To Allie: you are a saint. I didnt know people like you existed.
To Alec: Hold on to Allie tight. She is a shooting star. They dont come along very often!
To everyone else: Please dont judge to quickly. There are no bonus points for rushing to judgement. Dont lose sight of why we seek support and counsel. It is not to empower ourselves or validate our opinions. It is to gain insight in to the events in our life, and make sense of that which we do not understand.
To Rebecca: I have loved you since the very day I layed eyes on you. You were my dream girl. I only wish I was your dream guy. I accept and understand that I cannot use my sheer will to make you love me. As we move on in life I hope you find yourself and realize the true potential you have. This world is a better place with you in it. I want you to find sobriety so you may realize your potential. If you never become the person you are capable of...a life has been wasted.
When God decided to redecorate the world...he gave us Rebecca. She made it beautiful.