Well Canucklings... we're not a terribly lively bunch lately, are we now?

And I don't really have a whole lot to contribute, either. I could go on into a prolonged monologue about web security, it's pitfalls, the antagonizing aftermath, and the likes... but I'd bore you to tears

I'm still grumpy and peeved off and utterly resentful over all the additional work... but on a teeny weeny, somewhat perverse masochistical level I'm enjoying the challenge, too :ranger
So there ya go

Getting a bit cooler now - too bad, too. I was really enjoying the mild weather. Son and g/f are moving on Thursday so I'll be truckless for the day. If I end up going into town that day it'll have to be in the old Exploder. Imagine the Flintstone car and you'll be close :H I swear, one of these days someone WILL put their foot through the floor.
And with that I shall luv yas and leave yas. Time to get back to work. Oy.