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The Canucks Co

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    The Canucks Co

    She is isn't she. I would love to keep her but I will have to be up front with her current owner tomorrow about my precarious situation with my home and possibly losing it. They said they would be willing to take Mia back if things did not work out so I hope that offer would stand if I find myself in that situation. They have been trying to find the right person/people for her for a month now and are concerned for their dog. I think they have found that in me and I hope to God that I can start to really swing things around financially and I can give Mia a forever home finally.
    Psalms 119:45

    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

    St. Francis of Assisi

    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



      The Canucks Co

      Hi Canucks!

      Happy Chinese New Year’s Eve! Had a delicious dinner. I am so stuffed now I could explode. The fireworks started around 6pm and will continue until around 12 or so. Poor Champ is terrified and is shaking under the desk. We are waiting for my hubby’s cousins to come over so we can play some Ma Jiang! I hope I’m lucky and win some money! Right now I am drinking some delicious artichoke tea from Vietnam. Both last night and tonight, I turned down the wine I was offered. Both times, the host said “Oh come on, one glass.” My thoughts “1 glass??? Rrrright. Seriously, what’s the point of one glass? I don’t drink al for the delicious taste.” My response: “No thanks. Really, I can’t drink now. My health isn’t so great at the moment”. The REAL tests haven’t began yet...we haven’t been invited to the big dinners with all the people. Those will start in a few days. Yesterday, today and tomorrow are for visiting family.

      Today- So happy your kitty is doing better. Poor thing. Sounds so painful. And you should be proud of yourself! Well done on handling a stressful situation and for making kitty well again.

      GG- Peanut is ADORABLE!!!! I want one! Haha. Looks like you guys had a blast feeding the horses. I really hope Atlas feels better soon. I don’t know a thing about horses, but is kind of thing normal?

      MWOL- Better than an old dog and a middle aged fart.
      It’s never too late to start living! Buy chocolate, get pedis and manis, go to the spa, get a foot massage! Do what you want! If the Mr. gets mad, he gets mad. He does things that you are mad about. You are not a doormat and shouldn’t think of yourself as one. Start living it up lady!

      RC- Mia is toooo adorable. She seems like a wonderful dog. You really lucked out! Btw, what does “Now playing Veeva video mean?” hahaha.

      Ladies, I wish I brought my camera with me, but I forgot. I wanted to share some pics of the dinners. I’ll try to take some with my phone and then ask hubby to put them on the pc. Happy year of the Dragon! If you will turn 36, 48, 60 or 72 this year then it is your year and you will have a lucky and a very great year! Enjoy the rest of your weekends all!
      "When you know better, you do better"

      AF- February 16, 2012
      Goal 1- 3 days al free
      Goal 2- 7 days al free
      Goal 3- 1 month al free
      Goal 4- 3 months al free


        The Canucks Co

        Sorry RC, cross post. I really hope you can keep Mia and that everything goes well with your home. Sorry about the financial troubles
        "When you know better, you do better"

        AF- February 16, 2012
        Goal 1- 3 days al free
        Goal 2- 7 days al free
        Goal 3- 1 month al free
        Goal 4- 3 months al free


          The Canucks Co

          Morning Folksies.. real quick check-in.. the peanut was up at 6am this morning :egad: And, I didn't get to sleep til 2am :upset: Just put him down for a nap and that's where I'm headed, too! :H

          Later, lovelies!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            The Canucks Co

            Well, there's some good news, and some bad news!! The good news is that the DVD player is BROKEN!!!!!!!!:H:H:

            The bad news is that The Mr. is off to Future Shop to get a thingumie to see if that fixes it:upset:

            In any case I told him I'm opting out of the every night movie date. That I'd only watch a movie on Sunday night like we used to do. He didn't say a word!! So my Guardian Angel obviously broke it to give me this opportunity to speak up in a natural way - the option was to rant and scream and cry and bang my little fist on the kitchen counter and stamp my feet!! And I've done that!! Shocks the hell out of The Mr.!!!

            I did it once before when he refused to buy an air conditioner. It was like 99 degrees in here and he was not even breaking a sweat - did I say he was a lizard? I screamed and ranted and banged my fist on the counter and stamped my feet - and I threw in that he promised when he married me to cherish me - and I damned well was not feeling cherished!!!!! Anyway he got in the car and bought an air conditioner.. So sometimes it works :H:H

            Well I've been on the computer since breakfast - course we don't get home from Mass till 10:30 so it's not that bad....but still - got to make up the bed and tidy up - no rest for the wicked eh? hope all is well in the land of the brave and the home of...wait! that's the other place...whatever!
            Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
            (quote from Bean )

            Goal: Survival


              The Canucks Co

              and I threw in that he promised when he married me to cherish me - and I damned well was not feeling cherished!!!!!
              :H Good for you!!!! :H

              Speaking of movies... Peanut and I watched 'Horton hears a Who' this afternoon. There were periods of interest and attention but there was also much monkeying around and dumping animal crackers all over my bed! :H Anywho... we had a good day, the lil tyke went to bed at 7pm and I'll definitely make it an early night myself. Just hope I actually sleep. I'm still in clinch with the sleep fairy.

              Canadian Gal... looking forward to your pictures!
              Herrow to RC, Wally, and whoever else may or may not drop by!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                The Canucks Co

                Hewwow GG and Canuckers. Mia stays!! Let's hope we stay in the house!! That is all.
                Psalms 119:45

                ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                St. Francis of Assisi

                I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                  The Canucks Co

                  Wonderful you are keeping MIA RC! She looks like such a sweetie!

                  And GG...peanut is gorgeous! What fun! My girls are still a bit young (only 20 and 22) but am looking forward to having little ones around again!

                  Sorry I haven't been posting much this week....really tired when I get home.

                  Day 23...still hanging in!

                  Have a great night! Oh...may get above zero tomorrow! This minus 18 or 20 stuff is for the (arctic) birds.
                  Anything I can Believe, I can Achieve!


                    The Canucks Co

                    Hey Believer! Great stuff on 23 days!! I hope we get those warmer temps here. Arctic birds, indeed!
                    Psalms 119:45

                    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                    St. Francis of Assisi

                    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                      The Canucks Co

                      Hello Canuckeroos!

                      Thanks Canadian Girl for reminding us that it is year of the Dragon! I will be 36 this year and could use the luck of the year. I want more for my life and being AF will do it. I found MWO August 7, 2011 and it helped me stay AF about 90% of the time since (along with counselling and Campral). That other 10% has been particularly bad; times I tried to mod... pretty sure I actually drank more, trying to drink like "regular person". So this is my lucky year and my plan includes staying AF, and getting back some hobbies other than reading (I've probably read hundreds of books I couldn't tell you the endings of!) and getting closer to my family. Here we go!

                      Still sorting things out in the relationship front too. Still dating someone (2 mo), who I'm now attempting not too hide myself from him. He says he likes me! He holds my hand when I'm tense and cuddles me when I've been sad. We'll see how it goes, but I'll remember what some of you reminded me about a week ago. I'm worth a lot! :thanks:

                      RingingCedars, yay for Mia! Good luck on the house front...

                      Have a good nite


                        The Canucks Co

                        Good morning My Fellow Canadians

                        I can still remember John Diefenbaker intoning those words when I was a very little girl. Shows my age, I know. I was afraid of him.
                        Been in a funk for a couple of days, and therefore MIA, sorry about that.
                        Today you sound good, I know the AF time will make you feel better and stronger.
                        RC hows Mia doing? Does she snore? What big brown eyes she has.
                        Sunshine hows Peanut? Are you EXHAUSTED yet? How's poor Atlas doing? It's milder down here in the south, are you getting rain up there today?
                        Believer congrats on ringing up the consecutive AF days. You rock!
                        Zennie I have not worn longjohns, since my mother made me wear them when I was six. Ha!
                        Not much going on here, and that's the problem. Need to get my ass in gear.
                        Hope everyone has a fabulous AF day.:l
                        Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                        If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                        November 2, 2012


                          The Canucks Co

                          Greetings, Canuckladoodles!

                          YUCK. Just yuck today. Rain, slush, ice... ick. Real fun to drive in, if you're an adrenaline junkie. However, the peanut and I made a trip to town, scored 3 new toys for him (thrift shop), some groceries but changed our minds on going to the bank. No parking in front of the bank and the other side of the street was pretty much under water. Really didn't feel like swimming across. Plus... I own THE most useless boots. They look purdy, though and hold water really well... pfffth. I think I may stop in at Mark's Work Warehouse when I take the lil tyke back on Wednesday. They have their Winter Clearance on right now... see if I can't find some decent boots. I have these phenomenal boots for the barn, but they're just a little too 'barny' to go into town. Even for me :H

                          Miss Wally, please relocate thyself from funk. We miss you here and rather see you funky 'n spunky. What's the funk all about? This dreadful time of year, or something more sinister? Can we help? Oh, and yes, I'm thoroughly pooped.. love the little nut but am thankful that I get to give him back!

                          Today and Believer... you two are doing splendid! Very proud of you!
                          RC, very happy you found a match in Mia :l The rest will sort itself out some way or another. Keep the faith, gurl! Now, to more important issues... DOES she snore? :H

                          Zennie... funny you mentioned Long Johns... I must get me some. Had some years ago and while not the most sexy, they do keep the extremities warm!

                          A hardy hello and good-bye to all of ya... have a fabby rest of the day! :hallo:
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            The Canucks Co

                            Ordered Long Johns !

                            So you will all have to live vicariously :H:H They are pink and have wool/cotton/nylon on the outside and cotton next to my oh so soft skin...or they will when L L Bean decides to send them. I got sick and tired of wearing men's pj bottoms from Walmart, inside-out long sleeved cotton t-shirt under a short sleeved cotton t-shirt, and a pair of The Mr.'s wool hi-top socks to bed. I have allergies and so have to wear lots of stuff inside out.

                            I actually bought a set of organic cotton pj's at GREAT cost from Organique's in Van. but found I could not even wear them inside out because those idiots used polyester thread!!!! So back they went. So frustrating. So hoping for good things from L L

                            Last night i had quite a wine craving and found myself starting to rationalize that I could have a glass...quite weird actually :upset:. But it passed ok. Day 22 and I guess this is going to come and go for quite some time - maybe for a long long time - maybe forever.- vigilance is the key - and making sure I'm happy about what I'm eating, and drinking in a non-alcoholic way - and not feeling deprived etc. - KEY!!!!

                            I'm starting to get into some fun stuff. My allergies are getting bad so I'm eliminating as much chemical stuff from the house as I can. I dumped Mr. Clean today and made some household cleaner from white vinegar, pure liquid castile soap which I bought from Country Rose in Vancouver, and a little glycerin. I put it into a spray bottle. Mostly vinegar - two tablespoons each of the other stuff. Works in bathroom and kitchen sink and counters really well.

                            For scouring pots and pans I use coarse salt and a scrubby and rinse well with water - that works well on cook tops too.

                            For floors I use hot hot water and a few cups of vinegar, with half a cup of the pure castile soap and about 10 drops of lavender oil - makes the whole house smell great. Soap Nuts for doing laundry the natural way are winging their way to me as we speak - I'm so looking forward to getting more of the chemical crap out of my life along with the alcohol :H:H

                            Well that's all from rainy, windy, warm Niagara.
                            Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                            (quote from Bean )

                            Goal: Survival


                              The Canucks Co

                              Happy monday...! Our rain held up all day here, and it is awesome for elevating the mood.

                              Sunshine, you definitely deserve some fancy new boots, I'll cross my fingers your size is in Clearance. I love seeing red tags with my name on them!

                              MWO Lady, yay for getting the chemicals out! That is so good for our insides and our outsides!

                              Good night to everyone!


                                The Canucks Co

                                Hey Canuckers!

                                Did you know that yesterday was apparently the most depressing day of the year? I read that in the newbies nest. I had a great day yesterday though! Went round to hubby's friends and relatives to wish them a happy new year. At night had a dinner with MIL's close friend and her family. Everyone was drinking but me and a 13 year old. We drank juice and ate loads of candies. haha. Last night we played ma jiang and I won 98 yuan (almost $20)! We don't play for a lot of money, but I was very happy with my win. Not sure what we will do today. I may read a book to relax. I hope that tonight we don't have one of the dinners I was talking about, but who knows. Regardless I am ready!

                                Today- Congrats on it being your lucky year! I met my husband in my lucky year, so who knows where this new relationship will take you. I am happy to hear that things are going well with him.

                                Wally- Sorry you've been in a funk. Is everything ok? Is it winter blues?

                                GG- Sounds like a great day to sit in front of the fire, drink hot chocolate with Peanut and to read lots of Dr. Seuss. Get some new boots lady! I wonder if they make UGG rain boots...the fake fur on the inside would keep your toes nice and toasty!

                                MWOL- I don't live in nearly as cold a place as yawl do but I wear long johns everyday. haha. They are black and look more like stockings without the feet part. The best thing about them is that in the spring I can wear them with a dress and they don't look like long johns. Vinegar is awesome for cleaning. There is a site I found once called something like 101 uses for vinegar. You can google it and hopefully find some new tips. Did you always have these allergies or are they just acting up now?

                                RC- Yeah regarding Mia! She seems like such a cutie. Also it's great that she is so adorable. I have always had boy dogs, but now I have a girl dog and I notice a difference in obedience and cuddling. Champ is a huge cuddler! Is Mia the same?

                                Well that's it for now. Hope yawl have a fabby day! Stay warm and dry!
                                "When you know better, you do better"

                                AF- February 16, 2012
                                Goal 1- 3 days al free
                                Goal 2- 7 days al free
                                Goal 3- 1 month al free
                                Goal 4- 3 months al free

