Jeez Happy your av made me jump.
No announcement yet.
Zyra B, pass me the bundy will you love? Thank's. No, no, spa temperature is great, thank's. Yep, a little rub there would be beaut. Ah, what soft hands you have. Are you in sales? :h
Techie. Can you change the music please! We've had bloody Fleetwood Mac for the last 3 hours! Just because Tawny likes it.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Well, Mr G was there earlier. But maybe you missed him in the crowd. I distinctly heard him when I popped in. He was in the spa, surrounded by crumpi. Mind you that was the more raucous bit of the place. I didn't hear the Vivaldi, but maybe that was because in the short time I was there I couldn't resist having a dance while Meat Loaf was doing his thing!!
But I didn't see our host all night!!!But thank you Techie - it was a fun party!!
Beautiful morning here and I'm off to deliver political propaganda around our neighbourhoodNever give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Hiya Missy, Yep - great night was had!
So ... if you need another foodie idea, this was a bit of a hit yesterday as a sort of intra-course palate cleanser - very cold watermelon, feta & sumac. Got gobbled up in no time.
Have a great day, Undies
Morning doodyheads, dangleberries and assorted accoutremonde`,
Yum re above.
Watched the WORST dvd last night 'Just Go with It' Adam Sandler (so I should have known eh?) There's 2 hours of my life that I'll never get back.....LOVE Vivaldi, should have been here....If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
Playful...[/video]]Antonio Vivaldi: Flute Concerto Op.10 No.1 - YouTubeI'll do whatever it takes
AF 21/08/2009
sumac did a brief stint here and I loved it. However it seems to have gone out of the shops in the last year. What is it and how can I do it at home????
Bridge - does your boy now sleep until midday?? Mr B's boy has been doing so. Right after demolishing a huge amount of food this morning! Teenagers are a bit fascinating!!
Pork roast for Sunday lunch with Mum coming up. She has a big soft spot for Mr B and his boy, which is quite funny as she is a very strict Catholic and we are "living in sin". But she seems to overlook that :H
It is a gorgeous day here and after last night we are going to head into town again for the Oz vs South Africa match. While I will be staying quietly neutral, I'll be thinking of you all as your teams do their thing. :lNever give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Morning Undies and International Guests!! I could eat that watermelon right now Froglet...looks delish. Bridgee, Bridgee what posessed you? Adam Sandler?? goes without saying, although I've got to admit I turn on his movie's hoping for the best but..sadly..not to be...
Hi Tipps, any clues as to where Piglet might be???
Its a bewdiful day here today, so different from yesterday at the same time it was pitch black. Have B&I late business lunch (??) this arvo northside so will potter this morning to get my head into it...and a very clear head it is too, she said smugly...
X-posted Missy!! and YES on the sleep/eat factor....also on pushing the boundaries as to how late they can stay up. Also - weirdly - now they've discovered that wine I had the other night had no alcohol they want to try some.....advice please...remember they are 16, 14 and 12....and its the two older ones... though I really think its the novelty, plus anything I have they want.
Happy I really dont know!! It is one of the few things that Mr B and I disagree on. Given our culture, and my family history!! , I am pretty much opposed to giving teenagers alcohol in any form. I think that I developed my habit and attitudes very early in life and I would change it if I could. But I have the Irish gene!! Mr B comes from a European background and has no problem with his kids having the odd glass of wine on special occasions. I wouldn't have so much of a problem with that if his daughter (now aged 22) didn't display some worrying signs now. I went ape-shit when Mr B gave his boy a glass of champagne (diluted) on his birthday this year. However Mr B is a "normal" drinker" and he says that he had had first glass of champagne at the same age.Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Morning Doodyheads near and far,
Marvellous sleep in here, and med session #3 done and dusted. Thoughts come and go, and i just return to me breathing. (for anyone vaguely interested :H)
You like Vivaldi Jonesy? Well, have i got something for you....
Not sure what i'd do re a glass of wine around the table for a teen Missy. (Or non AL Saucy)I suppose they'll get the opportunity to try it soon enough elsewhere. But the genetics can definately be a factor, but not the only factor. Hard to know which way they'll go until a bit later on i think?
Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi! Is that how it goes?
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-