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getting kicked out

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    getting kicked out

    I'm gone. At a friend's house for now. He is gonna give me a bunch of stuff from the house. I think I can rent a place nearby...
    Jen, it's just easier for me to leave. I'll lose everything, but whatever. He says we can share custody of the boys.
    I was not looking inward at fixing our marriage. A lot of you probably know that. I was talking to another guy... husband found everything. He printed out emails I had sent, read text messages... I'm just screwed in general.
    Sucks, just when I started feeling better about myself...oh well.


      getting kicked out

      oh, btw, I am un-invited to all the holiday stuff with my kids. No one wants to see me.


        getting kicked out

        Becca I cant believe this...sounds like you and I both had the day from hell yesterday. I just hid mine over in the mods. I'm calling you right now.... hang on. Love you.
        What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


          getting kicked out

          So why did you talk to another guy was the husband a jerk?
          AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
          Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


            getting kicked out

            oh becca.....
            I don't know what to say.
            It's hard now but it will get better.



              getting kicked out

              Becca, you were only "talking" to someone, right?

              You didn't actually "do" anything, right?

              Surely this is forgiveable....................

              Don't do anything rash!

              Just because you screwed up doesn't mean you don't have rights.

              Hang in there Becca, it'll be okay:l
              :h :h :h :h


                getting kicked out

                I can answer your question a little Sue b/c Becca and I are very close. Her husband was not supporting her in her efforts here. He "thought" he was, but telling her she cant drink and then popping open bottles of wine right in front of her. She had 10 days abs and he hounded her every day reminding her of what a failure she has been in the past -- the damage she has done to their marriage and not one word of support for how well she is doing at the present or how far she has come. She has been devasted by his cruel words for a long time.

                Becca -- I hope I didnt overstep my bounds here. I love you and know that you have been trying to please this impossible to please person for a long time. I tried to call you.... please call me. I have my phone with me all day.
                What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                  getting kicked out

                  thanks Allie. and everyone.
                  yeah, my phone is smashed. he saw text messages I had sent... I was totally flirting with another guy. I know,.... straight to hell. No, I had never met him.
                  he has all the evidence though. no leg to stand on. was just trying to feel better about myself. never mind he did the same damn thing in the spring. but since he stopped, he gets to be forgiven. I'll be alright. I'll figure something out. it will be good to get out from under the radar.


                    getting kicked out

                    Oh Becca
                    Please take care of you. It must have been impossible to have a husband who did those things to you. He was NOT supportive at all - I find it hard when I know my hubby is out having a drink (not even in front of me!) let alone if he was to drink in front of me. Shame on him for that and damn him for making you feel like a failure, or like crap. Im sorry, I am angry for you. But that doesnt matter. What does matter is that you take care of yourself first and foremost. If you were talking to someone else, there was a reason.
                    I am hurting so much for you right now.
                    Big hug - let me know if there is anything - ANYTHING I can do.
                    Love jen
                    Over 4 months AF :h


                      getting kicked out

                      Becca -- will you please send me a PM and give the number where you are then? I'm gonna go nuts if I cant even talk to you. I have to leave the house in about 25 minutes, so please PM ASAP. Also, could you use your friend's phone briefly to just call my cell and then I"ll call you right back? Just feeling very separated from you right now. Dont make me get on a plane.

                      What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                        getting kicked out

                        Becca! I'm with Allie. I'm so sorry this is happening. But in a way I'm not sorry to hear your getting some space from what sounds to me like a power tripping SOB.
                        The reason I haven't called recently, is I didn't trust myself to not offer my judgement of him(like I'm doing now... & shouldn't be)... but I've been in similar situations, with "power trippering abusers". It makes me angry to see someone emotionaly & verbally abused, I don't even want to think about my other concerns.

                        You have my number Sweetie. And the door is ALWAYS OPEN!!
                        :l Judie Call me anytime
                        Love you....
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          getting kicked out

                          I don't know what to say Becca....What shit timing aswell

                          Just want to let you know i'm thinking of you....And we all care about about you:l
                          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                            getting kicked out

                            Becca, I just left you a message on your cell. I'm hoping you have a way of retrieving mssgs, from it from another phone? You should be able to do that. I also left a PM for you.
                            Love you.

                            PS As far as no one wanting to see you... come on Becca. That's his words. We all know better than that.
                            Great big HUGS!!!
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              getting kicked out

                              Dear Bec,

                              I am sooo sorry that things are beyond chaotic and painful for you right now. My heart is aching too for you. Please know that you are loved by many and a better life does await you.

                              Call me anytime-



                                getting kicked out


                                My thoughts are with you............. Don't know what to say, but if we could all send real hugs, you would be feeling protected right now.....

                                Love & Hugs, Paula :l :h :l :h

