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    "It really is a life-ruining piece of shit" ` hear hear unwasted...hear hear.

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011



      Just ordered the book.... wish me luck, Detox is on my callender for this monday



        Boston, super! Let us hear from you as you progress!



          Greetings DJL, Jasonette's, Jason's, baldheaded babies, and all to follow,

          Here is some more great ammunition in the battle DJL. Essential reading i suggest. Great to see you here, and keep reading. Read, read, read, read, and get yourself a plan. You can do it. You can come out of the fog, the haze, the crazy merry go round. Tomorrow doesn't exist. There is only now. Go for it friend!

          There is also some great stuff in the toolbox about 'Gratitude vs. deprivation' thinking, if folk's haven't read it yet.

          (Peppermint tea rock's!)

          Best wishes everyone. G-bloke.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



            Hello everyone. I feel the same today as I felt when I finished the book; but something different - even more aware. I can now hear Jason Vales words everywhere I look. No sooner had I put the book down had I come across the packaging from Amazon - a 'buy 40 bottles of wine a bargain prices' fell out from the box. I then went to start the new novel I'd bought in the same shipment - opened the first page and there was a prize draw to enter for yet more 'wine'. Watched an innocent enough programme called Coach Trip and they pronounced the winner and 'celebrated' with champagne. Coronation Street, Emmerdale - alcohol everywhere - as if it was as innocent a drink as tea. It angers me that this has and is happening and I am so grateful that my eyes have been opened. No wonder so many people think it is ok, it really has been a mass brainwashing to and by ourselves and society. We all have a part to play in changing things in the other direction; like Jason Vale advises, live it and show people that it is not alcohol that makes us happy, helps us relax, comforts us, makes us laugh, makes our food taste better.......that was all a big fat lie we even told ourselves and believed. Thank God my tune has changed...
            Sorry for ranting a bit but GRRRRR!
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!



              Daisy, I find myself getting indignant now about all the promotion of alcohol too. One thing from the book that really sticks with me are the statistics he cites:

              The alcohol industry and government reap all the profits from alcohol. 200 million pounds is spent yearly in the UK on advertising and the government earns 8.7 billion from alcohol. As a nation, the UK spends 25 billion pounds a year on alcohol, almost as much as the entire budget for education. Then, at the same time, the government condemns alcohol. How perverse is that?

              (Absolutely no telling what these numbers would be in the U.S.). I've started noticing how every t.v. show glamorizes alcohol - you're just not cool unless you've got some nearby. Of course, they don't show the ugly side of what happens with it down the road.

              And......alcohol kills more people every year than heroin, crack, cocaine, speed and all other 'hard' drugs combined.

              Hard to believe that we don't collectively wake up. I guess until we start having problems with alcohol, we're oblivious to all of this. I know I didn't have a clue until I started needing to figure out what the hell was going on with me and tracing every single problem I had to alcohol -- from sleeplessness to anxiety to depression!



                Hi Guys: I'm going to sign off for awhile -- got lots to do and energy to fuel it! Didn't want anyone to think I just up and disappeared. Keep up the good work!



                  I understand Crimsons. I have a huge contingent of family descending on me tonight for Thanksgiving weekend. I've made the pumpkin muffins, 4 quiches, a big pot of chili for Saturday, defrosted the turkey and am now trying to clean the huge mess I've made. I'll be away from the computer all weekend too. I'll catch up with everyone on Monday when I launch my blog "52 New Healthy Habits"... big changes for me.

                  Have a fantastic weekend. It's supposed to be 25 celcius and sunny here in Quebec this weekend. For you Americanos, that's around the low 70's... lucky us.. fire pit, hot tub, playing outside... Ain't life grand.


                  I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                  "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                  ? Lao-Tzu



                    Well, I guess things come in three's as they say - my computer crashed and I work from home, so things are not going well for me today. On hubs' computer momentarily..........I have such a love/hate for these things. Having a tech guy come late today (lucky I could get one in the same day).

                    Hope everyone here has a nice weekend. Happy bd again Tips - enjoy and let us know how things go.


                      THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                      It's a Miracle !!

                      Little story to relay: Last night my late 20's niece and her keeper of a boyfriend arrived for their second visit as a couple to spend Thanksgiving weekend. The last time they visited hubby and I spoiled them with gourmet meals and lots of our 'delicious' wine. I was still drinking at the time and fun was had by all. They arrived late and hubby and I stayed waiting up for them while sipping on whatever (anything but booze for me).

                      He, being a young man with a lot of pride, did not come empty handed. He proudly presented me with two bottles of expensive red wine and had some exotic beer for hubby. I thanked him but said I was not drinking. A little song and dance ensued and I was guilted into having a glass. He would not take no for an answer and I caved as he was at that place in his life where he has realized the thrill of 'giving back'... my sons are there too and it's fun to watch.

                      Once the wine was poured we all took a sip and raved about the taste. I recognized the taste as being a better quality wine but I swished it around in my mouth (I wanted to spit it out) and 'really' tasted it. Poison !! is what my brain registered. I quietly put it down and suggested we hit the hot tub. Everyone brought their drinks out to the tub and I 'forgot' mine. I poured it down the sink and no one was the wiser.

                      I don't drink. I have been cured of the illusion that it's tasty and desirable. Even when put in the position of having it shoved down my throat I couldn't drink it. What a relief. There was a time less than a month ago that I would resent sharing that bottle with three other people and would make sure I got more than my share. Times have changed... I feel it is permanent.


                      I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                      ? Lao-Tzu


                        THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                        Tips - well, this couldn't be a more encouraging story. You were really put to the test and found that you have "hit the switch" and even better. You're not just "indifferent" to alcohol, you're genuinely put off by it mentally and physically. Wow, I'm so happy to hear this story. So, permanent like (perhaps) a..............


                        Would you believe the second guy I called that I thought was going to be more reliable is now flaking out on me and not calling/e-mailing back? Very frustrating. Looks like I'm going to have to drive an hour away to a bigger city. Any progress for you in the tattoo department? I do think letting the idea "gestate" is a good one to be absolutely sure we want it. I feel I do, just have to figure out how to find someone who is reliable. Maybe they don't just do phone/e-mail and you have to physically show up at their place??

                        Anyway GOOD FOR YOU TIPS - SO HAPPY FOR YOU!


                          THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                          My daughter has lots of tattoos and she wants to come with me to get one. I'll see her tomorrow here at the cottage for turkey dinner so we'll have to go with her schedule as I am flexible working for our business part time. For me it's a go: bird cage and bird flying out... not sure whether it's one wrist or two. I feel great and such a weight has been lifted. Gotta go back outside as the bonfire is calling.

                          Unwasted, you have to do what you're doing; take it slow and sure as you want a guy with a good reputation. Like you said you may have to go in yourself.

                          Talk later.


                          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                          ? Lao-Tzu


                            THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                            Hi Tipps and Unwasted. It's 3am here. Just back after picking my daughter up from downtown. Ended up going back 3 times to leave nephew and other friends home too. They weren't too bad but police out breaking up fights, couple of girls lying on ground, couple arguing on the street. I know this is nothing new and of course, I'm no-one to talk, seeing the state I've been in. Difference is I'm looking at it totally differently now.
                            The most telling thing tonight was when I dropped 2 neighbours off (they spied me and jumped in my car) and they were telling me about the behaviour downtown. They were going back for more drinks and already very slurred speech - one said 'I love you' even though don't know her that well then 'I don't know why some people go out when they can't handle their drink.' They were pretty innocent, I know, but everything is making me think more now; I suppose that is what Jason Vale wants us to do.
                            Even my daughter, who didn't go out until after 11 said, 'wasn't much good, cos only had time to get 3 drinks...' Now that annoyed me, but I can't come over all holier than thou after the way I have shown her how to treat alcohol over the years.
                            It's going to take me a long time to forgive myself for that......but it will definitely be better than trying to drink away the guilt......didn't work anyway!
                            Tipps, glad to hear about your wee experience the other night - reassuring. You seem to have made your mind up about your tattoo. My daughter is getting one with me too. She is 16 - told her she can have it on her big toe - a wee smiley face - haha! But I will let her get a small one somewhere discreet.
                            Looks like Unwasted and I will follow you on that; I haven't got a tattoo artist yet and it looks like we will get different ones but is there any tiny symbol you can think of to add that would unite us? Just a thought.....
                            I'm like the night owl, sitting here hooting away while the world sleeps. I hope any of you that have ordered the book will get in touch and let us know how you're getting on...
                            I'll bid you all good night and check in tomorrow again..........
                            IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                              THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                              Daisy, I hear you about being up in the wee hours. I'm not doing that exactly, but I do have so much energy. I absolutely love feeling clear-headed, tiring naturally instead of passing out. I could go on and on about all the things I love about drinking.......

                              I like hearing your stories about being with the people drinking when you were not. I have yet to experience that. I do, however, feel so much better than my husband even after he has just two beers -- I can tell. He gets tired and I'm chirpy and happy. He's blah! I also can hear your neighbor saying "I love you" in that drunken way even though you don't know each other well. I think about how I was like that when I was drunk. Everyone was my best friend and I just adored them. Then the next day, I'd say to myself "WTF was I thinking?" It's so phony. JV is right about how we're not ourselves when we drink. I always wanted to get together with people and made promises and never followed through -- because I didn't really want to -- it was the alcohol. SO SO happy to be done with that. And, like Tips, it really feels permanent to me.

                              Guess I'll check out for tonight all -- Tips, when you're tempted to drink even one sip, you have to be careful. Remember how JV talked about re-starting the addiction and NEVER having a drink. I think if we want sobriety we can't cave to ANY alcohol (very slippery slope).

                              Best to you all!


                                THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                                this thread has been very inspiring for me and I am waiting on my Jason Vale book....thanks unwasted!!!
                                many hugs to all of US who are struggling......
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

