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Jan 5 - 100 days from today

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    Jan 5 - 100 days from today

    Hi Meech,

    I am doing GREAT! I am really quite surprised how good I feel. I have to wonder - Was I really feeling that BAD that I feel so much better? The poison does make us feel like sh$$. I noticed as I was trying to cut down, that even small amounts were affecting me adversely. Truly is poison.

    I saw the commandments and thought is was really good. It is a good idea to come up with some of your own. That should be in my thread so I can revisit it when the going gets tuff.

    Have a wonderful, sober day too!


      Jan 5 - 100 days from today

      Hi Windy,

      So Glad everything is going well for you.

      Remember make a PLAN for this weekend when your hubby gets home. If weekends are a trigger for you.

      You can do this. It is a journey we shall share together. Be strong this weekend.

      I will be going away Sunday/Monday so if I don't check in tomorrow (I may be too busy) I won't be checking in again until Tuesday.

      Sunday will be my real fight to make the right choices.

      Let's look forward to checking in Tuesday to discuss our SUCCESSES.

      Read those commandments. They helped me last night. And Gingerale!!! Yummy



        Jan 5 - 100 days from today

        I am here sober. I don't count days as much anymore so I would have to look back on the days but I didn't drink at all this week and I won't be drinking tonight. Week 19 starts tomorrow for me and I am free. Best part is the little bit in my mind that was saying that sober life is getting boring finally left because he knew that I wasn't listening to his lie. Sober life is far from boring. At least I am not drunk off my arse and or hungover.
        I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

        Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

        Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


          Jan 5 - 100 days from today

          Hi Drifty Alison,

          Week 19 is GREAT....good for you. I want that so bad. Of course, not the number, but the time. As you described it, as life getting better - resuming hobbies, finding new ones, exercising until my butt hurts, tasting food again, climbing mountains, LIVING LIFE the way it was meant to be lived. I will look to you for advice when I am struggling, if you don't mind.

          Hi Meech, Stay strong Sunday and good luck on the relay race. You can reward yourself with many things that do not include alcohol and I bet you can think of a few...Something special that you may have been wanting to do for awhile or a big piece of chocolate cake...whatever you's yours....but not a beer. You won't be happy with that.

          Sometimes I feel a little misunderstood about setting a 100 day goal. I don't count days either, but I do believe milestones are an important time for reflection. I am not ticking down the time until I reach that magical day. I am really taking this one day at a time and realize the importance of that. It is not the number I am hung up on at all, but I needed to make a long-term, public commitment, to really be serious about this. Believe me this is the first time I have ever had enough courage to do this in front of so many noble people. AND I DO feel quite serious. If I fail I will not give up the fight ....ever.

          My plan for the weekend is read as much as possible and get plenty of exercise outdoors and eat when hungry. I also need to organize some kind of short term/long term list for goals and future desires. I am not drinking enough water, so that needs to be done also.

          I am glad you're here and I offer my support to you whenever you need it.


            Jan 5 - 100 days from today

            Windy - Seriously we are so on the same page. I too don't want to count 100 days and then say well I have done that now it's time to get super drunk.

            The only time I have EVER gone any length of AF has been when I have made a committment here at MWO. If it's a 12 day cleanse, 30day, 6 week...which I have accomplished. Those are the longest sober stretches I have done. Yes I have gone back to drinking but it's a start to what I hope my ultimate goal will be AF forever.

            When I say ODAT I tend to make it ODATT (the 2nd T meaning tomorrow let's have a beer today!).

            And although with this 100 day committment it really is ODAT (I truly believe that I have to take each day at a time). However I need a stronger/bigger promise to myself and to publically announce it here at MWO to be AF for 100 days that will force me to start the one day at a time.

            Does this make any sense?? I'm probably not explaining myself very well.

            We are all very different (which makes us human) and obviously many many different forms of treatment work for people.

            I made the 100 day committment not so I could go 100days AF and then go back to drinking. NO WAY. I want to say 100 days because I'm hoping once I have got that many days in I will be out of the habit, made new healthier habits. Some of the long term absteiners say after a big chunk of AF time it gets much easier. So I am hoping after 100days I'll be able to do a life time.

            Sorry to babble on.....

            Enjoy your reading, outdoors and gingerale!!


              Jan 5 - 100 days from today

              Meech said:

              Does this make any sense?? I'm probably not explaining myself very well.
              Oh yeah, It makes perfect sense and you explained yourself perfectly well...Exactly what I am thinking....I am glad you can read my mind...I sometimes don't feel like I get my point across. You get it...


                Jan 5 - 100 days from today

                Windy how are you doing?

                Sorry I haven't checked in with you yet this week. Been travelling and working.

                Today looks like a good day to catch up on MWO. Battling a head cold right now so even more gingerale for this girl.

                Let me know how you are making out. Good bad or anything. Hope to hear from you soon. :l


                  Jan 5 - 100 days from today

                  Hi Meech,

                  Sorry to hear about the cold. Every once in a while, I think I am getting a cold and then it doesn't materialize. I hope yours doesn't last too long. Try some hot ginger tea?

                  Thanks for checking in. I am doing great and getting on in The Journey. Nothing too overwhelming...I had a sober birthday this week and some situations with the kids have been stressful. My youngest daughter is learning to play the piano and played "Happy Birthday" for me. What a great gift.

                  There are some things I need to finalize in my personal plan, so I have been thinking about that (a lot).

                  I don't know how that question mark got there. I meant to put it after "have some tea". Grrrrrrrrr and I can't get rid of it....bizarre


                    Jan 5 - 100 days from today

                    I have been sober for 10 days and I realize that if I am going to make it to January 5th, I'd better get a plan and stick with it. So I have a few simple things I need to work on that I think will help.

                    1. Continue to exercise and ramp it up a bit. I have been inconsistent. Some weeks I feel really motivated and invigorated and other times I let responsibilities get in the way and throw me off schedule. So..From 7:30 a.m. until 9:30 Run/walk outside as much as possible weather permitting, and if not, use the equipment in the basement for cardio at least 5 times a week. Lift weights 3 x a week to add strength to my wobbly muscels. Do some yoga. Long-term goal is to do some serious hiking/backpacking this spring/summer and carry at least 30 extra pounds so that I can sleep under the stars on top of a mountain.

                    2. Drink enough water and herbal tea and less coffee.

                    3. Revisit what works and what is NEEDED for supplements.

                    4. Eat healthier and loose 30 pounds, so that carrying it up a mo untain will be simple. But I can throw it off my back if I need to. :H

                    5. Learn how to use my new MAC beyond basics. Another thing regarding computers is to use my time wisely. I seem to be wasting a bit of time.

                    6. Do something creative. I love to draw and sew and my scrap books are a mess. I can always bake something for someone too. This suggestion is from Byrdlady. Thank you. Gardening is always a work in progress. I have been working on a rock garden for about 8 years and it still needs some TLC.

                    All of this is great and needs to be done and I CAN do it, the hard part I am having is really finding what makes me whole and honoring that. I have a hard time being honest with myself about the true person I am. I have a vision of myself, but I wonder sometimes if it is correct. I would like to have more confidence in my vision of myself. I also don't like focusing too much on myself. I'd rather focus on other people, and keep the focus off of me. That's probably not always a good thing.

                    OMG --- I am more babbling and then I am done.....

                    I did it, wrote it down....Pretty darn vague really. I will fill in the blanks as I get more organized, but I need to start on the above tomorrow with vigilance. I have been taking HRT's for sometime now and would like to quit soon, so that is incentive. All of this is pretty simple, but I am having a hard time with motivation.


                      Jan 5 - 100 days from today

                      Hi Windy. I like your plan so far! I think you are wise to keep re-visiting. I changed a lot of things along the way to make mine work optimally for me.

                      When I read the part about how you want to focus less on yourself, I thought "volunteer work." That is something I started doing along the way after I got sober. I find it very rewarding and centering to get my head out of my own stuff for awhile every week. Just a suggestion!

                      Congrats on 10 days! I remember those first 10 days feeling like forever. Time will start flying before you know it!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Jan 5 - 100 days from today

                        Glad you are getting a plan in place! I have found that reading over my commandments and self aspirations really seal the AF deal in the evenings. Plus making sure I eat before I get too hungry.

                        Like Doggy Girl says the plan is a work in progress and will change and be tweaked as you discover more about yourself and your goals through this journey. Excellent advice on the volunteering!

                        Great job on 10 days! :goodjob:


                          Jan 5 - 100 days from today

                          Windy, how are you doing? I haven't seen a post here in a bit. My support for you always no matter what. Okay?



                            Jan 5 - 100 days from today


                            Thanks for checking on me. I am doing GREAT and looking forward to my third week of no booze. I have been checking in regularly on the "Newbies Nest". It has been easier than I thought, with the odd feelings at the witching hour. I've substituted wine/beer for Life Water and once I have finished my evening meal, have no cravings. It's just that damn 5:00 p.m. time to dinner time that my mind still wanders to out of habit.

                            How are you getting along?

                            Doggygirl -- I have seriously been thinking about volunteer work for some time now. It is definitely a part of the the plan. I am still thinking of the different organizations I could contribute to. I don't want to over think it though, as I might not move on it. I am glad you remind me of this and how important it is.

                            This weeks plan is to run/walk around 20 miles per week and work on muscle toning. Eat less food with sugars in them and remain vigilant with the supplements.

                            Husband left beer in fridge and left for 5 days. I must determine what to do with it....(I am tempted to toss it down the toilet and let him know that's exactly where it ended up:H, but that would be selfish.) I could leave it there as it is in the basement and ignore it...or put it in the store room and let it become warm. I don't think it is going to tempt me, so I am going to leave it alone.

                            Find something creative to do...Lots of things I am considering, but it is time to commit to one thing.

                            I think I am spending too much time on line, so I am considering a time limit.

                            :thanks:I want to take time too, to THANK everyone for their support (especially Meech). I don't think I could do it without this continued support group.

                            Have a peaceful week.


                              Jan 5 - 100 days from today

                              I am 143 days af, and I can enjoy spending times with friends without the drink, and without the hangover the next day.
                              I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                              Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                              Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                                Jan 5 - 100 days from today

                                Isn't that a lovely thing to know. Never a hangover to experience again!!

                                So GLAD you are doing great Windy!!! Awesome!

