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    I just finished reading the "Kindle" version of the "inside" of this book. I was glued to the words. I just ordered the book, and expect delivery around October 12th. No book has helped me yet, so I'm looking forwarded to reading this one. Sounds too good to be true though, especially when you have been a daily wine drinker for 27 years....

    Unwasted, thanks so much for this thread.

    Tips.....your outlook is just blowing me away. I cannot believe how good you sound !

    Miss O.
    Miss October :blinkylove:



      @Tips, haha! What did your son say to your explanation? Sort of hard to argue with logic!
      @Miss Oct., Looking forward to see what you think of the book. I've been a daily drinker for even longer -- I thought his outlook was so refreshing. It all makes sense and treats you and your mind with respect.

      Bike group rained out in a rare SoCal downpour, so I went to the gym! Now off to what would have been our post-bike brunch.



        Wow, everyone sounds so good here! Yea Yea Yea for us!

        Tips - I'm a tea freak too - but I'm going to use your "cumulutative method" idea - how smart. If you've never tried it and can find some, please try Tulsi Chai tea. I order it online and am totally addicted (a few thousand steps up from alcohol wouldn't you say)?! Tea is anti-carcinogenic - just the opposite of al. And, Tips, I agree on not rushing into the tattoo. We'll have it the rest of our lives. All tattoo artists are not created equal, so I want to be careful. The one guy never has contacted me - e-mailed him twice. Oh, and I think that's a wonderful story about your son - maybe you'll be a good influence on him and he'll not get into the drinking rut like the rest of us! OK, here's a link to Organic India's Tulsi Tea (be sure to get the CHAI if you order any):

        Tulsi, Tulsi Teas

        Irie - you are having the same reactions to the book I had - simple concepts but life-changing in their ability to create a mental shift! Glad to hear you're getting some good things from it.

        Crimsons, I'd like to hear more about your seaweed cooking class. Here's something I've been meaning to try (Seaweed Nori Chips from the NY Times):

        The Minimalist - Nori ‘Potato Chips’ -

        Miss October - welcome! Hope the book is transformative for you like it has been for us!!



          Just went to a wonderful rainy-day brunch with a bunch of (much) older ladies. Most were retired faculty from UCLA, and had worked in interesting subjects -- one had just returned from S. Africa, another did a trip for her art history book on Irish antiquities. But Dear God, please keep me sharp and in-shape as I age!! They were mostly slow-thinking and spoke verrrrry softly -- argh, why do women do that, be so unassertive? Then to the grocery story, where I surprisingly wasn't attracted to the booze aisle for once. I really couldn't believe it.

          However, one of the sweet older ladies (the only really sharp one) used to be a nurse at Venice High School. I asked if she'd seen some wild things. She said, "well, I broke up a porn ring once..." OMG! Apparently some 5-y.o. at a kindergarten where she'd worked told her she "didn't want to put that man's d*** in her mouth any more." Wow, how awful. She called CPS right away and spent the next 10 months on the witness stand in the trial. Apparently the kid is in college now and turned out OK after years in good foster homes.

          OK, obviously I've replaced booze with too much time on the computer. Turning it OFF now.



            Hello All,

            I've been following this thread and enjoying all of the great insights that people have been getting out of this book, not to mention how powerfully it has impacted them. Definitely going to put it on my "must read" list.

            Unwasted. Love, love Tulsi tea. I order it on-line. Very tasty and healing too.

            AF Since April 20, 2008
            4 Years!!!



              Tips, I forgot to ask you about your husband. Anything you want to talk about?

              Crimsons, ok, you brought it up............there is an episode of Intervention that's about a young woman who was made to do what you're describing here (to a man - her neighbor - think she was about 9 years old?). She refuses to swallow anything as an adult - she's had a feeding tube put in her stomach and will not eat any other way. It was the strangest manifestation of mental illness I've ever seen. It just amazes me that this shit goes on. I could pull the plug on people who do this to young girls - often screws them up for life.

              OK, sorry but I just had to tell the story because it was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen. She got counseling for it - tried to eat normally - went back to her old ways. So perverse.

              On a lighter note - all is well in my world (lucky me). Sending healing vibes to all the poor souls who have suffered like this - girls and boys.

              M3 - Right about Tulsi being healing - it has Holy Basil - Dr. Oz raves about the herb Holy Basil!



                Tulsi Chai tea.. will definitely look into ordering. I printed a recipe for Nori chips recently and watched them being made on the Food Network. Gotta try those too. Buying nori tomorrow.

                I have a huge problem with sex abuse of kids like all of us do. It is so soul destroying. It's everyone's responsibility to report suspected child abuse. I did about ten years ago. It was physical abuse and it stopped right then and there.

                My son asks a million questions and doesn't drink much. He just agreed with my reasons. His younger brother, the sweet middle child (29) does have a problem drinking. We discuss our drinking openly; just the two of us when no one else is around. He's still trying to control it but he IS aware of it. That's a good step in the right direction. When I told him I was quitting completely he said that he should too but right now his place is party central. He has the will but not the way. We all know it takes time.

                I had my first "A glass of wine would be nice right now." moment just a few minutes ago. I immediately reminded myself of the fact that it really tastes like crap and that I would be itching for the second soon after and how much I am enjoying my freedom... REALLY enjoying my freedom. So I put the kettle on to boil. Nicer beverage if i do say so myself.

                I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                ? Lao-Tzu



                  Tips, UW, and Irie, Geez, I've become a tea fanatic too! Chamomile, Celestial Seasonings sleepytime tea at night (my husband is becoming addicted to that, too), but I'm going to try the mixing too!
                  Crimsons - I mix up poetry all the time, and even though I've taught "The Second Coming" dozens of times, I still had to look it up for the exact wording. I'm just happy to be able to mention Yeats and poetry here!
                  Miss October, I read all of the book on Kindle cause I didn't want to wait to get it in the mail. I also like that I can read whatever I want on kindle and no one has to know what I am reading!
                  Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.



                    Tips, I think it's natural to think about the drink, but like you say, you have to also think about all the other things that come after that first one. It's really not worth it at all. I just envision a sleepless night and feeling like shit the next day. And, I remind myself that the pleasure I perceive is not real - and I think about the brainwashing and how alcohol truly is not pleasureable if we think honestly about it. And, we become someone other than our real selves.

                    It's so nice that you have an open and honest relationship with your sons. I'd have a hard time not trying to convince them to stop - I know that doesn't work, though. You can lead by example and I bet that will make a difference in the long run.

                    Hi Tonstant - so, we're a bunch of "teatoatalers here" LOL (sp?)


                      THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                      Hey everybody; it's 1.30am here so I'll pop in for longer tomorrow.
                      Spent 6 hours today (backside was very sore from sitting so long!) finishing this wonderful, piece of brilliant writing. By the time I was nearing the end of the book, I was reading little extracts to my daughter and felt truly emotional. I am so thankful to Jason Vale and as he has requested, will get in touch with him - he has asked for feedback. I feel he is genuine and well-intentioned in wanting to open people's eyes to what this poison really is and the destruction it is causing daily in today's society.
                      There was so much of what he had to say that 'you knew' but, I can't really explain it, it was as if he was shouting 'No, but do you really know, do you get it now? You've been lied to and brainwashed - and the people that are doing it don't even know themselves because they were brought up with the same.'
                      I'll tell you what, I got more out of this book than any I have read in my life. When I cried at the end, it was a mixture of relief that I am free, sadness that I didn't 'get it'(as in 'see the truth') earlier and true sadness for those that may not 'get it' at all. But with this book and as Jason says, showing people that a deeper and greater happiness is there for the taking, hopefully others will follow suit.
                      There is a definite shift in my thinking - I could feel it happening as I was reading. I am not worried about cravings, social events, anything; I can feel a bright future and am so looking forward to my 'tomorrows'.
                      No more counting days for me...........
                      Well, how's that for starters? Haha. Tipps, before I read the book I was surprised you wanted to get your tattoo so soon, but that was before - Now, I understand - you had already reached 'freedom'. Now I want the tattoo even more and surprise, surprise, soon!
                      I could talk all night about this, but better go to bed; catch you all tomorrow. Nitey!
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                        You had tears rolling down my face. It's so damn emotional for us all that we've 'seen the light'. Now I understand my Dad when he says he's "been saved".. different but the same. Daisy, I am thrilled that you feel as euphorically free as we all do. What Unwasted just explained a post or two back is so true about the brainwashing and that the taste is truly not pleasurable.

                        I feel sad now when I am with my friend; when I told her I quit drinking she burst into tears. She wants to but is not open yet to the tools to do it. She's just a baby. I was exactly where she is a few years ago.

                        One thing we have to realize, folks, is that although we are giving Jason Vale all the credit and he really is deserving, we have to stop for a moment and acknowledge that we are at a place in our journey where we are open to hearing what he has to say. I had read a lot of Marianne Williamson's books beforehand to prepare myself fully to actually act out of love for myself. In order to stop drinking we have to stop abusing ourselves and all the Jason Vale's in the world could not have convinced us if we were not ready and willing to change. So here's to us !!


                        I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                        "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                        ? Lao-Tzu


                          THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                          Hi All, several people asked about the seaweed class tonight. We made a salad with two kinds (one a clear kelp "noodle) and sushi rolls with rice substitute made with cashews and cauliflower ground together in a blender. I posted the how-tos in the recipe section. The kelp noodles (refrigerated near the tofu in a health food store) were surprisingly good, and I loved the fake rice.

                          There's a friggin wine bar in my Whole Foods! You can even have them prepare anything you buy there and have it served to you there. I did have a twinge, but I looked down at my basket of vitamins, seaweed, and organic cottage cheese, and didn't go there.


                            THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                            Hi everyone!

                            Great going on not only the AF time that folk's are achieving, but the positive mindset and optimism that is LEAPING from this thread. You make a good point Tipp re we have to be open and ready really, to take our life back by ditching the poison. And let's not forget it is we who are doing the work. We are taking action, and making it happen.

                            I 'll check this book out too, from the recommendations here.

                            Bravo, and keep it going!

                            G-bloke. :h

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                              Daisy, the change in you is palpable as it was for me and Tips. I knew the minute I put down that book that I would never put alcohol in my body again. And, like Tips describes, it felt like what her dad would call "being saved" -- an almost religious experience. Why is it that he was able to say things in a way that had such an impact on us? It doesn't really matter - I'm just so thankful that he wrote the book and that I stumbled upon it. I don't even remember how I found it. I'm always researching on the internet and that's obviously how I came upon it - but I don't remember the route or any of the particulars. That's kind of odd, really. Usually I can think back and say to myself - oh I was looking at "such and such" and then clicked the link for "such and such." But I have absolute no recollection of how I found that book. I'm not relgious, but finding that book feels like divine intervention to me.

                              Tips, I'm not sure how much of the book impacting us has to do with the timing your're describing. As I mentioned way back, I had strugged for a year with modding/quitting so you may be right. It would be interesting, though, to see if it was effective for some of the younger people here in their, say, early 30s. They would as you said probably have to have a desire to quit, but look at Vale himself. He wrote the book over a decade ago and I've seen a picture of him on his website. He looks to be in his 30s to me -- definitely not in his 50s.

                              Crimsons, your recipes sound yum and healthy to boot. I'd love to get into cooking some alternative kinds of foods. I know this doesn't sound healthy, but I actually made an angel food cake (13 egg whites!) that was incredible and pretty healthy for something that gives you a sugar fix! I topped it with fresh berries that had been soaked in a little sugar and lemon - really healthy for a dessert.

                              Guitarista - please do check back and let us know what you think of the book. And, thanks for the encouragement!

                              Hope you all have a wonderful day. I wake up every morning rejoicing my sobriety - I absolutely love living now. Every single day I'm reminded of the constant struggle I had that has completely vanished and been replaced with a feeling of true serenity, happiness, and a healthful vitality I've not known for the last decade or longer!

                              Thank you Jason Vale for having the words to jolt me into sanity!:h


                                THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                                Ulnwasted, I don't think being open to change has anything to do with age either. We can come to that place in our 20's, 30', 40's, 50's and beyond. It's about doing some soul searching, learning to love yourself and truly wanting what is best for yourself.

                                My 81 year old mother just gave up smoking with the help of that device where you puff on a plastic cigarette with minimal nicotine and gradually reduce the amount until you're basically sucking air. She is so proud of herself and she was so adamant about smoking before. She, in her advanced years, decided to give up a negative habit for no reason other than "it was time".

                                Welcome to our upbeat world Guitarista and all you lurkers. We have seen the light. We want to witness to all that will listen. I am sounding quite evangelical aren't I... hallelujah.


                                I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                                ? Lao-Tzu

