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It Starts Today

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    It Starts Today

    Good morning world. I loved the 10 commandments Unwasted posted and I shall make that part of my daily plan - plus a few of my own messages that help.

    1) I am coaching (work) during the witching hours this evening so that should help distract me.
    2) Read commandments plus a few of my own aspirations.
    3) Eat as soon as I get in the door. I did that yesterday an AL did not knock on a door with a FULL stomach. Ha ha take that beast!
    4) Gingerale is fully stocked so that will be my drink of choice if the water isn't quite doing it for me.

    Time to do some housework then a bike ride in the mountains with a friend this afternoon.


      It Starts Today

      So good to see you Meech.
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        It Starts Today

        Hey Meech,

        Love your list. What do you coach? Sounds interesting.

        Keep up the good work....You sound really in to it.

        Bike ride sounds fun. I went for a long walk/jog this morning with doggy to waterfall area. Lots of trails and small creeks with a big waterfall. I find being outdoors really clears my head and it is a number one priority to being grounded and sober for me.

        Take Care...and keep on keeping on


          It Starts Today

          Meech;1183097 wrote: Thanks JC,

          I'm tired, very tired of this cycle. I really have to be strong and realize that there is no easy way out. Just have to do it no matter what. I can never just have one, never.
          I am here to Meech!:l Let us know what your plan is and we will help!


            It Starts Today

            Hi Meech,

            Checking in to see how you are doing? Weekend is coming up. Will that be hard for you? My husband has been gone all week and is coming home for the weekend (travels a lot in Fall). This is a trigger for me...We usually reconnect over a beer, so as you suggested, I bought some ginger ale and will give it a try.

            Hope you are feeling strong and wishing you a sober weekend.


              It Starts Today

              Well after my class last night I could have easily swung by the beer store on the way home. But I forced myself to think of just going home and enjoying the delicious meal I cooked earlier for my family and I. So that's just what I did. And after dinner I relaxed with a very sparkling, cold gingerale. Phew!

              Hi Techie, Thanks for the message. I signed up for something crazy next year. Can you guess what?

              Gotta Stop - thanks for the hugs and words of support. Right back at you. :l

              Windy - Actually I have to work Friday and Saturday nights. So for me the weekend is actually quite a sober time ....except Sunday nights when I'm done (that's when my weekend begins!). HOWEVER I am in a relay trail race on Sunday morning and my hubby too. So I hope the whole REWARD trigger doesn't come banging on my door Sunday night. That will be a true testament of my committment.

              PLAN FOR SUNDAY (this will be a VERY difficult evening avoiding the BEAST)

              1) Gingerale or some other sparkling AF beverage
              2) Read over and over my commandments (that Unwasted so brillantly posted)
              3) EAT EAT and EAT when the witching/reward hours hit. It really really helps to stomp out the cravings.
              :boxer: I must stay strong so I don't disappointment myself and everyone here who I have made this committment too (Windy


                It Starts Today

                Yea Meech! If you truly are fed up with the hangovers, the tiredness and the poison robbing you of your best life, then you can do this!! AL is Poison, AL is Poison! Just keep repeating that to yourself!

                You and I have had many conversations about how to get over the triggers, how to change your thinking etc. I won't rehash those now. I know how unhappy you really are and I pray that it will finally click for you. You have so much to give-to your family, to the community, to us. Please believe in yourself. I want nothing more than to see this time stick. Seriously-what is the worst thing that will happen if you don't have that first drink???? Try answering that question whenever you feel you deserve a reward and that reward is AL.

                100 days is a nice goal but in reality is it always ODAT.

                Much :h and :l coming your way!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  It Starts Today

                  Papmom - I almost cried (well maybe a few sheds) when I saw you post on my thread. I didn't see any posts/threads from you at first glance and wasn't sure if you were still posting on MWO. We have definitely shared many conversations. And you have always supported me.

                  I had no doubt that you were still doing very well and most likely enjoying your sober life. You are a big inspiration in my life. I am so proud and happy for you.

                  I have a few new tricks up my sleeve to fight the beast this time around.

                  AL is Poison. What is the worst thing that can happen if I don't take that first drink? There is no worsts (except maybe immediate self gratification which will quickly turn into misery and regret). When you don't drink , there's only BESTS.

                  I missed you and I'm glad I'm back here to get the support I need to kick this and get on with a great life.



                    It Starts Today

                    I'm still here Meech. Mostly post in the ABS threads but I was bored at work and looking around and saw your post so I had to jump on!!

                    Every day you don't give in to AL, you become a little stronger, A little more self confident, a little prouder until one day the "embarrassment" of turning down a drink or the struggle of getting through the reward trigger goes way and it becomes second nature to say, "No Thanks! I'll have __________" and you naturally find a different way to enjoy a reward for a job well done or a tough day gotten through. But you will never get to that point if you keep giving in. You've got to change the way you think about AL and what it really does for you.

                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      It Starts Today

                      Hey Meech! Welcome back! It's great to see you here. Never give up!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        It Starts Today


                        Stay strong on Sunday... You can definitely do this....Reward yourself with something...just not beer. I look forward to hearing from you on Tuesday, or before if you need some help. Good luck too on the race. I would love to hear more about it. I love trail running myself and would love to get my time and stamina up there a bit.

                        It truly helps me too to know I have made a solid commitment to you.


                          It Starts Today

                          Well something I think I have not done yet is to put a list of REWARDS that are healthy.

                          Hmmmmmm, I don't have much of a chocolate or sweet tooth but....
                          • I could really use a massage the next day after the race.
                          • I love SushiIce cappacinno (spelling). I never order these because they have too many calories. Ha isn't that a joke. How many calories in 6 beers!!!!

                          Something Mom of 3 mentioned on another thread - Take your little helper phrases in your purse to read. So I am going to bring my commandments and phrases with me to read over and over after the race.

                          Hi Doggy Girl - It's so very very good to be back. Back on track!

                          Papmom - I do feel a little stronger then a week ago. I am 3 days AF and I definitely won't drink tonight I work and have a trail race in the morning.

                          I WILL CHECK IN TUESDAY WITH SUCCESS!

                          Now I have to write out my commandments because I just discovered my printer is completely out of ink. I think they say when you write things down they stick better in your subconscious.

                          So good to wake up 3 mornings clear headed and ready to take on the day!!!!!


                            It Starts Today

                            Okay I'm checking in on Thursday not Tuesday.

                            But with Success!

                            I have been travelling and working a tonne so I have not been able to get on MWO.

                            I have a bit of a head cold and it's yucky outside so a good day to rest.

                            Hope everyone has a great sober day!


                              It Starts Today

                              I swear by oil of oregano. It's awful tasting but works. I just drink the real gingerale. More calories but still less than beer.

                              I was not taking my vitamins, D and stuff so I think that dang virus snuck in.

                              Hope you are over your flu from hell!



                                It Starts Today

                                Yes I did a trail race last Sunday. It was great. One more race at the end of this month and that's it for this season.

                                I did something rather crazy....I signed up for my first Ironman for next year. So I really need to not have AL poison invade me if I want to succeed. I did a half Ironman this past summer and it went really really well.

                                And although I took the full Ironman race out of my bucket, there was a little voice inside me that kept saying "you should really do just one".

                                So now my base training begins. Although I am taking it easy this week with the cold. Had it almost licked but did a 10km trail run last night in the rain (dumb) and now the cold is back stronger than ever.

                                How about yourself?

