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Army Thread 27th September

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    Army Thread 27th September

    Thanks jackieclaire. I read it and asked a couple questions. I do not think it is going to help me. Maybe I am too crazy. Maybe I am too sane and the rest of you are too crazy. I do not know. I do not even know how to tell. I do not drink a lot right now. A six-pack a day is a lot for me right now. Sometimes I can drink 9. Before, I could polish off a case without even blinking. I would probably sound smarter after a case than I sound right now!

    I'm losing it. I am not drinking much at all for me but I am losing it. I do not know what to do. I guess no one else knows what I should do either. That pretty much sums up my life. I think I have always been in a strange place and it is a stranger place than even people here know. Maybe even with drinking so little right now I am way crazier than people here could even grasp. I am sorry because I was asking a lot.

    I took a risk coming out. I was angry and hurt and I wanted to help so other people would not feel the way that I felt. I did not want more than that when I first posted. I kept posting and I asked a lot. I am sorry.

    I will keep reading but I do not think there is anything for me here. I'm just too damaged, too crazy, or something. I am sorry to all the people who tried to help me. I can't help it. I think I am just too messed up. I will keep trying to figure it all out. Thank you for being here anyway. It is sometimes nice to read here even if no one knows that you are reading. In someways it is better. There is not pressure or anything. There is no idea of having to measure up and no fear of making someone angry or hurting feelings or anything like that.

    Anyway, thank you everyone who welcomed me. Please keep welcoming people.

