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Broken Hearted

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    Broken Hearted

    This is not Rebecca. This is her husband Scott. I have never met any of you and have only spoken to a few of you. I cant believe I am on the website pariticipating in the very thing I partially blame for the desrtuction of everything precious to me. Unfortunately it is my only means to communicate to the very people who described me as a monster and a villan. I am not perfect. I have never been under the dellusion that I am. I am a man who gave every ounce of his heart and soul to a woman who didnt love him. Alcohol was my wifes crutch to the love for me she was lacking. Because she was the woman of my dreams the trade off seemed fair to me. I could be with the most beautiful person I had ever known as long as I let her drink at will. The booze made me everything to her that I could never really be. After years of this masquarade I wanted to experience the true love I believed in without the assistance of alcohol . Asking for sobriety from Rebecca and eventually getting it (to some degree) only brought out my worst fears. NO matter what I say or do I cannot make her love me. Amidst her longest stretch of sobriety she discovered what she describes as her dead heart. She loves me, the father of her children. She is not in love with me her husband. I am hurt beyond all desrciption. I constantly feel like I am choking on the very air I breathe. The lesson I would like to leave with is you dont have to be an alcoholic to use alcohol as a crutch or cover up for true feelings. You dont even have to be the one drinking.

    To Allie: you are a saint. I didnt know people like you existed.

    To Alec: Hold on to Allie tight. She is a shooting star. They dont come along very often!

    To everyone else: Please dont judge to quickly. There are no bonus points for rushing to judgement. Dont lose sight of why we seek support and counsel. It is not to empower ourselves or validate our opinions. It is to gain insight in to the events in our life, and make sense of that which we do not understand.

    To Rebecca: I have loved you since the very day I layed eyes on you. You were my dream girl. I only wish I was your dream guy. I accept and understand that I cannot use my sheer will to make you love me. As we move on in life I hope you find yourself and realize the true potential you have. This world is a better place with you in it. I want you to find sobriety so you may realize your potential. If you never become the person you are capable of...a life has been wasted.

    When God decided to redecorate the world...he gave us Rebecca. She made it beautiful.

    Broken Hearted


    That was a really touching post. I'm surprised you came to our sight to reach out like this. You show a lot of courage and honesty. I sincerely hope the two of you works things out. I know she loves you too. Read her latest post. She says she cannot live without you. I wish the two of you much love and peace this Holiday Season.
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      Broken Hearted


      My heart aches in the deepest way for both of you. I wish you both peace.



        Broken Hearted

        In the interest of both sides

        To all involved ...

        In the interests of both parties involved,

        We all understand how painful this must be for all those involved. To that end, a number of us have decided that is time to request that those interested seriously consider before posting under this thread. We all care deeply for the individuals involved - Becca, Scott, and their children. Allie and Alec are also involved as they have generously thrown in as friends with their endless love and support. Please let them continue this work privately, in a dignified manner.

        Thank you for your generous consideration and respect,



          Broken Hearted

          Dear Scott and Becca:
          This is Alec, Allie's husband. I am very proud of you, Scott. You have hung in there and poured your heart out on this site as well as to me and Allie. You are in a hard place now but I promise it will get better. It is strange how hearts can be knit together when we have never even met but Allie and I are knitted to you and Becca and you both know that Allie and I are here for you.
          Becca, talking to you today I know you have turned a corner. From one couple who has been through it to another couple going through it, YOU CAN MAKE IT. It will be hard work but i know you can both do it. Allie and I are here for both of you. Please know that.

          Allie has been on this site for a year now. In that time I have seen her grow tremendously. I have seen the victories and the little slips. What I watch for most is how she responds in the times of slipping. She has responded tremendously well. With all she has had to face the last few months I am so proud of her. The slips are so much farther apart now. The victories are so much more and so much more frequent. Allie, I love you so very much. With all we have been through the last year I know that I love you more now than the day we were married. Allie has had to forgive me more than I have had to forgive her. I am so greatfull for her willingness to forgive me and give me another chance.

          Becca and Scott, you know our story. You can make it and we will be here with you to help you through.

          Love to all and Merry Christmas,
          What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


            Broken Hearted

            Dear Scott and Becca:
            This is Alec, Allie's husband. I am very proud of you, Scott. You have hung in there and poured your heart out on this site as well as to me and Allie. You are in a hard place now but I promise it will get better. It is strange how hearts can be knit together when we have never even met but Allie and I are knitted to you and Becca and you both know that Allie and I are here for you.
            Becca, talking to you today I know you have turned a corner. From one couple who has been through it to another coupe going through it, YOU CAN MAKE IT. It will be hard work but i know you can both do it. Allie and I are here for both of you. Please know that.

            Allie has been on this site for a year now. In that time I have seen her grow tremendously. I have seen the victories and the little slips. What I watch for most is how she responds in the times of slipping. She has responded tremendously well. With all she has had to face the last few months I am so proud of her. The slips are so much farther apart now. The victories are so much more and so much more frequent. Allie, I love you so very much. With all we have been through the last year I know that I love you more now than the day we were married. Allie has had to forgive me more than I have had to forgive her. I am so greatfull for her willingness to forgive me and give me another chance.

            Becca and Scott, you know our story. You can make it and we will be here with you to help you through.

            Love to all and Merry Christmas,
            What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


              Broken Hearted

              God bless you Scott. God bless you Becca.


                Broken Hearted

                I am hoping the best for you Scott and Becca. Scott, thank you for coming here. I can not even express how my heart aches for both of you. Please take care.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Broken Hearted

                  I want to wish both you and Becca only the best as you try to sort through this. I know that you are both in pain right now, and I grieve for both of you as you try to deal with this. Lots of love to the kids.....

                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Broken Hearted

                    Scott, I don't believe for one minute that Becca doesn't love you. I am so sorry for both of your pain and hope you both find your way through this darkness.

                    I am sorry if I added to your pain. My compassion gets the better of me and I sometimes get carried away. Please take care of yourself.


                      Broken Hearted


                      It took alot for you to come here and reach out to us. One personal note; I've told Becca on several different occassions that you have similar goals for her as my hubby has for me. When I saw Becca posted that she would be looking for an apartment, my heart wouldn't allow me to accept that you would not fight with everything you have...blood sweat and tears.

                      When Becca and I were hanging out in New York over the summer, I knew she was the one for you..The way her eyes got so bright when I told her I thought her wedding rings were beautiful..

                      Hold on with all your strength, and remember the kids need both of you!

                      Happy Holidays


                        Broken Hearted

                        I feel I owe you an apology. I'm guilty of being judge & jury, while only hearing one side... But hey, You can't blame me too much for loving & wanting to protect Becca. I am sorry for not giving you more credit, when I've never even met you...
                        I do wish nothing but the best for you both.:h

                        I do hope you have a wonderful Christmas... the best yet!:santa: :lilangel:
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          Broken Hearted

                          Dear Scott,
                          Firstly I am sorry for thinking the worst of you and I just wanted to let you know your thread has really made me stop and think. I have blamed my husband for many things and have always thought secretly that if this changed or that changed "I wouldn't drink as much!" That is not true and also the thought that becca doesn't love you is also untrue! I do know from my dealings with becca that she does loves you but unfortunately us alcoholics or problem drinkers (well most) have a lower sense of self and a misguided mindset that makes us sabotage anything that is good.
                          I truly wish only the best for you both and your children.
                          Could you just let us know how you are getting on?
                          Much Love
                          Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                            Broken Hearted

                            All, thank you for your kind words, understanding, time, apologies, and all the other generous acts of kindness you have shown. I am doing remarkably well. I have found a lot of things in my life that I was searching for and some that I wasnt. I found that the love I have for my wife is greater than I ever imagined it could be. I found that both a beautiful woman and an alcoholic existed in my life. They are two different people. Once I learned to seperate the two I could stop blaming just one of them for the pain I felt. I found friends in places I never would have looked. I found out that I do have the ability to have a deep conversation and open my heart to people trying to help me. I could not fix this on my own. The most important thing I found is that my wife does love me...IS IN LOVE WITH ME. The feeling I get from recognizing this is beyond anything in my wildest dreams. Not only was this terrible tragedy of events recently a wake up call to her, but a wake up call to me. I openly promise to my wife and anyone close to us who cares the following things...


                            I will love you unconditionally forever. When forever is over, I will ask for more time with you.

                            I will appreciate all the small things...winks, kisses, hugs...even just being in the same room with you.

                            I will never let a moment I could enoy with you slip through my fingers.

                            I will undertand then ask to be understood.

                            I will never blame you for things you cannot control.

                            I will take all the energy I used to waste being angry, frustrated, and resentful and use it to make our marriage better.

                            Most importantly...I PROMISE TO KEEP MY PROMISES.

                            This will be my last post. I dont want to make friends and run, but I am typing instead of my wife. Thank you for your kind words. Thank you for supporting Rebecca. The best way you knew how. We all love her.



                              Broken Hearted

                              I am praying for peace, healing and strenghth for you and your family.

                              What a wonderful gift you have given each other!

                              Hugs to you both,
                              :h :h :h :h

