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Easy way, who had to read it more than once?

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    Easy way, who had to read it more than once?

    I posted a similar comment in the what we are reading section, but thought I may reach more people here. I am in the process of reading this book (Easy Way to Stop Drinking by allen Carr) for the third time (over the course of 3 years). It just didn't resonate with me 100 percent the first 2 times around, although I believe it did help immensely.

    I just wanted to hear from people that are in the same boat as me. The ones who think it has many valid points, but just haven't gotten it yet. Also from the people that have had to read it multiple times and for whom it has finally clicked. From all of the glowing reviews, it looks like many people get it the first time around, but there are also a few like me. Any comments would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    Easy way, who had to read it more than once?

    *raising hand*

    Yep. Reading it right now, actually.
    I tried the 'Easy way to stop smoking', too... same deal.

    Definitely makes sense but doesn't totally click with me.
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Easy way, who had to read it more than once?

      Hi Looking And Sunny (I've missed you, Sunny...will PM you later)

      I read the book twice and while he has some valid points, and it's a very good read....I think so many of his examples stop short of hitting the bullseye. He also talks so much about smoking rather than drinking, and I think that deflects from the purpose of the book. I've never smoked (not cigarettes, anyway:H ) and so that portion of the book had no meaning for me. But I know for lots of people, smoking and drinking go hand in hand. So many people here say that quitting smoking was much tougher than quitting drinking. I cannot imagine that, but I know it must be true.

      Also, with this book, I think it's helpful to read it when you hit your absolute bottom, and then you're willing to read anything to help you get sober.

      Have either of you read the book "Sober for Good" by Anne M. Fletcher? It's excellent. I keep it by my bed when I need extra support.

      Great thread....thanks for starting it.


        Easy way, who had to read it more than once?

        me me me me!

        I read the book and also bought it for my ex husband about 5 years ago. It all made perfect sense to me and I was already a fan as Id stopped smoking 14 years ago by going to an Allan Carr Clinic. However, although it made perfect sense I wasnt ready to embrace it. This student wasnt ready! When I finally faced up to really being serious about quitting I read it again in a different way, absorbing every word. Using a mix of his method, some other philosophies and MWO I finally did it.

        We can read the greatest wisdom in the world but we have to be open to it or it wont make any difference. Certainly if you are in that frame of mind I truly believe his method is a great one.

        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996

