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    Go Crimson

    That is wonderful! Great that you did that and felt
    that way. Way to go!
    I got my new hiking boots today. It is great to
    feel so much better.
    Let's not go back!



      Congrats on the continued weight loss and health choices , Crimsons. Thank you, Anne, for posting your experiences.

      I know I'm posting about this a lot, but it helps me to think through it if I write it down and hopefully get feedback. So please forgive me if this is too much or is repetative. The Easy Way/Jason Vale method of stopping drinking is so opposite of what we have been conditioned to believe that I think it would be tough for most people to get unless you keep at it or have really had enough already.

      Even the whole thing about not counting sober days.... It seems to be so innocuous, such a little thing to celebrate, what could possibly be the harm? It seems like most people on this site know either exactly how many days they've been sober, or at least their anniversary dates .

      Well, its like celebrating an anniversary of not robbing a bank. Why would you do that? It's just one more thing in this book that seems to be pretty controversial. I for one would love to eventually be one of those people who doesn't even count. Just some thoughts.....



        Awesome Crimson,

        I have the same feeling, I was tempted the other day but decided to flip thru a couple of pages here in this site and read a few pages of the book and then felt the urge to go to the gym and that's what I did.
        Felling better.

        AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
        As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.



          Looking, I read the book too and lasted 7 days which for me is a long time - I counted the days too. But fell off the wagon. I'm working up the motivation to get back on. Biggest thing was on the 5th day started developing chronic heartburn which I already take meds for - booze surprisingly suppresses it. Because when I started drinking again it reduced quite a bit. But I think I'd rather have the heartburn and not the hangovers. Not going to re-read the Vale book yet - I hope he's wrong about not being able to use his method once you've relapsed.



            Quitting Time, I think for the book to work, you really have to get the message and be ready for it. I think if that takes several reads, that it will still work. (I'm counting on that). I didn't drink last night, but I did have a few moments of "I would love a drink to help me go to sleep earlier". Also, " I'm really bored tonite, I could really use a drink". I Went through the book mentally and told myself that alcohol makes everything 1000 times worse and does the exact opposite of what I think it will do.

            I posted elsewhere about the boredom....alcohol caused me to not develop any hobbies or interests, it caused me to isolate and drink in the evenings.... Alcohol made me the bore that I am today. It's time to reverse that.

            I think the hang up for me is..... The fact the alcohol does absolutely nothing for us. In the case of your heartburn, it seems like ialcohol did help you get over it. In the case if boredom, it seems like alcohol helps you feel a little better. That temporary feeling is real. I think that I have to think about the very temporary "lift" alcohol may give us at time as just that, ..... only momentary. I know if I have a drink to help me through these times, I'm already fighting the urge for that second one within 5 minutes and I just keep going until I'm out of it..... Essentially rendering myself unconsious to what is going on around me.

            I need to balance that momentary lift against all the sh*t that comes drinking. Also, its important to remeber alcohol caused all of the negatives in the first place. That the only way to see the real truth is about alcohol. The problem is that it is human nature to look at an immediate fix, it's more difficult to focus on the long run, even if that long run is just a few hours away.

            Realizing what alcohol has done to me as far as boredom and loneliness is concerned started making me mad (at alcohol) and hopefully, I am so mad that I really want to witness the death of this monster.

            I am hoping th become one of those people who really gets the message and has absolutely no urge whatsoever soon. I think I'm getting there, after every read I'm understanding more and more.... So don't give up and read the book as many times as you have to to get the message.



              Looking for Peace - couldn't have put it better myself. Enough of the boredom/bore crap. Time to find a life! I'm a quick reader so know I'll have to read it a few times just to cement that message
              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi




                Just wondering if anyone has seen Unwasted around lately? I know she was going to give moderation a try, and I was just wondering how she?s doing?so if you?re here Unwasted, let us know how you are!

                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.



                  K9, hi.

                  I came back to see how others are doing and saw your post. I've been doing absolutely no drinking during the week but some on the weekends. You know, I think I'm still leaning toward being totally AF, but I'm just not quite there yet. I'm just liking alcohol less and less, and I think eventually I'll naturally move away from it. My big issue is out in a social setting - I just find it so hard not to have a drink at that time (and I do tend to drink more than I should in certain settings). Conversely, when I'm at home I'm not tempted in the least. So, I guess I'm in a good place overall but there's still something in general that bothers me about alcohol. I think the book really did change my thinking in a fundamental way, but I still crater when I'm out and about.

                  I've been reading a book on Buddhism and feeling like I really need to head down a spiritual road. I've been pretty atheistic all my life, but something is definitely missing. I like a lot of things about Buddhism (although it's not a religion but more of a way to live your life). When I get back from my vacation I might actually go to a Meetup called Buddhism 101. The book I'm reading now is called A Burning Desire: Dharma God and the Path of Recovery by Kevin Griffin. He is an alcoholic who ties Buddhist principles to the steps in AA. It's a really good read. One of the main "precepts" of Buddhism is not drinking because it takes you away from being mindful (which he describes in great detail along with other Buddhist principles).

                  So, that's where I'm at - always exploring and learning, and I think always trying to move away from alcohol. I'd like something to replace the void I think I try to fill with alcohol (what I call the God void). We'll see....

                  Hope you're doing well -- I need to go read around the site a bit to see what's happening. I'll be in your neck of the woods this weekend for a really quick trip starting in San Diego and driving to Laguna Beach.

                  Take care:l



                    After reading through this thread, I researched the Jason Vale book and did the "look inside" on Amazon and I will try to obtain a copy very soon. There is so much positive feedback about it, I am curious to read it myself!
                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                      THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                      Hi all - I am so glad you are keeping this thread alive. I am not able to get online for long enough to do more than a quick read - most days - but still love checking up on everyone and seeing how "a day in the life" is going for everyone!

                      I appreciate your total honesty Unwasted. Keep us posted on how this is going for you. If you are able to MoD - you are rare. There are few people who have had past problems with AL that can go backwards in time and undo that cross over to addiction. With that said - there ARE those out there! Few as they are - it can happen. I think the secret is being totally honest with ourselves and making sure we are not deceiving ourselves. Only time can tell for sure - but time does tell. If Jason is right - it's just a matter of "time". The fact that you are honest with this forum - is a good sign that you will be totally honest with yourself. Your commitment to a better & healthier life for yourself is so evident. Hat's off to you.

                      I am AF and know how quickly that can change - not because I want it to - not because I plan on ever drinking again - not because I am not guarding each day with all that I have .... but BECAUSE I have been AF before and let it all slip away with ONE decision that turns into MONTHS of drinking for me. I HATE that side of me, but know myself well enough to know that it CAN happen. I think that is where the "one day at a time" comes in .... as much as I dislike that saying. It really is the only way one can live.

                      I really loved Jason's book. In this journey of Addiction ... all of the education we can fill our minds with does help. I know I stand a much better chance of never drinking again - and never smoking because of all of the facts I've pounded in my brain. I'm not saying it is a MAGIC pill so to speak - but over time It really helps me. To think about what I am actually doing to my body with all of this poison - helps move me thought that day with out the poison.

                      The main thing that is helping me get better and better is my desire to truly GET HEALTHY. That includes diet, exercise, supplements - all of the things that MY Way OUT is about (minus the drugs ... I hate the drugs - just more poison IMHO).

                      Here's to everyone's HEALTH!

                      Keep the thread going and keep us all posted!
                      Put your hands over your heart - and tell yourself that you are going to guard this essence of who you are with everything. Alcohol opens us up to darkness and depression instantly. You choose love today. Guard it by keeping the poison out of your body. It IS poison.

                      NF - May 2, 2013 (cig free Jan. 25, 2013)
                      AF - July 31, 2013


                        THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                        Hi Rita - nice post, and thanks!

                        You sound like you've got a really good mindset for how you're perceiving alcohol. And I think you're right about the critical aspect of honesty. The tricky part of alcohol for me is when I get "swept up" in a moment. I don't seem to be able to step back, ask myself "do I really want to do this" and walk away from a social setting where everyone is "yeehaw." And, the fact that I don't "tie one on" that often makes it even a little dicier, I think. You know, people who absolutely know if they get started they'll get back into full-blown alkie behavior have a much bigger incentive to say no than someone like me who can get away with periodic binges. The one party night doesn't trigger me getting back into a bad place, so it's pretty easy for me to justify the one occasional night of fun. I'm not sure whether to just accept it and say, ok, I'm going to be hungover every now and then, or try to elevate myself out of it. I guess that's why I'm looking at a replacement in the form of spirituality.

                        Your comments about being healthy are something I relate to very strongly. The realization of just how toxic and harmful alcohol is, even it we don't do it often - that realization is key for me too!

                        And, you know, I think one day at a time is an okay way to handle all of this. You know, whatever works, right?!

                        Anyway, I'll keep checking back and reporting -- hope you'll do the same. Good luck and stay strong! I love your quote, by the way - lovely!


                          THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                          Hey Unwasted

                          Just curious-"occasional night of FUN ? "
                          don't get me wrong-you were my inspiration when
                          I came here and you still are. Your clarity
                          and honesty on the subject are wonderful
                          But if fun is still defined as fueled by alcohol
                          then maybe that's something to consider.
                          I don't know-just sayin'.
                          It can't be fun for me because I will no doubt
                          put myself and/or others (driving maybe) in
                          harm's way. So for me I have to find fun elsewhere
                          and not in a bottle


                            THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                            I've read 1/2 of the book, "Kick the Drink" and have been enjoying not drinking all day. I have had moments where I think of gettting some beer, but I remind myself that I don't want to. I can, if I want, but I'm enjoying NOT being drunk. It is relaxing.


                              THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                              Ann, you are right - my fun is defined by over 40 years of habit. Maybe what JV has missed in his book is the hard-wiring changes our brains undergo after all that time. And, maybe meditating and overtly trying to change my brain that way will make a difference (that's what I'm reading about now). Whatever it is, it kind of takes over. I've also bought a book on self-hypnosis with ways to train your thinking so you can walk away totally from alcohol (among other self-hypnosis tools).

                              I'll keep working and posting -- I may get there. But, I know I have to truly want it and the amount I'm drinking is such a non-issue........having said that, though, there is something in me that would really like to be away from it 100%.

                              Issa, the longer you're sober, the better it gets. That's why I do think I'll end up being totally AF even though I'm moderating very successfully.


                                THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

                                Unwasted -- I have to say, when I read your posts through this thread I have mixed feelings. But you are really being 100% honest here and I appreciate that. Truly being honest with yourself is one of the key components of this journey (In my humble opinion). There is only one thing I know for sure about quitting alcohol abuse -- You have to want it 100%, and it takes time to get there, but I think you are doing all you can and I congratulate you on that. I believe books of any kind are just tools and not the end all. You are the only one who can change your life with your decisions your make and desires you have.

