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The Canucks Co

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    The Canucks Co

    Got this email and had to share. PML'ing![/video]]Why woman are different from men and vice versa By Amanda Gore - YouTube
    Going to put it in LOL section too.
    Wally, they look like sunflower sprouts.
    Do explain that term for me too or GG?
    Gotsta run.....
    Psalms 119:45

    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

    St. Francis of Assisi

    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



      The Canucks Co

      I'm feeling the love today. Hope you all are too.
      Psalms 119:45

      ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

      St. Francis of Assisi

      I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



        The Canucks Co

        Cinnamon, huh? Must remember that when I feel like I might damp off.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          The Canucks Co

          RingingCedars;1267904 wrote: I'm feeling the love today. Hope you all are too.
          Oh? What's his name? :H
          Btw, loved the clip you posted!
          Gonna get some lovin' myself shortly - Night night!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            The Canucks Co

            sunshine_gg;1268415 wrote: Oh? What's his name? :H
            Btw, loved the clip you posted!
            Gonna get some lovin' myself shortly - Night night!
            Woo Hoo--will live vicariously through you--kinda sorta--don't seem to matter what I start to say tonight--it could start a fricking "his name"...just as well...neither of us(potential "us") could handle it....laterz...
            Psalms 119:45

            ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

            St. Francis of Assisi

            I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



              The Canucks Co

              A bright and sunny Saturday to all! Canucks or otherwise

              Not much time... just a quick check-in today. I had my first driving lesson on the tractor! :H Oh dear.. full blown farm girl now, I'm afraid. Kinda fun, though! Off to do domestic things, hopefully a dump run later and going out for dinner tonight. What's everyone else up to? It's gorgy out there (well..
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                The Canucks Co

                Where is EVERYONE?
                Wally, I haven't researched it, but I'll take a guess. Cinnamon is an antifungal, so is damping a description applied to mold growth in seedlings??
                GG, the first thing I ever got behind the wheel of was my Baba's tractor at 14. Did donuts out in the fields where we couldn't hurt anything. Next was my Uncles Cadillac on the country roads in rural SK. I was frightened silly behind the wheel of that though. They pretty much shamed me into trying it. (They, being 2 boy cousins along with my Uncle). What's happening with Peanut #2? Been wondering about that today.
                Ok, going to do a shout out....Today, Canadian Gal, Topa Queen , Tipperlette, there was an SK dude posted one or two times, I'm sure I've missed plenty. Come on out, wherever you are in your journey. Stirly, hope all is going well in your world.
                I serviced my Filter Queen today(ya, I'm handy that way), cleaned the glass on the wood stove(ya know cleaning it once a week is way easier than once a month), cooked a turkey(bit of a fail there--kinda tough), hmmm let's see, laundry, oooo vacuumed my couch(ahem, another job that should be done more frequently), hhmm looked at fat self in the mirror several times(don't know about these folks who lose weight when they quit drinking). I am craving something sweet like crazy right now. :upset:
                Hope everyone's having a good Sunday.
                Psalms 119:45

                ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                St. Francis of Assisi

                I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                  The Canucks Co

                  Hey RC I forgot about your question. Yes damping off is a fungal problem. You keep the seedling nice and warm and moist and then BANG fungus. So the cinnamon is a preventative. Just so you know, I found some green powdery stuff on two of the jiffy pots.:durn:
                  Been doing plant sale flyers and newsletters and that sort of stuff today. Which kind of sucks because it's a nice day out. I need to vacuum my couch. I washed the blankets I put over the furniture to keep off the animal hair, but some of it still gets on EVERYTHING.
                  Other than that nothing to report. Where is everybody? You'd think it was the weekend or something.
                  Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                  If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                  November 2, 2012


                    The Canucks Co

                    Hope everyone having a good Sunday night,

                    RingingCedars, boy are you ever handy.. that is understatement of the day! Your house is spic and span from the sounds of it... head my way next okay?? :H

                    gg, how was tractor lesson?? So rural... but sounds so independent of you... go farm girl go!

                    Coming to the end of my day 3, just lost my momentum there and gave into AL. I am recommitted to staying AF, it makes me feel so much better about myself. I wasn't trying to moderate, I just didn't care to fight the cravings and gave in. But my boxing gloves are back on and I am back in the ring. Sorry for all the analogies.. in a way easier to say those than "I failed". :upset:

                    I've been catching up and see some Canuckers I haven't met, hi from Beeeeautifullllll BC (It was sunny and snowing today, crazy!)

                    Wally, we are all watching out for those sprouts, really enjoy new life growing and it reminds me that spring is coming (I have little crocuses poking their heads in my front yard!)



                      The Canucks Co

                      Good Morning Peeps
                      Soooo this morning I am lying in bed, hitting the snooze button over and over again, cuddling with Willow and Squeak, lazily contemplating getting up.
                      Wedgie comes in and jumps up on the bed for a scratch. I lazily start to give him a pat and he starts to purr and all is cuddly and warm in Wallyworld.
                      And then I sniff, what is that smell. Sniff, sniff, brush the cat, sniff It's The Cat, sniff and it smells like MANURE!!!!!!!!! OH...MY...GOD!!!!!
                      Dash out of bed, run for dog shampoo and into kitchen to get water running. Wedgie sits on the step innocently, all is luverly in Wedgieworld.
                      Pick up cat, cooing lovingly and dunk him under tap. ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!!!
                      Minutes later, calm returns, the cat is cuddled in a towel in my arm soaking wet but smelling MUCH better. The kitchen looks like a war zone, blood drips from my left hand and my heart is still pounding wildly.
                      But I am up, and the coffee is perking. All is well again in Wallyworld. (except of course for the load of linens that now must be washed, including Duvet...sigh)
                      copied in it's entirety from another thread as I don't have time to do separate posts as I am too damn busy!!!!!
                      Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                      If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                      November 2, 2012


                        The Canucks Co

                        I caved

                        After deleting 3 of her devilishly seductive emails, I gave in and opened Wendy's last email :upset: It's now $50 later and I'm sure I own stock in Botanus by now:H That's a plant/bulb company out in BC.

                        Wally! Was that your critter rolling in my stalls yesterday!? :H Glad, both you and Wedgie survived your ordeal. Betcha you weren't feeling lazy or tired after that!

                        Today... :boxer:
                        Tractor lesson was good... I was expecting to have to manhandle the beast but it drives very easily, actually. I'm sure I'll forget the sequence of what needs to be turned on first, etc... but with practice I might turn into a farmer yet. My daughter was laughing at me yesterday... said "First a pick up truck.. now.. THIS!"

                        RC.. Landen's mom had to make an emergency trip down south with regards to one of her other (grown up) kids last week, so we never got together. Thanks for reminding me.. I'm gonna give her a shout now. She should be back.

                        You sure sounded mighty industrial yesterday! Wow. I feel like a total sloth... I got one load of laundry done.. a pie baked (and partially eaten).. and... well, not a whole lot more, really. Besides horse stuff. Started brushing the boyz out twice a day.. man, are they ever blowing their winter coat. Of course, Atlas thought the shedding blade was going to eat him (in his defense, he hasn't seen it in a year, I guess). Other than that, all is well at the TajMahorse. Love, love, LOVE how Trouble is coming around, too. I'm seeing a ton of little improvements.. I can actually move him around with one finger now (what took 2 hands and lots of muscle at the beginning).

                        Ok, that's it for me... off to being productive. Have a fabby Monday, yaw'll!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          The Canucks Co

                          Wally22;1269746 wrote: Good Morning Peeps
                          Soooo this morning I am lying in bed, hitting the snooze button over and over again, cuddling with Willow and Squeak, lazily contemplating getting up.
                          Wedgie comes in and jumps up on the bed for a scratch. I lazily start to give him a pat and he starts to purr and all is cuddly and warm in Wallyworld.
                          And then I sniff, what is that smell. Sniff, sniff, brush the cat, sniff It's The Cat, sniff and it smells like MANURE!!!!!!!!! OH...MY...GOD!!!!!
                          Dash out of bed, run for dog shampoo and into kitchen to get water running. Wedgie sits on the step innocently, all is luverly in Wedgieworld.
                          Pick up cat, cooing lovingly and dunk him under tap. ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!!!
                          Minutes later, calm returns, the cat is cuddled in a towel in my arm soaking wet but smelling MUCH better. The kitchen looks like a war zone, blood drips from my left hand and my heart is still pounding wildly.
                          But I am up, and the coffee is perking. All is well again in Wallyworld. (except of course for the load of linens that now must be washed, including Duvet...sigh)
                          copied in it's entirety from another thread as I don't have time to do separate posts as I am too damn busy!!!!!
                          OH MY GOD. That was hilarious. Take two valerian and call me in the morning:H
                          Psalms 119:45

                          ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                          St. Francis of Assisi

                          I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                            The Canucks Co

                            Hello to Today and GG.
                            Today, I decided to break my run of 56 days Friday night. No real reason--just felt like it. Had my wine and did not break into the brandy sitting under the counter. That is why I decided to do a good af run. I had a bad time over family shit at Christmas and broke into that brandy gift after some wine one night. Felt verily ill the next day. Anyways, I don't think you failed or I failed. It is what it is and you learn and grow from it. Sometimes that means putting boxes gloves on.
                            GG--I think you make a fine farmer girl and there is NO shame in that. Oh contraire(sp) very honourable imo. Just take yer boots off when you enter the house.
                            Make a good one Canucks!
                            Psalms 119:45

                            ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                            St. Francis of Assisi

                            I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                              The Canucks Co

                              When I clicked the link for this thread today, I saw that there were 1000 replies. Now I am 1001 and I am glad that I follow you wonderful people; see your successes minute by minute and share in our daily AF tests (I think its called life) as well.

                              RC; you were message #1000. I feel better with your post.. and I don't think you failed, its funny that I find it easier to say that to you than to myself though. I am still being visited by Byrdies GSR (guilt, shame, regret) brothers. However, Every single wonderful AF day is a learning experience; I should be a professor by now you'd think. Did you really just feel like drinking or did something happen to help the feeling?

                              For me, I have to give myself excuses and justifications and then all of a sudden impulsively throw my hands in the air and go "I give up!" I too didn't go too far (as to go and get second bottle as I would have in past) so I'm hoping I'm learning... What I gained was recent reminder how impulsive I can be and how I need to think things through.

                              Sending hugs out tonight Canuckerdoodle-heads. Need big one in return!

                              Wally, btw, where did your cat get into?? your garden??


                                The Canucks Co

                                Here ya go, Today :armsaround:

                                Hello Canuckles far and wide!

                                RC... see, that's where we differ. I don't even LIKE stuff like Brandy but after I ran out of wine I definitely would have got into the hard stuff. In so many ways, you're a better woman than I am. And my tongue is NOT lodged in my cheek! :H

                                I noticed the 1000 posts as well... RC, your Herbal Majesty, you apparently have many gifts, the one of gab among them :H

                                For me, I have to give myself excuses and justifications and then all of a sudden impulsively throw my hands in the air and go "I give up!" I too didn't go too far (as to go and get second bottle as I would have in past) so I'm hoping I'm learning... What I gained was recent reminder how impulsive I can be and how I need to think things through.
                                Again, my experience differs from yours, Today. I found that a 'relapse/slip' was not impulsive at all for me... but rather well orchestrated and upon close inspection could be smelled from a mile away. Kinda like Wally's kitty :H

                                Well, the sleep fairy had a night out on the town last night... unfortunately, not my town. I have been sleeping rather well the past couple of weeks and REALLY don't want to get back to the nightly struggle again. Ugh. Hence, I'm in a bit of a fog today. I didn't even see the note Mr. Wonderful left for me RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE COFFEE POT until my 2nd cup of coffee. The note informed me that my farrier would be out around 10am. Which was about 20 minutes prior to me seeing the note :H Thankfully, he's a good guy and had just got to the barn himself... and would have started by himself if I hadn't shown up.

                                And that's it, that's all from me... trying to get my head around work, which seems to be more difficult than usual today. Ugh again. On the upside, it's a BOOOTIEFUL day here... the sun is bright and actually WARM (when you're out of the wind 'n all).

                                Anywhoooo... happy Tuesday, as Jian Ghomeshi would say. Or has said, this morning
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

