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The Canucks Co

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    The Canucks Co

    Hope everyone has had a nice weekend and its not over yet.. for me its 6:45 and although dark and rainy, it gives me a chance to relax and do some reading. Maybe a bath too with mega bubbles..

    gg, glad to hear you like your daughters new b/f. I always like to see how my bf's treat my mom... and it better be good!

    I had really nice weekend, I've been pretty depressed about $ and work but a nice night out and some appreciation for my guy turned things around. And sushi for dinner! Love that wasabi you dip your rolls in, burn! Also, since I never drink sake (Japanese wine) it ends up being a temptation-free evening.

    RC, you toasty warm in your blanket?

    Have great night Canucks!


      The Canucks Co

      Hello Canucks
      I have been offline for 4 days and it has been hell!!!! But I'm back!!!
      Okay Seeds
      Nasturtium (Whirlybird Mix) 75 sds $4.75 (I am going to try to brine the buds like capers)
      Ptilotus ( Joey ) 14 seeds - $9.90.
      Poppy (Ladybird) $1.85
      Geranium (Red Orbit) 50 seeds $11.75
      Monardia (Bergamo) 40-50 sds $2.65

      - Tiny Tim 125-275 sds $1.85
      Brandywine Red 60-100 sds $1.95
      Black Krim (Organic) 50-100 sds$1.95
      Green Zebra (Organic) 50-100 sds $1.95
      Amish Paste (Organic) 50-100 sds$1.95


      - Tatsoi 400-600 sds $1.75
      Tsoi-Sim 5000-7500 sds $6.95
      Pak CHoy (Mei Qing Choi Hybrid) 125-150 sds $1.95
      Pak Choy (Joi Choi Hydrib0d) 130-150 sd $1.95
      Lettuce (Jericho - Organic) 425-525 sds $2.25
      Lettuce (Salad Bowl) 1300-1500 sds$1.75
      Lettuce (- Mesclun Salad Mixture)300-1500 sds$1.85


      Jalpeno M Strain 135-155 sds $1.75
      Purple Star Hybrid 10-15 sds $2.95
      Ace Hybrid 15-20 sds $2.25 (I :h red pepper jelly)

      Ground Cherry (Physalis Pruinosa) 600-700 sds $1.85
      Beets - Bull's Blood 120-150 sds $1.85 ( I :h pickled beets)
      Parsnips (Harris Model) 650-850 sds $1.75

      We won't talk about the seeds left over from last year that are still viable. This was so much fun, just sitting here fondling the packets!!! Thanks for asking
      Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
      If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
      November 2, 2012


        The Canucks Co

        Wow Wally! Happy planting.

        Hello to all the lovely Canucks. ***waving wildly ***


          The Canucks Co

          Ga'morning Nuckers. That's cuz we's so funny...nuck nuck really corny huh.

          Wally I totally get your excitement over the seeds. Been there, done that. There is a company called Eternal Seeds--I have spent hours pouring over the varieties in their catalogue in the past. Hopefully, I will re-kindle my love of gardening this year. I have some old glass commercial freezer doors that I would love to rig up as my little starter area in the garden. Please take pics and keep us posted. You inspire me.

          Howdy Zenners and Tawny. Always nice to see the frog waving madly. It seems so out of character. Makes ya more human or something. Otherwise you seem like this perfect icon around here. Said with respect my dear.

          Today, hope you're staying convicted there girl. You have a milestone very shortly to celebrate. Love sushi!! My absolute favourite. I have to go at least an hour away to get some. My finances do not permit that these days but I shall eat it again!

          Better run, I'm late. What else is new.....
          Have a good one friends. xo
          Psalms 119:45

          ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

          St. Francis of Assisi

          I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



            The Canucks Co

            Hello RC, gg, Wally, Zen, and madly waving at you Tawny! So glad my checks and balances are checking in.

            How did I not drink today? I have no idea, partly because I would have to come here and explain... partly because I know it won't solve anything. Work is getting me down big time. Around noon today I realized I had made a clerical error on letter sent out to client; but this letter was one correcting a different error! It makes me look stupid, makes my supervisor (we get 100% of work sent out reviewed) look stupid and makes me want to forget everything. A year ago, I would have been half through a bottle.. now, I just feel sad :-( I seriously was 2 seconds away from sending email to my supervisor that I was going home early and getting AL on the way. But, the work and ERROR would be there in morning, or Thursday morning when I shuffled embarrassed and guiltily in. Not sure why this event, or the last few have gotten to me so much, guess I'm not perfect. How about that? I know what I would say to any of you but can't seem to get through to myself. How many pity parties has it been lately??

            But I'm sober, and convicted and finished my work day. Thanks for the shout out and reminder Ringing Cedars... so close to 30 days I can touch it.

            Happy Valentines Day to all of you, hope you've got a Valentine (whether human, animal or mineral) to hug!


              The Canucks Co


              Hope you all had a good Valentine's Day! Today, I'm trying to visualize a mineral Valentine Do enlighten me, will you? :H

              So sorry about the work screw up... it happens to the best of us, though. Honest, it does. And good on ya for not hiding away in a bottle. You know, every time you make it through a situation without the crutch, you make it that much easier for the next time around. Well done, girlie.

              Wally! Ohhhh... I'm green with envy! You got to fondle! Wonderful packets, you got there. And, we definitely want pictures of the cold thing you're building and all those little seedlings. Yay! We'll be aunties to Wally's seedlings!

              We had a copper pipe burst in the barn... walked into a right wet mess this morning. Took me 'til 3pm to clean up. So much for my work day. Managed to get one (albeit extensive) quote out and a couple of emails answered. Hrmpfh.

              That's it, that's all from the thawing north... gonna have a cup of tea and some nyquil (maybe not in that order - yuck) and head to bed. Night night!!!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                The Canucks Co


                You'd better show your faces or I'll start one of my mile and a half monologues again!
                Please don't make me... I really don't have the time right now :H
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  The Canucks Co

                  HI Peeps
                  It's two more sleeps until the weekend. Yippee!!!!
                  Not much going on here at the moment. I have a full day at the desk tomorrow (blech). Bought my dog a couple of new toys. She is totally clueless, keeps looking at me like WHAT?????? One is one of those kong toys....she's like "whatever". I have a chihuaha with "tude".
                  Other than that if the weather holds up, I will try to build the cold frame this weekend. I am going to plant some of the seeds tonight, and it is waaaaaay too soon to put them out in the frame, but it will make me feel good anyway.
                  Hope everyone is having a good day

                  saved you from the monologue
                  Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                  If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                  November 2, 2012


                    The Canucks Co

                    Thank you, dear
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      The Canucks Co

                      1 month!

                      Whoo hoo! Got lots of inspiration from you guys to stay AF. This is about my 3rd quit since finding MWO last August so I feel like I'm racking up substantial days AF. Yay, getting my cheerfulness back

                      wally, the weekend cannot come quick enough! I will keep my fingers crossed for good weather for you to make your frame. Want to hear about some sprouts asap! Heck, some good weather over here would be nice too!

                      gg; how are you feeling in the thawing north? I'm still trying to figure out what a mineral Valentine would be... would some of my ex's with rocks in their heads count?


                        The Canucks Co

                        Today;1263551 wrote: I'm still trying to figure out what a mineral Valentine would be... would some of my ex's with rocks in their heads count?
                        Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                        If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                        November 2, 2012


                          The Canucks Co

                          Planted 50 geraniums last night and about 25 tomatoes. Put them on a warming mat, that I just purchased and they are nestled on the kitchen counter so I can keep a watchful eye on them.
                          Hope everyone is having a great day
                          I'm supposed to be working, so ta ta for now.
                          Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                          If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                          November 2, 2012


                            The Canucks Co

                            Oh Wally.. it's really almost Spring, isn't it? We're talking seeds 'n stuff... I can't wait do play in the dirt again!

                            Real quick today... much to do. Mr. Wonderful is dragging me to the really big smoke this weekend (TO) and Sidney and I are planning to meet for coffee - yay! So, I'll be gone until Monday night - no worries if you don't hear from me

                            Have a fabulous weekend, yaw'll!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              The Canucks Co

                              I want to go to TO too. It's too late don't ask me, I'm already in a snit.
                              I have to work on this file, and I've been at it for 7 hours and I don't want to work on it anymore. But if I don't finish it I won't get paid. And if I dont' get paid, well on it goes.
                              So I have to work on it. sigh
                              Hope everyone has a great long weekend.
                              Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                              If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                              November 2, 2012


                                The Canucks Co

                                Well I think we should make it a real meet up! I'ma gonna do my best to get to the big smoke. You should too Wally!

                                I'm going to get some seeds from a local organic farmer soon and I'm going to start peppers, tomatoes and broccoli in egg shells. Neat idea I saw on FB.
                                Psalms 119:45

                                ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                                St. Francis of Assisi

                                I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.


