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    Hi Guys, thanks for the input. Now that I'm 51 and otherwise ridiculously healthy, this is a sign to eliminate this one last thing. I do have an appointment with my dermo/plastic surgeon. When I was in two months ago he noticed the rash, and immediately said something about liver function and sent me for the blood test. I think that 6 weeks of AF must have cleaned up my liver results, but obviously he was right on the money. I'm going back in a couple of weeks so it should be cleared up by then. This is very recent and a major wake-up call. How good it was just on my arms and not some oozing boil on my boobs or something!

    @UW, I love living at the beach and take advantage of it every day. I live in Marina del Rey, so it's a 7-minute walk up to the beachy beach, and across the street there's an inland beach in the marina where people keep their boats. The air is amazing in the morning! Plus there are mountains for hiking about 15 minutes away. The surf along all the Cali coast is pretty rough. But south of here, down to San Diego, there are some inlets and marshy areas with lagoons where you can boat and swim without the surf. I'm from North Carolina, and the same is true there, if you are facing the intercoastal waterway instead of the open ocean. NoCal can be chilly in the winter -- I lived in SF for three years and had a boyfriend in the extreme northern county of Humboldt. That place is primitive! I don't go in the ocean here in Venice as there is a "water treatment" plant a few miles south and a big pipe that spits it all out into the ocean. If you're googleing for places to consider I'd look at Encinitas and places south.



      How good it was just on my arms and not some oozing boil on my boobs or something!

      Now that's funny Crimsons.

      And, hey, thank you for the Cali tip. Would love a change of scenery but inertia keeps us here. I'm not sure why mentally it's so hard for me to think of moving. I think about it all the time but don't ever act on it. We don't have to stay here. But, we built a really cool house, and we're on a pretty property. I (and my husband) just have a little obsession about the water. I don't even go in it - just feel wondrous when I'm looking at an ocean. Anyway, thank you for the tip. How sick that companies can dump into the ocean - makes me really sad.

      Keep us posted on what the doctors say!



        Thanku...i will buy it. I just hate this constant "thinking" about drinking all the time. Its so draining and Ive become so under confident with people because of drink. Its robbing me of everything i love. It is definately a drug and i wish i would wake up and smell the coffee. Bella XXX



          crimsons;1196010 wrote: Hi Guys, I got my blood results. Surprisingly, everything was very good. However, I have had this recurring skin rash in the last year that I knew was booze-related. Why that didn't show up in the blood work? Who knows. But after my one-nighter after six weeks of AF, it not only recurred, but I got it on the other arm. What it is, is a subcutaneous purple sort of marbling, and at one point it broke the skin. Yesterday, a pinpoint speck on my *other* arm bled for several hours -- I was having a business coffee and my companion noticed I was bleeding. Not just bleeding, it was a river, all over the place.

          This is kind of funny; we both looked up at the ceiling. Must have watched too much CSI. Anyway, I have no explanation for either, but it's 101% clear to me it's related to AL consumption. And this is weird. I am SO relieved. Inside I want to teetotal, and have been doing so lately, as it will obviously make life so much better. But what is making me actually commit is that I don't exactly want my arm oozing blood during a business meeting, etc. How's this for a weird post?
          Not sure if you're saying both arms are having the same issues or not. If it's eczema like issues on the one arm then the candida info is definitely worth researching.

          The bleeding arm sounds like you did thin your blood and broke a capillary and possibly a tiny scratch that caused this profuse bleeding. Bioflavinoids as a whole will help strengthen the capillaries but in particular Rutin is amazing. Perfect for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Of course, if it continues or gets worse you should consult a health care practitioner.
          Psalms 119:45

          ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

          St. Francis of Assisi

          I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.




            @Ringing, it's not eczema, and not sure about candida, but I know it's directly caused by AL. My dermo/plastic surgeon noticed it. I fessed up to him, we agreed he would NOT write it down (doom for insurance costs to me if it came out) and so we're going to look at it again after another couple weeks of AF. So I'm getting this taken care of and cleared up. I have been enough of an idiot for 10 people's worth regarding AL, so I think I can stop being such now.

            @UW, where do you live? Maybe you could just take a scouting mission to SoCal and check out the area! It's quite amazing being near the beach, when I open my patio door in the morning I'm like WTF? Do I actually live here?!



              crimsons;1196299 wrote: @Ringing, it's not eczema, and not sure about candida, but I know it's directly caused by AL. My dermo/plastic surgeon noticed it. I fessed up to him, we agreed he would NOT write it down (doom for insurance costs to me if it came out) and so we're going to look at it again after another couple weeks of AF. So I'm getting this taken care of and cleared up. I have been enough of an idiot for 10 people's worth regarding AL, so I think I can stop being such now.

              @UW, where do you live? Maybe you could just take a scouting mission to SoCal and check out the area! It's quite amazing being near the beach, when I open my patio door in the morning I'm like WTF? Do I actually live here?!
              Well if you're into natural at all it sounds like the Rutin is going to strengthen your capillaries.
              Psalms 119:45

              ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

              St. Francis of Assisi

              I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.




                I will check out Rutin pronto! And thanks.



                  crimsons;1196306 wrote: I will check out Rutin pronto! And thanks.
                  My pleasure.
                  Psalms 119:45

                  ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                  St. Francis of Assisi

                  I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.




                    Bella - glad you're going to give the book a try. Be sure to let us know if it helps!

                    Hi RC!

                    Crimsons, we are definitely taking a SoCal trip. We just got back from a Northern California 10-day vacation - I think I posted about it. We started out in San Francisco and took Hwy 101and 1 all the way down the coast. We stayed in towns all along the way. It's lovely. But, I think the wind and cold winters might get to me. We live in Too F**king Hot Texas. We're in the Hill Country, so it's very pretty as far as Texas goes. But, it's nothing like being on a beach. And, our beaches are yuck! We won't be able to go for a while, but when we do I might pick your brain again and get more suggestions.

                    I looked online at real estate in Malibu and saw manufactured/mobile homes for $750,000. I nearly died - can that be possible? Absolutely blew me away. Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo look good too. I'm incredulous over the prices. I can't even imagine what my house would cost there. So we'd definitely have to dumb down in real estate if we were ever try to relocate. I think it would be worth it, but then how do you know until you actually pull the trigger? We will definitely have to come and stay in different places because moving is such an ordeal!

                    Anyway, thanks for the insight - it is VERY helpful to hear how someone who actually lives there feels about it.


                      THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                      Hi Unwasted!

                      First of all, I am already on page 99 of Jason Vale's book, and it's really hitting home. Secondly, yes, the pricing you saw for real estate in California is absolutely right, unfortunately. I live in Santa Barbara County, so I speak from experience. It is a beautiful area, and I've lived here all of my life, but the prices are so ridiculous. I never even realize HOW ridiculous it is until I hear from people in other states!! Whatever you decide, I hope it all goes well for you. And thanks again for recommending the Vale book, I think it may be what I needed. I posted in another thread that I have 204 sober days so far this year, but I still felt "deprived"...this book is making me re-think.

                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                        K9Lover;1196430 wrote: Hi Unwasted!

                        First of all, I am already on page 99 of Jason Vale's book, and it's really hitting home. Secondly, yes, the pricing you saw for real estate in California is absolutely right, unfortunately. I live in Santa Barbara County, so I speak from experience. It is a beautiful area, and I've lived here all of my life, but the prices are so ridiculous. I never even realize HOW ridiculous it is until I hear from people in other states!! Whatever you decide, I hope it all goes well for you. And thanks again for recommending the Vale book, I think it may be what I needed. I posted in another thread that I have 204 sober days so far this year, but I still felt "deprived"...this book is making me re-think.

                        Psalms 119:45

                        ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                        St. Francis of Assisi

                        I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                          THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                          K9, amazing job on your sober days. I really think this is so much of a trial and error process. And, if we keep getting better and trying not to drink as much, that is success in my books. If we can lessen the damage and just keep building upon each milestone, that's really commendable. I think whatever makes us the most comfortable not drinking is the best thing. You know, the more naturally it comes, the more we'll actually choose not to drink rather than feeling miserable when we don't drink. That's absolutely the best thing about the Vale book. He tells you things that make not drinking a choice you can be comfortable with rather than thinking you are experiencing a great loss.

                          Do post back as you keep reading - I really hope it helps you. I feel like I keep picking up things along the way and that I get stronger because of these bits and pieces. I'm reading a book now on self hypnosis. Supercrew inspired me to want to learn more. I think it will be interesting. It's not at all about the stereotype we have in our minds about hypnosis. Again, I think it will be a positive addition to my thinking tools.

                          Thanks for confirming the California prices - it's absolutely astounding. I keep thinking, wow, someone (lots of people I guess) have gotten mega wealthy off of the natural beauty. Way back when developers were so smart - they get to capitalize on what nature gave them for free. Wish I had thought about moving there a long time ago. Do you recommend any areas in particular for beautiful beaches? Crimsons likes Encinitas. What do you think about San Diego in general?


                            THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                            @UW, not only are the mobile homes expensive, the land lease is usually well over $1000 per month. But you can get a very nice place inland -- here in the Valley (Reseda, Lake Balboa) or around here (Culver City, Mar Vista) for a decent price. I was selling real estate for awhile and sold my friends a lovely townhouse for $384K in Culver that actually has an ocean vista (it's about 4 miles away).


                              THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                              Crimsons, thanks for this information. We're looking at booking a trip right now - thinking of flying into San Diego and just going up the coast to Encinitas, etc. I think we'll do several trips to explore different cities. What do you think of San Diego as an interim place to rent/live while we narrow down where we actually want to end up should we decide to move? We had planned to do a regular vacation in the distant future but we're now thinking we might do a few long weekend trips here and there to explore. Thoughts on that modus operandi?

                              Are you saying that when you get a property on the beach that you don't really even own the land? You just lease it for $1,000/mo?

                              Sorry to hijack this thread with real estate questions everyone. I can always PM you Cali people with questions (if you don't mind).

                              Hope everyone is doing well. Thanks!


                                THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                                No, keep talking. This is interesting. We're not focusing on alcohol because WE DON'T drink.

                                I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                                ? Lao-Tzu

