Errrrmmm.. not yet, no smoothie. Turns out, there's some sort of gasket missing from my blender :H What a fine mess that was, this morning! :H But I will look for MIA pieces and I shall try again!
Did get to see the kids and the new grand baby! He slept the whole time, lil bugger! Didn't even really wake up when I fed him... a real 'go getter', by the looks of it! :H Up to the nose, he's all my son, nose totally from mummy, and the rest in undetermined until further notice
Son and g/f are good and I've spent quite a bit of time with the adoptive parents, as well. All I can say is, the kids lucked out.. even just to have those two people in their lives. They care an awful lot about all three of them. All in all, a very reassuring visit!
And now, I better get some work done!
P.S. "Reunion Island Brazil Bahia Blue-medium roast-medium grind" Up to the medium roast part I thought you were selling a new survivor series! :H