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The Canucks Co

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    The Canucks Co

    Ohhhhhh... Wally... I agree! DO tell!

    Hewwo, Canuckeroos!
    I have managed a lot more time sitting and working today and don't feel quite as useless anymore. Or, no more than usual. Something like that. However, I'm definitely not jumping on your exercise train anytime soon... still moving in slow motion here. But you girls go... I'm cheering from the sidelines!

    Lady.. I've had the same problem.. had a hysterectomy a year ago and put on 20lbs after that somehow.. it's been a bitch trying to get rid of it. I did have a personal trainer drill me for a while and managed to lose 10lbs (8 now, I think) but that's about it.

    Well, not much else to report from here. It's glaring ice everywhere outside. Poor Shelby (canine monster) landed spread eagle on the road this morning on the way back from the barn. That convinced me to stay put and not push my luck any more than I had to.

    Hope you're all having a grand evening... as you were, soldiers!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      The Canucks Co

      No ice here as we're south of you, Sunshine, just lots of rain. And you certainly don't need to slip and fall! Odd how silent Wally has been eh? I'm actually down a few lbs but that's cause I've been very strict low-carb and it's all water....I was a bad little alkie over the holidays!! Thank heavens all the Christmas cake is gone!! It has been quiet but I guess people are just getting home from work and finishing up dinner and such. As an old retired soul I forget what that's like....see yaw'll tamarraaaa
      Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
      (quote from Bean )

      Goal: Survival


        The Canucks Co

        MWOLady;1243304 wrote: Wally, what method do you use to get rid of those pesky pounds? are you a WW fan? I've lost that way but get so hungry I can's stand to do it for very long - I am hypoglycaemic. Low carb is best for me - although I do miss carbs in the form of bread and pasta (to say nothing of pie and cake and Oh Henry bars!!) But I really love meat so I do well. But this time the weight I carry in the middle is just not coming off...dang. I'm always open to new methods!!!!

        I see, Wally, that you'v been AF since Nov 21 - was that a special day for you? or did you just fall off a bar stool!!
        I don't really have a method. I just try to keep my mouth shut. But it's not working.

        Sometimes I take them to new places and try to lose them, but they always find their way back>

        I did not fall off that bar stool, I was PUSHED.

        Sunshine you should try wearing your hair forward, to cover those gawdawful ears!
        Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
        If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
        November 2, 2012


          The Canucks Co

          Pick on the cripple... I get it. You heartless bunch.

          G'nite nutsies. Sweet dreams
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            The Canucks Co

            Wally22;1243579 wrote:

            Sunshine you should try wearing your hair forward, to cover those gawdawful ears!
            Well that just made me spray the screen!

            Lovely thread, Canucks! Most enjoyable reading.


              The Canucks Co

              Well, last night ole man Winter took Ma Nature into town and got her all liquered up - she fell off the bar stool (don't know if he pushed her like he did with ole Wal!) and she hit her noggin' on the spittoon! Come morning she wasn't fit to haul her sorry butt out of bed....she's still thar....sniffin' some lavender in a sachet she had tucked under her pilla case some handsome fella should come by. Without her to tame his wild ways, ole man Winter has just been a raging' all over town, and all over the county...ragin' and raging', strewin' snow and such all around, and blowin fit to bust, and let me tell ya his wisky breath ain't so sweet this mornin'.

              Looks kinda purdy out yonder, but the townsfolk are stayin' in mostly. So me and DH are fixin' to do some cuddling ourselves. But there's one difference in our humble abode - One of will be sober all weekend! Yippie!

              Have a great day Yaw'll
              Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
              (quote from Bean )

              Goal: Survival


                The Canucks Co

                :H Lady

                It's still coming down here, too. I feel like such a heel, too... I took the winter blanket off of my old man (horse) a couple of days ago and he's wet and full of ice balls now, so I can't put it back on. He gets REALLY pissy, too, in bad weather. If he ain't comfy, watch out.

                I am beyond grumpy today (see Furious Friday thread in General). Not getting into it again but I am NOT impressed with the stalls I bought.

                Other than that... the back is getting a tiny bit better each day; I actually feel semi-human again.

                That is all. Carry on...
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  The Canucks Co

                  Yeah, gee, and you were so pleased with your progress and all, with the pics, etc. and we were all so looking forward to seeing the horsies in place....oh well these things are sent to try us....deep breaths, deep breaths. My Mr's gone out to buy a LotoMax. If we get lucky we'll come up and you can get new stuff.....stay sober!!!!
                  Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                  (quote from Bean )

                  Goal: Survival


                    The Canucks Co

                    Well lookee here...we got us a real live story teller! Too funny lady:H
                    Sorry 'bout your Friday GG. I'd say they're lucky you're not feeling your best.
                    So what's for supper gals. I feel like treating myself tonight, any suggestions?
                    Psalms 119:45

                    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                    St. Francis of Assisi

                    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                      The Canucks Co

                      RingingCedars;1244108 wrote:
                      So what's for supper gals. I feel like treating myself tonight, any suggestions?
                      COMFORT FOOD! Also known as heart attack on a plate. I'm making German fried taters (with bacon, lotsa onions, green onions, leeks) and Bratwurst. Jawohl. Screw the scale!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        The Canucks Co

                        Nothing to report, just checking in.
                        I had a vegetable stew for supper. It was adequate. Definitely not food porn though.
                        Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                        If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                        November 2, 2012


                          The Canucks Co

                          I usually have a HUGE salad for supper with grated parmesan cheese and walnuts, with homemade chocolate coconut oil bark for treats after yum! (keep it in the freezer and it's like fudge)

                          By the way, I've lost my little thingies - the little smiles and such - what are they called - avatars??? How do I get them back???? Help!
                          Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                          (quote from Bean )

                          Goal: Survival


                            The Canucks Co

                            Looks like you got your avatar Lady (next to your user name). The smilies are hosted on MWO.. I'm not sure how you could lose them? (Or get them back, for that matter).

                            Gonna watch a movie here shortly and try to end this day on a good note Night night, yaw'll!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              The Canucks Co

                              Morning Eskimos... cold enough for ya?

                              At least it has stopped snowing and the sun might even make an appearance here Going to tackle some stuff at the barn, some finishing work in the shop, perhaps even have a little quality time with the other man in my life.. Mr. Dyson.

                              How about you?
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                The Canucks Co

                                Got My Smilies Back on Day 13!

                                :goodjob: I found out that I've been "quick replying" instead of "replying to thread" so there are all the little thingies back !!! what a dolt I am....

                                Well, there is some good news, and some bad news :upset:.

                                The good news is that Ole Man Winter is going into Rehab!!!! Yes!!!!

                                The bad news is that he's not going in until April 1. This is Canada after all and you know what our medical system is like. Clogged up like a hog-grease-filled-kitchen drain. So we just gotta be patient and wait it out.

                                We coulda got Ma Nature to host an intervention but frankly she's still a tad hung over from the session at the saloon :upset:

                                Uncle Al Gore is busy over there in Europe spending the million buckaroos he got for spreading all that manure about some kinda warmin' so we can't get him to help out. And cousin David Bazooka is down under in Auntie Artica chasin' those cute little birds what wears the tuxes so he's no good to help.

                                Looks like we gots to get in boxes and boxes of pop corn and hot chocolate, (gallons of sweet cider for those who prefer that) cases and cases of old movies, lots a video games for the young'ens and just hunker down.

                                I'm in. Oh, and don't forget hay for the horsies - got that. And GABA and 5HTP, got that. And TOPA, got that and more on the way from River. And pizza and chicken wings - well, they deliver so that's ok. Well, gang what else do we need?????
                                Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                                (quote from Bean )

                                Goal: Survival

