Irie - I think the bracelet is a great idea too (except that you can take if off lol). Truly, though, I understand the hesitation about a tattoo. Depends on your lifestyle - work, etc. I'm going to, as Tips says, be a rebel though, and take the plunge.
And, Tips, happy BD and Thanksgiving to you if you're scarce in the upcoming days.
LFP glad the book is clicking for you. Yesterday my husband and I had lunch out -- he had two beers I had none. He was tired and lethargic the rest of the day. I felt great LOL. I think it's even dawning on him that there is merit to not drinking. Really, folks, it's the brainwashing as described by J Vale that tricks us into thinking there's anything good about alcohol.
Crunchy, let us know what you think once you get started on the book.