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The Canucks Co

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    The Canucks Co

    Hey Canuckers!!

    To continue my anti-chemical ranting, I found a company right here in Canadaland that makes chem free make- up and nail polish - and I have NO relationship with them AT ALL. They are SUNCOAT - Vancouver, I think.

    The Mr's sweet daughter and I are going to check them out at the local "health' emporiums soon. They make a mascara that I want to check out, and of course the nail polishes. They are apparently water-based! How cool is that! No more crap!!! The founder is a chemist who wanted to find a safe nail polish for her two little girls - that's so cute!!

    Well, it's 11:23 and I haven't eaten yet so I'd better get my butt in gear - although why I say that I don't know - not like I have to punch a clock. I'm going to make a concerted effort to RELAX. And that means getting rid of that mind set that I have to "accomplish" what the culture says I have to accomplish. Josef Pieper, a Thomist philosopher says that in our culture we must use leisure to THINK. Just think. And do nothing else while we think.

    But when we "think" we always do something else. Like plug in the iPod, or knit, or do a crossword. We feel that to just sit and think is a complete waste of time. We in North America consider ourselves as "can do" people and we make lists of chores we tick off as we do them - don't we?

    One thing that always gets me angry is The Mr. will NOT take a beach vacation. He considers it a waste of time. He wants to go to a city so he can hit the Blues bars and listen to music, go to "sights," drink of course, and go to BBQ Rib places!! My idea was realized years ago when my sister and I went to a Club Med in Eleuthra in the Bahamas, where we sat on the pink coral sand for 7 days, each with a book, and a drink, and we did NOTHING else - oh and eat....HEAVEN!!!! When I sometimes complain that we never go anywhere he says "well let's go to Toronto for the weekend. We could go to a show and eat out, etc." And I always say NO. That's not my idea of a good time. I want to go up to Muskoka!!! A little resort in the woods. Long walks. Cuddles by the fire. Cuddles with the lights out. Wake up and more walks in the woods!! Now that's my idea of a good time!!!

    Oh well, I'll have to content myself with reading Josef Pieper and thinking!! Sorry for the long posts. But I really find this is therapeutic as all get out. I hope you all are having a wonderful Tuesday - and a sober one. I know I am. Day 23!!!
    Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
    (quote from Bean )

    Goal: Survival


      The Canucks Co

      gee, just realized how much I trash the poor Mr......why do I do that? Maybe I'm just being negative in general and he's an easy target. So here's a pledge:

      for the rest of the week I will not be a nabob of negativity!!! You are all too young to remember that from pre Watergate days but it was said to the press by Spiriu Agnew (Don't know the correct spelling of his name) who was Nixon's VP for a time) and he sure loved a fancy turn of phrase!!

      I'm going to so damned sweet, loving, and cheerful your blood glucose levels will have you on insulin by Friday noon!!!!!! You'll be just beggin' for nasty, negative ole me back agin - just see if yaw'll aren't!!
      Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
      (quote from Bean )

      Goal: Survival


        The Canucks Co

        Lady... you go right ahead and bitch when/if you need to! I'm not sure why but I'm in an extremely bitchy mood and overly critical of Mr. Wonderful myself. Must be something in the air or summat.

        Anywho... I had a long day (or that's what it feels like, anyways)... I bid you all a good night. Tomorrow is traveling day (taking Peanut home) so I may not be back until tomorrow night or Thursday. Behave yerselves, yaw'll!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          The Canucks Co

          Canuckladoodles?? :H Is dat French?? I'll be sicking the travel fairies on you and the Peanut tomorrow. :l

          Wally, you can spit it out here and or if you is too shy, then pm one of us. Do you take extra VitD this time of year?

          Lady, Suncoat makes an awesome hairspray. Been using it for a few years now. Never tried anything else. Do let us know how the other products perform please.

          CG--I'm still right behind you! Happy New Year btw. Not sure if I'm late, early or if it's a week long celebration there. Sounds like you're having lots of fun though. Nice.

          Today--Here's to the Year of the Dragon being your best year yet and the first of many more to come.

          Believer--how goes it? Are you still with us Tipper? Stirly-Girly hope things are going well over your side of the pond. :l

          Alright now, I have a couple of points to address here. ONE--what kind of Canadian doesn't have long johns????
          TWO--Mia snores a bit, cuddles alot, she's a bed hog, she's strong as an ox and she's ready for bed by 8:00 and starts whining/whimpering at that time to let me know. But her cutest face and demeaner otherwise redeems her.

          So, it's way past bedtime here now. Night night. Be well. xo
          Psalms 119:45

          ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

          St. Francis of Assisi

          I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



            The Canucks Co

            Harrrow Canuckeroos!

            I'm just about off to the big smoke and deliver the peanut back to his mommy Had a great time with the little Hosenmatz (yes, that's a word) but am glad to get back to normal, too. Have got almost no work done this week... so I'll better go double time when I get back.

            Hope you're all having a wonderbra Wednesday!!!! Laterzzzzz!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              The Canucks Co

              hey CAD's...
              well i am done week 3.. and feeling great. no cravings this time... not going snakey, not restless, jsut DONE with it this time....

              1 month is around the corner
              AF since Sept 2013...


                The Canucks Co

                All Hail my fellow Canadians! And a hearty good morning to you all wherever you may be in our fair land - imagine that said in a deep voice while shaking one's jowls :H That's my Joe Clark imitation, which he learned at the knee of our beloved John Diefenbaker :H

                _gg what's up with the Wonderbra in niagaraland it's an AHHHbra-morning - yes those little babies came yesterday. I bravely ordered them the day I ordered more Topa from River, even though I really could not afford them - the mental process went like this: "floppy boobs, or sobriety?" Well, I want sobriety, and perky boobs too. So ordered the Topa and the Ahh bras. They are pretty comfy. I have pretty small boobs so the bras are ok, but if I were more well endowed I don't think they would offer enough support.

                This is all part of the "be good to myself" movement :h:

                The Mr. has finally stopped offering me a glass of wine at dinner!! So all is well. I'm not tempted at all anymore. But I realize that, at day 24, this may still be the honeymoon effect. Step daughter is having us over for a fancy dinner one night soon with wine-pairings and all that so it will be a bit of a test - although I did let her know that I will not be drinking. I've kept her informed about what I'm up to and she's happy for it will not be a problem at all - she's a real sweetie :h

                Glad to hear everyone is doing well on the sobriety front and keeping busy. I haven't been doing much housework, much to my shame - I get my nose into a book and there I sit - I'm reading a story by Maugham - love love love him. Not a very jolly guy but what a writer!!

                I hope all you lovely people enjoy a wonderful day (is that positive enough for yaw'll :H) :h
                Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                (quote from Bean )

                Goal: Survival


                  The Canucks Co

                  I do not own long johns and I'm damn proud of it!!!!!
                  On the really cold nights, I do wear socks to bed, does that make up for it?
                  Not much to report here. Here's a link for things to do with vinegar.

        [/video]]Cleaning With Vinegar | At Home With P. Allen Smith - YouTube

                  You can add this to your household tips folder. Especially the cough syrup. My mother made one that featured garlic and vinegar. I never admitted to having a cold when I was a child. Yeewwwwuck
                  Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                  If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                  November 2, 2012


                    The Canucks Co

                    Hi ya Wally - You are so right with all the stuff we used to use as kids. My Mum used to give us butter and sugar for sore throat!!! Sooo goooood. The Mr. and I were talking today about how few times we went to the doctor as kids...matter of fact I simply can't remember ever going to the doctor!!!! But I do remember Doctor Whoever coming to the HOUSE - SHOCK!!!!!!! My mother and grandmother had so many home remedies and they would never have taken us to the doctor for every little ache and pain. And when my Dad retired he had a whole YEAR of sick days accumulated - imagine that eh?

                    Oh, on the "bra" front...the Ahh's are going back to the Ahh factory!! they started to chaff under the arms and that's not good!! too bad - I guess the hunt is on for the perfect bra...and that's kind of like the search for the perfect purse...just does not exist...oh well. Better shopping than drinking I guess.

                    Back to my Maugham book - way too late in the day to start housework....
                    Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                    (quote from Bean )

                    Goal: Survival


                      The Canucks Co

                      Thinking about all of you, having bad day today but no AL! Just eating everything in sight to distract myself which is not great. Just lost 40 lbs in the fall... oh well, I'll cope and report back positively. Hope you all have a nice AF night, stay warm and dry :-)

                      Congrats on all of us racking up AF days!


                        The Canucks Co

                        'Ello, 'ello!

                        I'z baaa-ack! Ditched the peanut :upset:, found no boots on sale, :upset: and got a monstrous mountain of work to tend to :upset:

                        But I'z happy :H
                        I had a really good time with the little rug rat and I hope my clients will forgive (this time). Boots, Schmoots... heck, winter is half done, right?

                        Lady, I'm SO with you... way too late to be domestic. Have fun with your book
                        I'm off to La-la land (hopefully) here shortly... will read back 'n stuff tomorrow!

                        Night night!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          The Canucks Co

                          :l Hang in there, Today... you're doing it and you're doing it right. If eating is what it takes today, then so be it!
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            The Canucks Co

                            What? Nobody up yet? Come out, come out, wherever you are!!!

                            Will attempt to climb work mountain today, stick my horse again (every 3 days), MUST get to the store to get coffee cream (urgently) and that should keep me outta trouble.

                            Lady, you're too funny! "Floppy boobs or sobriety" :H
                            Unfortunately, I'm also lacking a good rack. The only time I ever had boobs was when pregnant and/or nursing. I ain't doin that again though... talk about long term side effects!

                            As for home remedies... I remember stories from my dad and my aunt about some gawd awful tea concoction my grand mother tortured them with. They'd rather drag their sorry asses to school than endure 'the cure'.

                            Hello Caper.. I somehow missed your post last night! THREE WEEKS! Way to go! Congrats!
                            Today... how are you holding up today? Not gnawing on the furniture, I hope!?
                            RC... how'z you and the Mia girl doing?

                            Alrighty, peeps... I need to get my behind in motion. Have a fabby day!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              The Canucks Co

                              Hey Gang, where is everyone? Working? What's do you do it? Do you have to leave the house? Is there typing involved? Pencils? - hey on that topic, does anyone remember pencils :H: I shouldn't say things like that should I?

                              Cruel ole me. Believe me, if it wasn't for The Mr. I'd still be working at Nasty Corp, bent shoulders slumped, slaving over my computer with gnarled hands, greyed head to one side, lips apucker whilst I laid a big ole smooch on hiney of "da man"..:H

                              Here's a love story: when we got married I was quite a bit in debt, and The Mr. and I never talked about it. I always would change the subject. I had the usual shit slave/secretarial job....and he had a really good one. One day he took me for a nice drive off into the Rockies. With the doors locked, and toolin' along at 110 clicks, he announces he's going to pay off my debts - and he doesn't want to hear a word about it..:h: And here I am raggin' on him all the time...what an ingrate. Of course that was 17 years ago - so his stock price has gone down a bit :H:

                              Well long johns are pretty good. But the fools at LL Bean have not covered the wool outer layer on the neckline, or the cuffs top and bottom so it was a 'lil scratchy in the night. I'm hoping several washing with my soap nuts softens that over time.

                              Hey Question: How the hell do you get body lotion on the middle of your back? I used to be able to get my hands back there like a contortionist but now my shoulders, elbows, wrists just won't bend that way, and if The Mr.'s not around it doesn't get done. I wish I could invent a tool to get the job done. I was thinking of smearing some Aveno on the door jamb and rubbing my back up against it - like a big ole bear would rub his back up against a tree but don't know if that would work - the reason I ask is that now with the heat blasting all night and day (remember The Mr. is a lizard) the air is DRY and my skin gets very dry.:upset:

                              Any idea, no matter how crazy is appreciated.

                              Today, hope you are back to your usually cheery self. -gg don't work too hard!! RC so glad you now have Mia to cuddle with - how do you keep the dog hair off the bed!!! And everyone else who in my Topa-Coma I've forgotten - have a wonderful day (day 25 for me, not that I'm counting)
                              Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                              (quote from Bean )

                              Goal: Survival


                                The Canucks Co

                                Lady, dear, you are just full of questions today, aren't ya?!

                                Let's see, then

                                1. How? Depends on your profession. Some do it laying down, some standing up. Some sit, and some sip. You see, there are all sorts of ways.

                                2. Nope. I don't leave the house. (I don't even get outta my jammie bottoms most days)

                                3.Yep. Lotsa typing.

                                4. Pencils.. I have them but mostly for the cat to chew on.

                                5. Sadly, I do remember.

                                As for the lotion on back.. hmm... I'm thinking put some on a towel and rub rub rub?

                                :H I'm off to the shop to work on doors.. just wanted to pop in and see what's happening here. Shout out to Wally!!! Say 'peep' or something, ok!?
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

