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    There are so many desperate and sick people that come here not just for advice but for support and love and understanding. So WHY is it that when these people come with there lives practically hanging in the balance do other members think they have the medical knowledge to instruct such vulnerable people how to;
    - take anti depressants and suggest dosage!
    - take baclofen and how much
    - how much to drink (alcohol)
    - how much valium to take
    - how much diazepam to take
    Dont you think its up to qualified doctors to be doing this?
    The reality is, if we give advice on meds etc and it all goes wrong or backfires someone could die! We are here for each other to listen, suggest helpful ideas that may have helped oneself, and support one another.
    I just feel in my heart that is so dangerous to deal out medical advice on a whim. Its playing with precious life.
    I think all we can do when these situations arise is to strongly suggest to these people to see a doctor or get medical advice from a professional.
    Sorry to rant but its pretty big in the scheme of things!
    I pray for those who need it and for those who dont and that is the most powerful help you can give.
    Luv Pink :l


    You are right Pink...I have only tried to tell people what works for me.....but they MUST be under a doctor's care...
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem



      I have tried to post this same sentiment many times.

      We simply do not know where "you are" and what "you are going through." Even doctors do not know what the best thing to do is. That is why they tell you to go into rehab. Rehab ensures that you will be weaned off of alcohol carefully.

      Otherwise, it is a crap shoot.

      I, personally, do not do well at craps or any another casinso game. I want my well-being based one what doctors think, not chance.

      Coming off of alcohol is unimaginarily dangerous. If you are willing to take the risk, then let the risk be on your back. Otherwise, do it under supervision. Do not let a bunch of drinkers on the web send you down the wrong path.

      AF April 9, 2016



        Thanks girls couldnt agree more! xx




          My comments are restricted the realm of baclofen only.

          I "hear" you, and in an ideal world, I would have gone to a doctor before I started on baclofen. That was not a possibility. I have kept on trying - unsuccessfully. I have tried to help others in South Africa take it under medical supervision. No success - even from so-called addiction specialists. Especially them, actually.

          So f*ck the experts. Baclofen saved my life. It works. Period.

          I will encourage others to self-prescribe, if that is what it takes. If I hadn't made a decision to self-prescribe, my precious life would have been extinguished by now.
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009



            I agree with everything that has been said here. But it also is down to the judgement and intelligence of the person looking for help. We all know that what we are reading is JUST peoples experiences and not a prescription based on medical knowledge. Tip is right, sometimes the medical profession is simply not an option. I think we just need to remember that we are all as individuals responsible for our own lives and what we do. Its up to us to do the research and make the right call as far as meds go.
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              WE ARE NOT QUALIFIED DOCTORS......

              I have to agree with Tips and Starts here. It is up to the individual posting information to specify it is what they did or have learned and practice due diligence when sharing their information. And of course due diligence is required by the reader.
              Psalms 119:45

              ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

              St. Francis of Assisi

              I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                WE ARE NOT QUALIFIED DOCTORS......

                OK Clearly I have been heard wrong. I am simply talking about people who have ended up in ICU from overdosing on alcohol and Bac! If this person had sought medical 'advice' it wouldnt have happened.
                Yes it is up the member to research etc BUT some people are in such a state that they cant. They come on here so vulnerable and desperate that they try anything.
                Life is precious is it not?
                HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                  WE ARE NOT QUALIFIED DOCTORS......

                  Hi Pink, it sounds like you have some insider information and a specific case in mind. Perhaps if you shared the specifics people would make different statements that would make you feel better. I don't believe ANYONE here would suggest life is not precious.
                  Psalms 119:45

                  ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                  St. Francis of Assisi

                  I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                    WE ARE NOT QUALIFIED DOCTORS......

                    Ok its clear I have been misread and shot down so I will shut up now. End of thread.
                    HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                      WE ARE NOT QUALIFIED DOCTORS......

                      Pink, I'm actually glad you brought this up. I think this whole issue is one that all of us who are here trying to help people need to think about. People are dying every day from alcohol and drug addiction. So do we share some information (even though we are not doctors) that could potentially save a life, or could potentially cause problems? Or do we not - and hope a person seeks medical attention from the professionals?

                      I think these can be very complicated questions without straight forward answers. But like I said - most or all of us are in a position on a regular basis to offer our opinions to people in crisis. So it's worth giving thought to the things we have said, or will say in the future.

                      Excellent food for thought, and remarks thus far, IMO.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        WE ARE NOT QUALIFIED DOCTORS......

                        Pink Angel;1181133 wrote: OK Clearly I have been heard wrong. I am simply talking about people who have ended up in ICU from overdosing on alcohol and Bac! If this person had sought medical 'advice' it wouldnt have happened.
                        Yes it is up the member to research etc BUT some people are in such a state that they cant. They come on here so vulnerable and desperate that they try anything.
                        Life is precious is it not?
                        To my knowledge, no one has ever "overdosed" on bac. One may have drank too much while they were on bac, but that can happen no matter what drug one may be taking. It's true we are not doctors but many come here because they dont want to go to a Dr. If we turn them away, where does that leave them? We offer advice based on personal experience. Dont know where you are getting your info...


                          WE ARE NOT QUALIFIED DOCTORS......

                          Great thread PA.

                          Keep the discussion going. A few pro's and con's identified already.

                          Good stuff.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            WE ARE NOT QUALIFIED DOCTORS......

                            To my knowledge someone nearly died. Plain and simple.
                            I said earlier that we can only give advice from our own experiences. All im 'trying' to say is, we need to be careful about the advice we give on meds as it can be fatal if misread or misunderstood.
                            Advice can be a life saver also.
                            HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                              WE ARE NOT QUALIFIED DOCTORS......

                              Your point is well taken Angel. I do not peruse the meds threads that often. However, I do at times see advice given in the general discussion thread. Is it medical advice? I'm not sure. I do think folks that are in recovery, and doing well tend to get a bit overzealous at times. They love to share their success. Whether they consider their success based on some new supplement, medication, self control, sudden epiphany, or ancient aliens, they should NOT give medical advice. Sharing the joy of sobriety, however it was attained, is a wonderful thing. I never heard of baclofen until I joined this forum. A life saver for many of our MWO brethren. Many of the drugs used to treat, control, or to cure alcoholism are powerful substances. There is no one size fits all dosage. There can be very serious drug interactions based on other meds one may be prescribed. No one should suggest dosage augmentation or to self treat under any circumstances. While we can't control what others post or suggest, we do have control over our own decisions. The MWO knowledge share is a very powerful and I think it's great how open members are about what works for them and what has not.

                              Great thread!!!
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

