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Anxiety fixes

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    Anxiety fixes

    Oh my, I am having some major and unprecedented anxiety. I'm treating with exercise, hot baths, good nutrition. Any other tips would be very welcome.

    What set me off was going to a professional seminar where I felt like the participants were guinea pigs for this lady screenwriter's messed-up little narcissism party. Then I started feeling inadequate, and the next day the anxiety hit. Actually looks pretty silly as I'm writing this!!

    But I'm happiest sticking to practical things I can do, rather than wallowing in these feelings...what do you do for anxiety?

    Anxiety fixes

    exercise definitely
    planning things to do so you have stuff to look forward to
    listening to music

    sometimes helps?
    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


      Anxiety fixes

      Hi Crimsons, I totally relate to the anxiety thing. If you have an iPad, iPhone or an iPod touch, there are many apps some , of which are free or a dollar, that specifically reduce stress. I just recently got one that is called Anxiety Free. If you can remember to use it when you need it, it can help calm you down. if you don't have any of those, there are many anxiety reducing breathing and meditation CDs on Amazon or ITunes.

      The excersize is really big, and I myself have been very neglectful of that for the last couple of months and will have to overcome the inertia that has developed around me and just do it!

      Good luck!


        Anxiety fixes

        Thanks guys, those are great suggestions. I waked today with the same anxiety so I'll try those. Have a MacBook pro and iPhone with iPod, so will get the anxiety app. Haha! Anxiety app! Wish I'd thought of making that...


          Anxiety fixes

          An anxiety app. that's a neat idea. Thanks.


            Anxiety fixes

            The apps that I have are Brainwave (it uses binaural beats and kind of feels like a tuning fork is vibrating your brain a little), Ambiance, Realx and Rest and Stress Relief. I think if you search under the following topics: stress, anxiety, relaxation meditation and hypnosis, you will find a lot to choose from. If you find any that you like, please let me know. Have fun with them!


              Anxiety fixes

              Try this

              Emotional Healing Arts Meditation Workshops |

              Lots of free guided mediattions there that help me out a lot
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Anxiety fixes

                I found the Brainwave for Android too. I'll let you know.

                I'll try chopra too.


                  Anxiety fixes

                  Looking for Peace - thanks for that tip. I struggle with anxiety too and it hadn't occurred to me to look for an iPhone app but I just downloaded the Anxiety Free (for free!). Certainly worth a go! I've also been working on the diet, exercise, supplement angle and have just started taking a low-dose of Lexapro. Also have an appointment with a therapist who specialises in anxiety coming up.

                  For me it was the horrendous anxiety I was feeling - particularly on the days post binge drinking - that pushed me to really look at my drinking. I just couldn't take it anymore! After just 10 days alcohol free the anxiety is notably better, if far from totally gone. Today I felt it building up and took myself to the gym. That helps for sure, even if temporarily.


                    Anxiety fixes

                    Lilly, sounds like you have a really good plan. Good luck to you!


                      Anxiety fixes

                      Excercise and diet(supplements and meals)

                      I know some of these are basics but they bear repeating.
                      This is my regiment that helps me.

                      Getting a good nights sleep--reading an hour before bed. No computer screen or tv--those things will hype you up=more adrenalin=more anxious thoughts and feelings.

                      Glass of water upon rising and eat within 30 mins of getting up. Eat something substantial.
                      IE-not fruit loops.
                      Eating early and eating good will keep your anxiety levels lower than they would be without eating. Because what happens, when you dont eat, your brain is going to get its food (glycogen) one way or another. One way it does that is by releasing adrenalin and temporarily raising its glycogen levels. When that adrenalin is released, you will be physcally pushed into fight or flight responses. Balanced blood sugar =stable.

                      Get some excercise and sunshine. Take a walk, barefoot even

                      Supplements- Vitamin C, Niacin, a B Vitamin Multiple

                      my newest addition, Lithium Orotate. Natural, no side effects (other than good ones). Was great for manic anxiety (worrying, thinking too much etc) Some other folks on these boards have had some good success for it too. Oh and its cheap!

                      Hope that helps.
                      ?Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.?
                      ― Albert Einstein

