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    Hiya RC and Cinders, nice to see you both.

    Just back from the grocery shop. This whole thing is definitely a roller coaster ride of emotions. I started crying and was really upset, in the line to pay for the groceries. It all kind of hit me like a brick wall. So I laughed at the ridiculousness of it while I cried and apologized to the checker. All I can sa, is lucky hubs is so understanding and lovely. He simply hugged me, and chuckled with me.

    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington



      Hi Sunny. You ok now?



        If anyone needs a good laugh its me...this is the latest "venture" Mr Happs is looking at:

        16 Lester Street, Auchenflower, Qld 4066 - House for Sale #107848501 -

        Words cant describe it....



          myhappyplace;1193390 wrote:

          Words cant describe it....

          Hydroponic beans!!!!!!



            tawnyfrog;1193394 wrote: Perfect!

            Hydroponic beans!!!!!!
            :H:H thats better - I let myself have two emoticons there, hope you dont mind...

            The feature wall was a cracker...zebras on wallpaper


              UNDIES IN OCTOBER

              Okay battening down the hatches again...another big storm on its way in...

              check this - the arrow is pointing to where we live - and the notice on it cracks me up.

              Severe Thunderstorm Warning - Southeast Queensland 1


                UNDIES IN OCTOBER

                Yea Haps, HUGE storm just left us.
                Feeling better now.
                Watching some good stuff and well fed now.

                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                  UNDIES IN OCTOBER

                  sunshinetoday;1193423 wrote: Yea Haps, HUGE storm just left us.
                  Feeling better now.
                  Watching some good stuff and well fed now.
                  Thats good to hear. Yep, storm moved fast and we got a crap load of hail and lost power for a bit...settling in with the crew now and watching rugby...sort of


                    UNDIES IN OCTOBER

                    Rugby....blah. Is anyone watching the Oz game tomorrow?
                    Hubs is going to watch it I think, I will read.
                    What's for dinner peeps?
                    You all are probably chefing it up in the kitchen.

                    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                      UNDIES IN OCTOBER

                      Morning all Spiders on drugs, folks titting up, books that change yer loife, and of course doodyheads everywhere, and not forgetting my favourite place to sit when i'm in town, the cheap seat's, and the good company you find there.

                      Mental health week here finished up with the mental health festival yesty in sunny Williamstown, which i attended with some crazy folk. I thought i fitted in well with me cap with the spinning propellor on top, and my water squirting flower attached to me lapel. Nice sunny day, and good vibe. My thoughts are it must continue each year, but it must foster much more participation from services and the public. More info/stall's, but a good day out and look forward to next year.

                      Sunny, i'm no AA veteran, having attended only 5 meetings in my life (last 3 yrs.), but i do hear people reckon that meetings are different and sometimes we have to try out a few to find a more comfortable group. I'm surprised at those old bugger's turning you away like that. A meeting i've been to 3 times now, in town, seems to get an average 20/30 people attending, and all ages, and is very welcoming. Hope that hasn't turned you off too much in case you feel you want to try it again. For me, i'll go again, and see where it leads me, and how i feel. AA mightn't be for everyone, but my attitude at the moment is i'll take what i need, and leave the rest.

                      Have a great day everyone. Nice pad Techie!

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        UNDIES IN OCTOBER

                        Morning Undies and Internationalists, gorgeous day here hanging in the cheap seats...might read back if its not too scarey else I am orf and away, stuff to do starting with a walk (Mt Warning here we come). Good to see you back amongst it Zen.


                          UNDIES IN OCTOBER

                          Hi Undies,

                          Been a while since I have posted but I check in regularly. Now, I am watching the Jonathan Ross Show on BBC1 (yes how sad is my life on a Saturday night?) and he talked about the Scottish Golden Spurtle Award in Carrbridge ? well I just had to post to you guys. Come on guys I thought you?d be there, well actually I thought I?d be there with you, so what happened?? Check out the site at 18th Annual Golden Spurtleā„¢ World Porridge Making Championship

                          Love Dewdrop :h
                          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                            UNDIES IN OCTOBER

                            Morning all,

                            Well, Dewdrop, I'm soooo happy that Neal is getting another spurtle tattoo! They're so attractive, don't you think? And as for that John Boa ... well ... what can I say. Gaelic singers rock!

                            Happy - a hot bath will await you after your Mt. Warning endeavour.

                            All other ebullients - have a lovely Sunday. Cold, grey and windy here but ... above them clouds .... you know the rest.

                            Hey Raggsy - you home yet?


                              UNDIES IN OCTOBER

                              Back from training - hi Froglet - not Mt Warning till end of year...will need to get a bit fitter before then...George tried to hump the tai chi ladies in the dog park, no manners...

                              Mmm dinner tonight:


                              cant wait! This is where we took Piglet for photos.

                              Hi Dewdrop! Spurtle mania kicks on...


                                UNDIES IN OCTOBER

                                Hello Undies!

                                Have just packed off Mr B and his boy back to his Mum. Boy told us last year that he wanted to live with us for his secondary schooling at a public school that is very close and very good - but at the same time told his mum that he wanted to go to an incredibly expensive boarding school that is close to where she lives. He was enrolled there without Mr B's knowledge and now has an attachment to that idea even though it is financially impossible (Mr B has very intermittent employment and his sons mum is on a benefit!!) Lots of hard talking here this week, but also lots of possibilities opened up. We will just have to see how everything evolves. Things haven't been very nice over recent months, but although an easy solution isn't in sight, we have, through lots of talking, come up with some new thoughts about how things might be resolved.

                                And after every discussion that we have had, and the things that we did afterwards like watching DVDs or playing Trivial Pursuits or Risk, I was just so grateful that I was sober and not having my judgement impaired.

                                IN other news, foster cat has had the all clear from the SPCA, so she has been introduced to the other cats. Wookie is always very welcoming, but Betty has her nose out of joint :H

                                Spring has sprung and the grass is riz .... must get out there next weekend with the spray gun !

                                We went to see the Wales-France game last night at the local pub I was a little bit anxious about doing that - both for me and for the boy. However, it turned out to be fantastic - lots of families, lots of younger aged teenagers in groups and almost no-one drinking :H What a turn-around!! Everyone was gutted by Wales defeat though::upset:

                                And 4 years out I am betting on a Wales win in the 2015 World Cup. They certainly deserve it.

                                ABs vs Wallabies tonight .... I know that other Undies aren't particularly enthusiastic about the rugby so I will hold back on my comments!! But it will be a very close match I am sure.

                                Hope we will all be on good terms in the morning

                                I'm sorry I haven't had much energy to read back over the last week. I've read stuff, but haven't really taken it in as I have pretty much been absorbed in my own stuff. I'm going to have a wee snooze this arvo, and then will hopefully be back to normal tomorrow!!.
                                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                                Harriet Beecher Stowe

