I am really looking forward to reading this book. I have had some challenges for sure lately, and have drank a couple times. Am feeling very disappointed in myself. I know that AL is just poison, and it does nothing good for me...I ordered the book ten days ago. I hope it gets here soon!
No announcement yet.
I am really looking forward to reading this book. I have had some challenges for sure lately, and have drank a couple times. Am feeling very disappointed in myself. I know that AL is just poison, and it does nothing good for me...I ordered the book ten days ago. I hope it gets here soon!
Abielle, glad your book is on the way. You sound like you are ready for it. Good luck and let us know how you get on.......IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Hi everyone, haven't been posting much but I've been doing fine. As a self-professed plagiarism expert, Nancy's suspicions raised my hackles a bit. So, I downloaded the free sample of Allen Carr's book to my Kindle and began reading. I also checked Vale's forward and intro to see if he mentioned any debt to Carr. My professional opinion (ok, I'm an English professor) is that Vale is absolutely borrowing his ideas - not his writing - from Carr (Carr is a much better writer!). Yes, he should have at least credited Carr with this approach since they seem almost identical. I suspect there must have been some deal or some agreement otherwise Carr or his estate would have sued and would have had an excellent case.
Regardless, both books are very helpful and if one doesn't strike a chord perhaps the other one will. I sort of like Carr's - for lack of a better word - sober approach. Vale is a bit frenetic and jumpy for me, but again, the basic message in both is sound: there are no benefits to drinking and we have all been sold a lie.
Now, back to finishing the Carr book!Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.
@TW, I think you are correct. Both are copyrighted in the UK, which seems to have similar laws to the US -- with which I'm pretty familiar. As long as he didn't lift any text directly, I don't think it's illegal, although it is a unethical not to footnote Allen Carr. I mean, nonfiction books and other media almost *must* rely on others' research and ideas; as they say, there's nothing new under the sun. It's tacky of him not to reference it, but I don't think it's sue-able. Hey! I made up a new word!
BTW, I am having a changed experience with (not) drinking. I've also been listening to free podcasts from the fitness expert Jillian Michaels, as I'm continuing my weight loss odyssey. I kinda like her 'tude. "You wanna lose weight! Don't have any alcohol!" And apparently she hit the liquor cabinet hard as a teenager.
That said, I did drink one night, when I had a martini and three wines, beginning in Beverly Hills at 9 pm and ending by my apartment at 2 am when the Mexican place closed. I felt stupid when I was doing it and oh-so-lovely in the morning. It was a real lesson for me, and I haven't had the yen to hang out with our pal AL again. It was spread over several hours so I wasn't toasted, but the AL and sugar sent me a** over teakettle the whole next day. However, I met a really nice 38-year-old guy who didn't seem to get that I am 51 (I realize that might have been due to *his* pal AL). And I'm not going to burst his bubble; we have a coffee date tomorrow afternoon.
BTW, is your avatar Dorothy Parker?
Hey all! I'm very excited to pick up the book. Gonna see if I can't find it in a bookstore before buying it online, as it's not crazy cheap on amazon. Anyhow, I know a lot's being made of the similarities between "Kick the Drink" and "The Easy Way", but from what I've read here, they also sound similar to "Rational Recovery." Has anyone here read "Rational Recovery?" How does it compare? Congrats to all those who have achieved sobriety with this book! Also, I got lazy in my reading and skipped ahead on the thread. Did anyone end up getting tattoos?"Yet someday this will have an end
All choices made or choice resigned,
And in your face the literal eye
Trace little of your history,
Nor ever piece the tale entire
Of villages that had to burn
And playgrounds of the will destroyed
Before you could be safe from time
And gather in your brow and air
The stillness of antiquity."
From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich
differences between Rational Recovery
Hi windy city lady!
It's been a while since I read Rational Recovery and I can't check the book because I didn't keep it. It wasn't a book that helped me.
From memory, and it's been maybe three years, Rational Recovery is different. It focuses a lot this Beast metaphor, which is why I couldn't identify with it. Carr and Vale focus more on what's wrong with society and the illusion of alcohol, seeing it for what it is and not feeling deprived. So for me, there isn't too much overlap that you wouldn't get something out of Carr or Vale's book. But for me, getting Carr and Vale is too much.
There are some similiarities between Rational and Easy Way(s). They offer alternative ways of thinking about alcohol and are a bit anti-AA. They don't believe in labeling yourself as an alcoholic and going to meetings forever. When you are over it, that's it. Getting support is your choice, no pressure. Another difference with Rational is that I believe it does also include meetings, exercises, workbooks. It's more of a complete program from my recollection.
It amazed me when reading all these books at the time how many different interpretations there are for alcoholism and that really it's a problem that has been looked at not very scientfically. I now prefer How To Change Your Drinking by Ken Anderson, who covers the problem in terms of neurotransmitters, not beasts, or honey traps.
Ah! Thank you so much, Nancy! Still gonna look for Vale's book today. Is Anderson's book along the lines of "Seven Weeks to Sobriety"? I still take my billion supplements a day, but haven't had much luck altering my stubborn neurotransmitters. I'm at my family's home in MI right now and my dad subscribes to "Life Extension" magazine. There's an article by a doctor who claims he can cure addiction with a relapse rate of only 9%. His website is floridadetox.com. Haven't looked at it yet myself, but found the article interesting. Probably something for the Holistic Healing threads, but thought I'd mention it. Thanks for the info!"Yet someday this will have an end
All choices made or choice resigned,
And in your face the literal eye
Trace little of your history,
Nor ever piece the tale entire
Of villages that had to burn
And playgrounds of the will destroyed
Before you could be safe from time
And gather in your brow and air
The stillness of antiquity."
From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich
Ok. Floridadetox.com looks kinda creepy. Scratch that. The original "Life Extension article was interesting though, if you can find it online. Just saying."Yet someday this will have an end
All choices made or choice resigned,
And in your face the literal eye
Trace little of your history,
Nor ever piece the tale entire
Of villages that had to burn
And playgrounds of the will destroyed
Before you could be safe from time
And gather in your brow and air
The stillness of antiquity."
From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich
I had my ceremonial last drink yesterday. I even taped myself doing. I talked to the glass of whiskey and told it how much I hate it and hate being duped by it and hate what it's done to my life. I could only have a sip and threw the rest down the sink. So far, I am feeling really good about my decision. I am have a pretty bad virus, so physically and mentally I'm doing not well at the moment. But I am still exicited. Now I seriously have to get down to the business of loosing some weight before Thanksgiving. I have a formal occasion to go to and must be able to fit into a dress that I bought a little too tight. A little less than 6 weeks to go . Can't excersize today because of the virus. But it also means I have very little appetite and can't eat. Drinking tea and lemon water and I just had some chicken noodle soup.
My thoughts on the end of the book:
- I still thought it was my fault for falling for the brainwashing and that really depressed me. At the end Vale stresses that it is not your fault - it was a con. I posted about this somewhere, but I had a lightbulb moment when I compared it to kicking myself and really being hard on myself for buying my current house for way more than it's worth. It took me awhile to realize that it wasn't my fault, it was the market and that we have been sold the idea that real estate never goes down in value, not just me. That really helped in staying positive and not getting down on myself
- Also at the end of the book Vale talks about how when you see alcohol for what it really is, that you become one of the special and unique people and you not just following the crowd. I really liked that. I really like how I have something special that most people don't.
- I also thought about all of the crap going on in my life right now and how most of it is out of my control.. (parents getting old and needy, an autistic son, the economy, the housing market, the city I live in , etc, etc) Why would I want one more HUGE thing controlling my life? Quitting will put me in control of my life life for a change. It's kind of like saying "F U life! You're screwing me over. At least I have control of this alcohol thing"
I will keep you posted, so far so good.
LFP, congratulations, I am glad you are finally into some self-forgiveness or self-acceptance. It feels good, eh. We are unique and special and enlightened too. It is our quest for real change through concrete information and the following through on what we learned that set us apart.
I am very happy for you and know that you'll have no problem dropping the weight. Six weeks is a good long time to tackle a little excess weight.
Good luck.
I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.
"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
? Lao-Tzu
Thanks for the encouragement Tipp. I wish I could excersize, I just have this bad cold that has me totally beat.
Another difference between Carrs message and Vales is that we shouldn't be concerned if we still think about alcohol a lot after stopping. It's how we are thinking about it that is different this time. We are not pining over it like people who first stop using the willpower method, we are happy to be set free. It's like Nelson Mandella being released from jail probably thought about jail all the time after he was released. But He thought of it as happy to be free. Vale himself said he thinks about alcohol ALL the time because it's his business and his passion to set people free. It's how he thinks about it that different.
Being quite new in this attitude shift myself, I am thinking about alcohol a lot as well, but I use these thought as reminders of how happy I am to have found something special and that I am free. After sometime, I'm sure the thoughts will lessen, but it's perfectly normal to have them.
I'm editing because I just wanted to clarify... I don't know if Carr brings up this point.... I just didn't get it until now. (i really want to give Carr all the credit he deserves) I remember even posting in the past that I wish I didn't have to think about alcohol at all, just like thinking about carrots. I can go for days not giving carrots a thought and I thought that I should have the same mindset about alcohol to be truly free. Now I realizes that it's OK to think about alcohol and be free as well.
Finished the book and LOVED it! I liked Carr's book - it felt more like a very enlightening read. Kick the drink hit me right in the Arse .... right where I needed the kick! I found myself having pings in my head ... pings of JOY!
What really stuck with me is that I am not giving up something that did anything for me at all. For some reason I just couldn't work that one out from Carr's book. That message just didn't ring true for me in the easy way. My head was getting it - but my heart was saying "oh it does too help me escape". With "KICK" ... I GOT IT! I got the lie that it has helped me escape.
Time for me to go to bed now ... I'll write more about this next time! THANKS for this thread unwasted and all of you who are contributing!!! :hPut your hands over your heart - and tell yourself that you are going to guard this essence of who you are with everything. Alcohol opens us up to darkness and depression instantly. You choose love today. Guard it by keeping the poison out of your body. It IS poison.
NF - May 2, 2013 (cig free Jan. 25, 2013)
AF - July 31, 2013
Ditto for me. The Vale book impacted me very differently from the Carr book, and I don't think it was just timing. I think it's more modern and goes into much more depth than Carr's. And, some of the ways Vale describes things are more poignant albeit repetitive. But, as I've mentioned before, the repitition is intentional on his part which helps inculcate it into our little alkie pea brains.
Anyway, it sounds like you're going to benefit from having read it, which is wonderful!
Best to you.
My books are on their wayI ordered Jason Vale's book and was intrigued by another I saw listed "Living Sober Sucksm but living drunk sucks more" By Mark Tuschel. Has anyone read this one? It seems to be similiar to Jason Vale's book in that alcoholism is not a disease.
I am anxious to receive them, I will update on the Mark Tuschel book.
Hi Everyone,
My book is on the way too...I am anxiously checking the mail everyday (normally I wait a few days, because who wants to see nothing but bills? LOL)
I read Carr's book too, but obviously it didn't work, yes it was interesting, but...
Anyway, I'm looking foward to seeing what Vale has to say, and my mind is really, really open and receptive to it right now, so I have high hopes!
Everyone have a great day!
K9:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.