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The Canucks Co

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    The Canucks Co

    11 days is great Coco! What's the new plan?

    Now GG, you said you were trading for these "training" sessions. Just what are you trading?

    Vanilla yogurt, walnuts and cranberries is tasting pretty good and then nighters for me.

    Sweet dreams yaw'll.
    Psalms 119:45

    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

    St. Francis of Assisi

    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



      The Canucks Co

      RingingCedars;1199096 wrote:
      Now GG, you said you were trading for these "training" sessions. Just what are you trading?
      Wouldn't you like to know!??? :H
      Nawww.. just a website for the young lad. He's planning on opening his own gym in town.

      Well, it's past 10pm and Mr. Wonderful and I just stumbled in. Now comes dinner. However, the outside walls are UPPPPPP! Yessireee Bob! Will try to get new pics tomorrow. Gawd, I'm so pooped.

      That reminds me daaahlin (RC).. CMS is installed, will send you email tomorrow am for next steps. *yawn*

      That is all. Night night. Sleep tight. Wherever you are.
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        The Canucks Co

        Good morning Canucks & Co.

        Sounds like a good deal with the training GG. Are you weight training?

        Looking forward to the next steps girlfriend. You must assure me I can't "break it".:H

        Nothing new here. Mom is coming for a short visit today. So, looking forward to that(somewhat).

        It's a beauty day out there. Get into that round pen today GG!

        Psalms 119:45

        ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

        St. Francis of Assisi

        I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



          The Canucks Co

          HAH! Thought that'd get your attention! :H

          Where is everyone?
          Guess what I did today? Anyone? - Worked on the barn... surprise! Also made a run to 2 different dump sites. I think I'm gonna call it a night early, though. I'm just bushed.

          RC, luv.. check your email.
          Also.. never answered about the shakes... LURVVE the shakes! However, I broke the blender. Uggh. Cheapest one in town was $60 and that's a bit steep for my taste at the moment. But, they said they'll get some cheaper ones in so I'll either wait for that or wait until Mr. Wonderful goes to the big smoke the end of next week. :upset: Really gonna miss my shakes. Who woulda thunk!?

          Roundpen... used it twice so far! Yeeehaw! Not so good a session with Atlas - he thought I brought him there to nibble grass/weeds that have taken up residence. Errm... apparently we need to work on FOCUS. Had a good discussion with Trouble, though. He's terribly pushy and comes right on top of you. X-nay, don't like that. So upon my insisting he back away from he, he did a couple of little rears and promptly got his hind end nipped - he came around to my way of thinking real quick :H Even gave me a little bow - thank you, that's better!

          In other news... Missy and I have been having several talks now and she has decided to terminate this pregnancy. She asked me to go with her. She's also terminated the relationship with the sandwich artist; I'm not exactly heart broken.

          Ahh.... yes, this has turned into a fine monologue again - sorry 'bout that

          Have a happy Saturday night, yaw'll!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            The Canucks Co

            Hola Canucks & Co! I can say hola, cuz it's sunny!

            Good sleep and the to do list is long--very boring house maintenance(read preparing for the F & S words) and domestic engineering. BAH

            Really glad to hear you and Missy are communicating and hope you come up with the "right" solution. No judgments from me as you know. Just a little experience.

            What did you nip Trouble with? The whip? Gotta keep those bad habits in check sooner than later. Haha who whips us? Ourselves I suppose.:H

            Sorry aboutt the blender but very pleased about the smoothies. Awesome way to start the day especially if you're not a breakfast eater. Go you!

            I think I know what you're up to today GG--so enjoy! Many thanks for taking on this technically challenged chiclet.:l

            Psalms 119:45

            ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

            St. Francis of Assisi

            I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



              The Canucks Co

              Hello again Ca-knuckles. I've been absent the past few days due to a very busy schedule. Mr. Stirly has been away the past few days and I've taken advantage of it by getting out and about more than usual and getting some extra things done around the house. Want to wish you all a very Happy Hallowe'en for tomorrow. Nothing like getting the wishes in early.

              sunshine_gg;1198611 wrote: Hello there, queen of herbs! Have the troops deserted us???

              Thanks for letting me vent yesterday. Not feeling any better about any of this today, though. FB says, my daughter is now engaged. To the sandwich artist, I presume. I seriously think he's a stump. IQ of 5. Although, this isn't about him, it's about the utterly ridiculous choices of Missy. Well, in any case.. I can't change it and I suppose I have let her to live her own life.

              In other news, and this being a Canadian thread 'n all... I'm officially pegged for becoming a 'real' Canuck. Yep, on November 10th I get to affirm an oath to her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. And a citizenship court judge will be available to pose for pictures after the ceremony Oh dear lord.

              Ok.. it's 10:30 and I'm pooped.. been a long day. Hello to the late stragglers and good night!Sunny-bean, congratulations. I just assumed that after so many years in Canada that you'd already gotten your citizenship. Mind you I've not got my Greek one yet and I've been here for almost 30 years.
              Coco-Nut;1198895 wrote: Oh oh oh! (sounding a bit like Arnold Horshak) - a Canuck's page! Imagine my excitement!

              Hellllllooooo all! (Been away for a bit but hope to be here more regularly...)
              Coco!!! Good to see you girlie even if your mouth is somewhat frightening. Please do try and post here more often. Am going to try to get here at least once a day myself.
              sunshine_gg;1200391 wrote:
              HAH! Thought that'd get your attention!

              Where is everyone?
              Guess what I did today? Anyone? - Worked on the barn... surprise! Also made a run to 2 different dump sites. I think I'm gonna call it a night early, though. I'm just bushed.

              In other news... Missy and I have been having several talks now and she has decided to terminate this pregnancy. She asked me to go with her. She's also terminated the relationship with the sandwich artist; I'm not exactly heart broken.

              Ahh.... yes, this has turned into a fine monologue again - sorry 'bout that

              Have a happy Saturday night, yaw'll!
              Sunny, ditto to what RC said about Missy and you and her communicating. We all make mistakes, some small, some big, and IMHO,we have to do our best to correct the problem/situation in whatever way is best for us. No matter whether others agree or not, in the end, the decision we make affects ourselves firstly and the others around us secondly. That might sound selfish but again, IMO, that's the way it should be. We're the ones who have to live with our mistakes and our conscience. Huge hugs to you both and :goodjob: on keeping those lines of communications open.

              Looking forward to seeing pictures of the citizenship ceremony. Will you wear a hat?
              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                The Canucks Co

                stirly-girly;1200721 wrote:

                Sunny, ditto to what RC said about Missy and you and her communicating. We all make mistakes, some small, some big, and IMHO,we have to do our best to correct the problem/situation in whatever way is best for us. No matter whether others agree or not, in the end, the decision we make affects ourselves firstly and the others around us secondly. That might sound selfish but again, IMO, that's the way it should be. We're the ones who have to live with our mistakes and our conscience. Huge hugs to you both and :goodjob: on keeping those lines of communications open.

                Looking forward to seeing pictures of the citizenship ceremony. Will you wear a hat?
                Hellloooo Dark Orchid Tart!!! Yeahhhhhhh! I'll wear my MWO beanie!!!!! :H
                Yeah, I don't think so... no pictures, thank you. The ceremony peeps prolly wouldn't like it, but this is more a formality for me. To make travel documents easier. This has been 'home' for 23 years.

                Yeah, as for Missy... I may have spoken too hastily. She sure sounded as if she had made a decision but she's wavering. As much as I would like to (in a way) I cannot put any pressure on her either way. Whatever her decision will be, SHE will have to live with it. All I can do is be here to support.

                So where's Mr. Stirly been off to?

                RC... you guessed right... just got back in. It's what? 11pm. Good lord.
                As for nipping.. yep, with the lunge whip. Although nipping does not necessarily mean making 'contact'. Just a snap in the direction of the rump (or whatever body part offends) is often enough

                Are you around tomorrow during the day? Perhaps we can schedule some light tutoring?

                And now, I'm ready to hit the hay. More like crawl into the next room and hieve myself into bed. :hallo: to Coco, Sid, and whoever else may stumble upon our humble thread, accidentally or otherwise
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  The Canucks Co

                  Hola! (secret code for IT'S SUNNY)

                  Had a fairly productive day--dump run--lovely old cottage chair transported to the store--laundry--and winterizing some winders. Won't be able to see outside as nicely with the makeshift materials but it will cut my heating costs. Go me! Some pics of the morning and late afternoon sun on my lake.

                  Hiya Stirly:wavin: Glad you had a nice little break. Boy, could I use one of those. Several even.....:H

                  Yep my fair Guru--we can set up an appnt. Will email you.

                  Make yourselves a fabby day folks!
                  Psalms 119:45

                  ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                  St. Francis of Assisi

                  I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                    The Canucks Co

                    Ohhhhhhhhhh PURRRRDY, RC! :h
                    I'd never get any work done - with a view like that!

                    Speaking of work.. back I go.
                    Hope yaw'll having a marvelous Monday!

                    Oh.. and
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      The Canucks Co


                      No, I'm not whining

                      Well, I did actually put in a decent work day AND was volunteered for back breaking labour at the barn. All in a good day's work, eh?

                      A couple of updated pics from the weekend:

                      Back there in the corner, that's the flooring for the horse stalls. It has moved INTO the barn! Yahoo! Getting closer!

                      That is all from me today. Happy trick-or-treating!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        The Canucks Co

                        Awesome GG! Those mats are friggin expensive! Fricken horses are! Anyways...not the point...looking real good on the Island. Coolio

                        Awaiting your instructions to keep me from destruction. LOL

                        It's mild here right now actually....and my fastening work is a fail..kinda sorta tbc

                        Enjoy your evening and that is all!
                        Psalms 119:45

                        ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                        St. Francis of Assisi

                        I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                          The Canucks Co

                          Hello again Ca-knuckles!!

                          Great pictures ladies. RC - that lake looks so peaceful. Do you have loons on it? I love loons - love their call. My Dad used to take us mud-cat fishing on a pond that had a family of loons. I enjoyed watching and listening to them as much as the fishing. Note the babies on the mother's back.

                          Sunny-bean, that barn is gorgeous. Love that red door. Will you be boarding other horses? It looks kinda big for just two horses. And does it have heating? I know nothing about either horses or barns so forgive my ignorance. I think of myself as a country girl simply because I grew up in a small town. Truth of the matter is that we spent our spare time playing tennis and baseball and swimming in the summer and skating and tobogganing in the winter. Unfortunately, I've only ever been on a horse a few times in my life. I do think tho' that they are truly magnificent animals.

                          Kind of quiet on the thread today. Hope you all had a Happy Hallowe'en and wishing you all a great November!!!

                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            The Canucks Co

                            G'day Canucks - I want to pop in and say how much I love your barn, Sunny. Just adore those mortised curved braces. What is the outside timber and what have you treated it with? Really looking forward to more pics. You must feel really good seeing it nearing completion.

                            Also adore your lake, RC. Stunning.

                            Be well, all.


                              The Canucks Co

                              RingingCedars;1201434 wrote: Awesome GG! Those mats are friggin expensive! Fricken horses are! Anyways...not the point...looking real good on the Island. Coolio

                              Yeah, you bet they're expensive :upset: I made the decision on flooring when Sophie was still around otherwise I'm pretty sure I'd just gone with regular rubber mats. But this is supposed to be the best for their joints, etc... and promote laying down.

                              stirly-girly;1201696 wrote: Hello again Ca-knuckles!!

                              Great pictures ladies. RC - that lake looks so peaceful. Do you have loons on it? I love loons - love their call. My Dad used to take us mud-cat fishing on a pond that had a family of loons. I enjoyed watching and listening to them as much as the fishing. Note the babies on the mother's back.
                              Ditto here, Stirls! Something very comforting about the call of the loon

                              stirly-girly;1201696 wrote:

                              Sunny-bean, that barn is gorgeous. Love that red door. Will you be boarding other horses? It looks kinda big for just two horses. And does it have heating? I know nothing about either horses or barns so forgive my ignorance.
                              No ignorance! Only the feed/tack room is insulated and I'll put a little space heater in there (along with a small fridge, coffee maker.. I'm a comfort critter, after all ). The rest of the barn is not. They really don't need 'heat'.. they just need to be able to get out of the wind and nasty stuff like freezing rain and whatnot. As for the size.. well, there will be 3 stalls, the tack room, 2 12x12 areas for hay storage and I had to give up 2 12x12 areas to Mr. Wonderful for non-horsey stuff (hrrmmmphf). The whole building is 40x48 feet. Not THAT big, really.

                              Ohhh.. btw.. did you fair ladies notice the multi posting!? :H
                              Well, back to the grind stone. I did manage to finish a job today that has taken almost a year (not even a very lucrative one). Not because of me, either. Client couldn't get their shit together. Law firm, of course. They're the worst!

                              Have a happy afternoon, evening, night, and so on! :hallo:
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                The Canucks Co

                                Howdy Canucks
                                GG I can't even read a multi post right now never mind make one.:H
                                I is tired. Catch yaw'll on the morrow.
                                Sweet dreams wherever you are.
                                Psalms 119:45

                                ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                                St. Francis of Assisi

                                I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.


