Helllloooo fellow Canucks!
Are ya cold 'n wet like me? Stirls, we're down to 9Celsius during the day and frost overnight now. *shudder*
Well, 'twas an exhausting weekend but we did get quite a bit accomplished (not nearly as much as we hoped, though).
This weekend's progress:
Back of the barn
Side of the barn
And round pen
And last night we visited grand peanut #2 who, true to form, slept for 99% of the time we were there. What a ball of fire that one is, I tell ya :H
Well, that's it for me... back to work 'n such. Stirls, as always, thank you for your patriotic pictures... but say... is Barbie's ass getting fat!??? :H
Have a great rest of the day, yaw'll!