible ordealNot that other cancers aren't...
I'm busier than heck, peeps... hence no ramblings. Hope you're all well!!!! :lOkay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?
Winning since October 24th, 2013
The Canucks Co
Hello again Ca-knuckles!!sunshine_gg;1221145 wrote: Ohhh.. that look lovely, Stirls!! Even to a non-winter person Sunny-bean - I loved it!! And so did Freddo. Hope we get some snow this year. Not holding my breath tho' since we haven't even had some decent rain lately.
sunshine_gg;1221595 wrote: Well, you guys suck!
Stirls, I'll answer your question from over at the army here: How does a horse disable the electric fence? Easy. He pulls off the connector to the little transformer thingie. Exactly how he does THAT I'm not sure... most likely teeth, but I haven't caught him in the act yet. Anywho, this isn't the first time so I know with certainty that it's Atlas doing it. Trouble, on the other hand won't even step over a rail so at least he stayed put
Whew, it took me forever to bring the feed box inside, clean everything out again, etc... but it's done now. At least now their meds 'n whatnot aren't going to freeze.
And that's it, that's all... need to get busy getting stuff together to take to my daughter tomorrow. That'll be a looooooong day. Christmas shopping 'n all :upset: Ah well, but then it'll be done and over with
Have a fabby day tomorrow!
Geez, you need to get a hidden camera installed to find out what's going on with the horseys.
And you work way too hard. Seriously. Give yourself a bit of a break. I get tired just reading about what you do....
sunshine_gg;1222232 wrote: Hey Ho... I made it home. Friggin 13 hour day. Snow on the way home. One windshield wiper busted. AND I HAD TO GO TO WALMART :upset:
However, Christmas shopping is DUNNNN! Hallelujah.
I'm pooped and crabby and need to wrap Mr. Wonderful's pressies before he comes in Zennie.. no way barn all done. Haven't even started on the actual horse stalls yet. Soon, though.
That is it for me... wrap 2 things and I may disappear into the tub after that. I'm so done with this day :H
sidney;1222235 wrote: Ahhh Sunshine you did good, girl! I am no way near finished. I better get on it. Sid
RingingCedars;1222524 wrote: Hey, GG & Sid, I was in the big smoke on the weekend. Uncle flew in from AB to visit Aunt having major surgery on her tongue to remove cancer. 10 hour op. Hadn't seen him since my daughter was about 6 years old. He's a big ole gruff exterior, teddy bear heart kind of man. Was great to see him.
Anyhoo--fly by and hello to Zen and Stirly.
Hoping you're all making the best of today. Am off to walk Feddie and then to bed.
Will leave you with this wee piccie of my sweet doggie...
Well, okay, a big piccie....
Tomorrowz...For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
The Canucks Co
Good morning ya northern cooks!
A bit of snow here but not as much as predicted. Fine by me, yep!
It'll be a day of doing some barn stuff, wrapping presents, and perhaps getting the house somewhat 'chrismassed up'. Or maybe cleaned up, first. That may be a good idea. And then back to work work. Sigh. I really don't know why I'm looking forward to weekends... they seem to be busier than the rest of the days :H
:hello: Techie! Nice of you to drop by!
Stirly, I can't do Christmas cards. I am mentally incapable of sending things by snail mail (on time, I mean). I'll use the phone or send purdy animated cards by email.
Alright, up and at 'em. Have yourselves a happy Saturday!Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?
Winning since October 24th, 2013