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    I just got the book myself after reading all the kudos about it here. Haven't really started it yet, I don't have much free time with 6 kids in the house, but I can't wait to give it a go.



      I have received my books and started both at the same time lol

      I first started with Being Sober Sucks, but being drunk sucks more - as it is very short. I am only on the first bit and to be honest - I am not a prude by any means - but his use of unnecessary swearing, especially some words that do make me cringe, is turning me off. I will finish eventually, it is short and I am intrigued somewhat.

      I started Jason Vale's book last night and know I will love it. Already it has changed my thinking and is giving me tremendous hope, and that's only in the first couple of chapters. I can't wait for the weekend when I have more time to really get into it.

      Thanks for the excellent recommendation:thanks:




        Good book I feel it has changed my whole thinking about alcohol



          I read this book a few months ago when I was doing really well AF. I am now reading it again as I am not doing so well. Has anyone else found it useful after having a bit of a slip? I would love to get back to that feeling I had that I didn't want or need AL in my life. It is a great book.
          SJ xxx :groupluv:

          'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle



            The "Vale" Lifted

            Hi Everyone,

            An update from moi..........

            I made a very conscious choice to drink again. And, although that is not what Vale espouses is the right thing to do, I feel happy with my situation. I haven't had more than 3 beers or 2 glasses of wine at any occasion, and I don't drink at all during the week.

            ......Just to put my story into perspective...........Before reading the Vale book, I had been successfully modding for a year. The year before that, things had gotten a little out of control, but after two long AF stints of 30-45 days, overdrinking wasn't an issue. However, I struggled with it mentally (unlike the way I feel now). When I picked up Kick the Drink, I had decided to stop drinking because even 2 drinks was disturbing my sleep. So, the amount of alcohol I was drinking was "normal" but messing with my sleep. I've now made an adjustment to make sure I'm finished with any drinks by about 6 p.m., and that seems to be helping.

            I really don't want anyone who is having success with the book to feel despondent about my having decided to drink again. You really have to look at my history to know the whole story (which is difficult to succintly summarize here). I do think Vale is right about alcohol. But, I guess for whatever reason, I'm not ready to totally abstain as long as I can comfortably keep it at this amount and days per week without it feeling like a struggle.

            Because of the book, a lot of the glamourizing I used to do about alcohol (in my mind) has changed. I'm feeling more like I can take it or leave it, but that I do enjoy the small amount I'm drinking. It's much less appealing to me now, though, and I do attribute that to to the book.

            Anyway, I wanted to let everyone know how I'm doing since I started all the fervor about the book. I still think it's really worthwhile, and I do believe it has helped me have a different outlook about alcohol. I guess I feel like as long as I can drink this little and this seldom, I'm willing to continue. However, if I start escalating or having sleep problems, I will stop.

            We'll see.......that's where I'm at right now. I'm just trying to live my life without being too caught up in analyzing and obsessing about alcohol. I promise, though, if things get out of hand, I'll be back here posting and asking for advice (and probably talking about more books).

            SJ, can't really answer your question but I guess this post addresses it in a way..........

            Wishing the best for all of you on your journey.



              thanks unwasted

              I applaud your honesty and I feel I am heading the same way. I am going to complete my af time that I set out for myself and do my inner work that is needed to not binge again. I have decided to only drink light beer, which worked for me moderating in the past. Once I introduce wine of liquor then I spiral. I was successful in the past, have gone through my fair share of rough times in life and feel I have come out stronger. I have thought this over and don't know when and really if I will drink again soon but I do know I will never have a hangover or feel shame again.

              I am still reading the book and is helping a lot, who knows what will happen but I feel the same as you. On that note, I am leaving the site in fact taking a break from technology for awhile and focus on myself and grief recovery.




                I thought I would update since I finished the book last week. Since then, I have had a few days where I really got the message and didn't drink and didn't want to, a few days where I didn't drink and wanted to, and a couple of days where I drank. So, I guess I have not gotten the message of the book at all, even though I am drinking much less.

                If the message would have sunk in 100% for me, I would truely feel elated that I was free and always feel like I have absolutely no desire to drink. That is the message of the book after all. Its not ok to have an occasional drink. Its not even ok to abstain while still craving that occasional drink. If you havent gotten past those 2 points, you have not gotten the message of the book. It is meant to have you not ever want to drink again for the rest of your life and be totally elated about it.

                That said, I don't believe the message of the book failed, I believe I am either not ready for "forever" or I need to keep re-reading until every point sinks in. So, I'm not giving up on setting myself free from alcohol. I will keep reading until it finally clicks.

                I am a little dissapointed that I was not one of those people who got the message after 1 quick read of the book, but I am also hopeful in that thus far, my drinking has slowed down and I am starting to think of alcohol in a new way, as poison that we have been conned to believe is somehow beneficial to us.

                At the end of the book, Vale says the "magic" of the message will only work the first time you read it. That scared me at first because I thought I had only one shot. However, I don't think this is true.... I think some of us may have to go over it several times and we will eventually "get it". So my advice is don't give up on this message if it hasn't seemed to work for you the first time or if you have relapsed.



                  Ok, i'm well into the book now and I have to say that drinking is much less appealing. I would usually be well into my second glass of wine on a typical night, but I poured half a glass and I'm not in a hurry to drink it.



                    Hi Guys, I just wanted to check in with the surprising news that my blood tests came back all smack dab in the middle of normal, including the liver one. The only explanation is the gene pool, certainly not my behavior! The one thing slightly elevated was thyroid, and I think that's a sleep issue. I'll tackle that, put the coffee maker away, and try again later this month. Whew, what a relief. Also my BP dropped back into the normal range with the absence (mostly) of AL and a few pounds gone. Actually, nine pounds gone since I read Vale's book and pretty much stopped drinking. I am pleasantly surprised and feel I nipped in the bud what could have snowballed into a lifelong health problem. At 51, would love to stay healthy and prescription-free as long as possible.


                      THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                      Crimsons, so glad to hear of your good checkup, weight loss and most of all mostly AF life. I'm really glad the book worked for you! Peace


                        THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                        Moderation? Again? Why?

                        I don't want to appear to be judgmental
                        or cynical; just trying to understand.
                        What is it about alcohol that makes you want to
                        drink it-though you know from experience the
                        inevitable road it puts you on?
                        Isn't Vale's point that trying to control it is lack
                        of control?
                        Sorry but I know that my experience is not that
                        different from anyone else's here. You would not
                        even be here if there wasn't a RECOGNIZED
                        problem. If the response to that problem is to continue
                        to pretend it's "controlled"? I just don't get it


                          THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                          Hi Ann, I don't know if your post was directed to anyone specific on the thread or it's just a general comment, but I agree with you. Vale's goal is to never, ever drink again or to be tempted to drink again, that is why I posted that I didn't get the message because I drank a couple of times after finishing the book and I was also tempted to drink after finishing the book. According to Vale, if you even have the desire to drink, but don't...... you don't get it.

                          That is why, despite Vale's message that it might not work a second time, I'm reading again, hoping that some more points will click with me. Congratulations to you though, you sound like you really got it. What points stuck with you the most? Was there a "lightbulb moment" for you? Any input from someone who really gets the message would help some of us that are reading the book or who have read the book and are still not quite there. Thanks, Peace


                            THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                            Hey Peace

                            I think it was just the affirmation of what o thought for
                            a long time-that it's not deprivation-that drinkning
                            is not and should not be essential to life. My history
                            is LONG too, and I'm not a joiner so AA was not for
                            me. It was just mice to see the same perspective
                            detailed in print.
                            I'm not 100% sure what has happened. A big factor
                            may be what I call the "gutfull syndrome" -just where
                            you get to the point if saying I'VE HAD IT.
                            On my family we had 7 kids-4 with alcohol
                            and 3 not. Parents-yes-both.
                            As you probably have , I've read a ton about it-
                            Causes, biology, blah blah blah. I'm a scientific
                            person so I like knowing stuff but I don't care anymore.
                            I don't let my thoughts go there. It does not matter.
                            I'm just not hurting myself any longer.
                            Frankly I'm proud of quitting smoking and drinking.
                            Makes me feel like I can do anything!


                              THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                              Another thought

                              Also-isn't it a result of mass media/ brainwashing
                              that we are conditioned to perceive "relaxing" times
                              as pleasant with alcohol? Of course we are.
                              Talking about "not giving up" the quiet moments
                              with a spouse or whoever with alcohol?
                              That's exactly the point. If alcohol is an integral
                              factor in the enjoyment how weird is that?
                              Our adverts are always beautiful cool people sitting
                              around in a fabulous setting with a crystal glass of
                              Amaretto or something, oh yeah looks nice.
                              When the reality is you're the only one at a wine
                              and cheese gathering at the and scrounging
                              for more wine.


                                THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                                Hi Guys, I had another breakthrough today. Had a business lunch at this beautiful beachfront restaurant in my neighborhood on a sunny day. As we finished and my companion left, the lady bartender (this is one of my old happy hour haunts) said a big friendly hello, and happy hour had just started. And y'know what? I was not at all interested. It wasn't til I was outside on the patio that I realized I didn't even want any AL. I wanted to go to the gym. So that's where I'm going now. Wow, that really is a first.

                                Also, when I got home, the number on the scale was pretty good as I'd eaten light at lunch with tea to drink. I'm really enjoying feeling better, eating better, and exercising more since I'm not hung over all the time. I've lost seven pounds in the last few weeks.

