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My husband, Scott

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    My husband, Scott

    Scott is a wonderful man, a fantastic father, and was trying his damdest to support me in the only way he knew how. Heck, he was trying. I ripped his heart out by looking elsewhere for support. He loves me very much and I love him. Very much.
    Since yesterday, being away from him has been awful. I have been forced to take a hard look at myself. I was loving getting attention that made me feel good. It was incredibly selfish. I've been called a spoiled brat.(not by him, by someone else close to me). It's true. Being away from him and the reality smack that I have had to face today is awful. He gave me everything, and I let my addiction turn into a tool to harbor resentment against HIM for him just wanting to be a better person.
    I'm an ugly drunk. Mean and ugly. My own mother tells me so. She is here right now, by the way.
    Why did I let this website and another man pump me up so much and not turn to the person who had loved me? I think I felt the love was conditional. Only if I wasn't drinking and hurting him. But I have ruined family times by drinking too much. Now this. Aside from some lack of support in the spring when he had just had enough of me ruining good times, he has tried so hard. And I looked elsewhere. Maybe because I completely hadn't gotten over the hurt as well. I didn't let it go. Mad and confused about the goddam alcohol problem. I said bad things to him and about him. All fueled by alcohol. Stuff I don't even remember.
    I miss my husband. It didn't take long to realize I want and need him in my life. Not long at all. I am done with self destructing and hurting everyone around me. I have to leave this website and I hope you all understand. I need to focus on winning my husband's love back. Whatever it takes. For as long as it takes. I can't live without him.
    Scott, I love you. I was wrong and I am so sorry. I don't know what to do to make it up to you. I will try every day for the rest of my life.
    I miss you already. I pray we can get through this and rekindle the flame we had when we first got together. Remember the passion? I want it back more than I can express.
    Please forgive me. I have to go beg forgiveness from everyone I've hurt. It's going to be a process, but I will do it. Anything you want.

    My husband, Scott

    Please keep in touch via phone ok? Or e-mail. I understand why you need to go but I will miss you, so please please when you are ready keep in touch. :h
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


      My husband, Scott

      Try to be kind to yourself Becca. You may be all the things you say, but please, find your inner strength, try not to reinforce the traits you dislike about yourself. Turn them around if you can. Take your own quote to heart.............. believe in yourself and your ability, your inner kindness. Do what you need to.... the problems will get resoved somehow.


        My husband, Scott

        Good luck, Becca. We're here when you need us.
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          My husband, Scott

          Becca and Scott
          I wish you both the best - the BEST - and I am praying you will work this out. I know you will. Bec - you are wonderful. You do whatever you have to do. We will miss you but we understand. You dear, sweet person - our arms are around you and we support you 100%. Now, go do what you have to do and keep us in your heart.
          Love Jen
          Over 4 months AF :h


            My husband, Scott

            Becca...all the best to you and Scott.



              My husband, Scott

              all the best!
              Do what you have to do.


                My husband, Scott

                Sounds like a good start Becca. I believe you are right. Complete, complete focus is what you need to save your family. I think it is very good to leave this board behind for now.

                Best wishes, Good Luck. I think you can do this.
                Luv, C


                  My husband, Scott

                  Understood Becca-

                  All the best.

                  With love,


                    My husband, Scott

                    Becca - I am grateful to Allie for clarifying everything in an earlier post. My initial reaction was the same as many others - and that was to support Becca and curse Scott. Not right since I never met the man and knew none of the details. For that I am ashamed. I am happy to learn that there is love there and you can and will work on this. You deserve the best and your husband deserves a fairer shake than I gave him. So to Scott, my apologies. I wish nothing but the very best for you and Scott as you try to work things out. I understand the need to leave and direct all your efforts to putting things back together. Please take care of yourself. Thinking of both of you.


                      My husband, Scott

                      Becca and Scott,
                      I wish you the best. Please move through this and see the love that you have for one another. Addiction is nasty and evil Overcoming it takes a group effot with the love and support of a loved one.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        My husband, Scott

                        Becca, Of course you will be missed here but you got to do what you got to do. Again I admire your courage and honesty. This had been such a hard process and I hate to see you suffer but you have turned out all the stronger for it. I'm so happy to hear the two of you are trying to work it out. Much love and happiness for many years to come for the two of you.
                        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                          My husband, Scott

                          I just got home as I had to fly out the door right after I started the previous thread. I was almost afraid to come see what the responses were because I was very afraid to say too much, but wanted to say enough to make sense.

                          I just want to tell you how proud of you that I am. I am choked up reading what you have laid out and I am so glad to see the Becca I know again -- the fighter that you are, the winner that you have always been. Its not how many times you fall down, but how you finish the race. Its been an emotional few days, so I wish you peace and hugs and I will leave you some space now. But you know how to reach me and I look forward to hearing about this incredible romance that I know is about to begin again... you and Scott are two passionate people who are just awesome together. I could tell.

                          Scott -- you amaze me with your strength. I will sleep a lot better tonight knowing that a miracle has truly occurred here :happy: :happy:
                          What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                            My husband, Scott

                            Becca - you NEED to take some time away from here. You need to learn to breathe again. You need to find a calm and tranquil space. Your mind needs to stop spinning. It may take a while.

                            But know that you have friends waiting in the wings.

                            God, I am so thinking of you both.


                              My husband, Scott

                              Becca...I don't know you dear...but my gran always used to say...'There are two sides to a broken window, strange that seein' as it's made of glass, we can't always see that'......
                              I wish you and your husband the very best, and trust that you find the time now to work through everything that may have contributed to the situation in a positive manner...he sounds a duck, and I KNOW that you are from threads I have read...quack happily in your pond together with your little ducklings......

                              Much love Weemelon xoxoxo

